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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

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On 11/20/2019 at 5:59 AM, Hunter2_1 said:

It's very campy, fundamentally. The developers have admitted to catering for new players, and it's translated into the most successful strategy being to sit in a room, claymoring the entrances, closing the doors and waiting for someone to walk in. It's very hard to stay alive (staaaayin' aliiive) when you go outside, it seems. Quick time-to-death. 

Maps are bad, it's too easy to get spawn trapped and there are SO MANY routes and avenues, you need to constantly be covering your 6, 3, 9, 12...everywhere. Maps are a maze, and that always increases the unpredictability.

Pretty much this. The maps are terrible and literally make rushing impossible, I've never seen so many time limit matches (games that end in time limits) in my life, not even Ghosts was this bad when it comes to that. The devs themselves even said they designed the maps to cater to bad players.

They said they're bringing back classic remastered maps from MW1-3, but let's be honest, they're just polishing a turd. Half the maps will still be unplayable unless they make a separate playlist for them, which they know that everyone will just flock to that if they do and abandon the individual game modes, and they don't want that, so I wouldn't bet on it.

Here's the interview clip BTW:


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I just picked this up and feels good to be whoppin on kids again after a 4 year COD hiatus. The maps blow but I’m still finding it very enjoyable playing on realism mosh pit. Level 22 and haven’t really run into much of the camping issue I’ve been reading about

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1 hour ago, Cheesehawk said:

I just picked this up and feels good to be whoppin on kids again after a 4 year COD hiatus. The maps blow but I’m still finding it very enjoyable playing on realism mosh pit. Level 22 and haven’t really run into much of the camping issue I’ve been reading about

It's solid. I reccomend playing gunfight with a friend. Easily the most fun I have on this game.

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Yup, like we all feared, Vacant, one of, if not THE best map in Call of Duty history is filled with safe spaces. It's littered with doors for claymore camping and a ladder for rooftop headglitching:

There's your signed-and-sealed confirmation that bringing back classic maps WON'T save this game.

Ever since Zampella, West and co. left, IW has consistently made the worst CoDs and this seems to be continuing that trend.

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On 12/7/2019 at 1:00 AM, Cheesehawk said:

I just picked this up and feels good to be whoppin on kids again after a 4 year COD hiatus. The maps blow but I’m still finding it very enjoyable playing on realism mosh pit. Level 22 and haven’t really run into much of the camping issue I’ve been reading about

Depends on the game you play. I play a lot of objective based stuff like Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed, Domination, ect and there is next to no camping. Its super fast paced and crazy like normal. If you play Free For All, campers are everywhere.

Problem is, the maps are garbage made for randomization to cater to noobs. There are so many different buildings, pathways and corners that you cant protect yourself without camping in a building watching 2 doorways. You will just die at random because you cant keep an eye on the 500 different places a enemy can be when your running into an area. 

I used to be a really good COD player but I find myself hovering just above a 1.0 K/D in this game just because you have 5-10 uncontrollable deaths each game just because there are so many windows, hallways, twists and turns on every map for enemys to be running around.

That Picadilly map and the St. Petrograd map are the 2 worst COD maps Ive ever played. There is also a whopping 7!!!!! total normal 6v6 maps. Seven. It makes the game get boring really fast when there are only 3-4 playable maps in the game without getting into giant map 20v20 kill streak madness.

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On 11/22/2019 at 4:26 AM, Hunter2_1 said:

This is pretty bad, right? It's been a while but I remember playing Cod4 for literally years, MW2 for a year, BO for 2 years....

How is this game lasting only a few weeks of enthusiasm? That is a total, total flop.

Its been that way for the last 5 CODs at least. The last COD that I got more than 3 months of playtime out of was BO3. It had the stupid specialists but the maps were really good and the skill gap was still there for better players and the killstreaks were actually effective. That game was essentially the only good COD in a long time

If you havent played the game in a while, apparently Infinity Ward is sending idol players email surveys asking what they need to change to make you come back to the game.......wow. Its 1 month into launch and the player count is so low that they are asking players how to fix it lol

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1 hour ago, RavensfanRD said:

I just think what it is is that the maps are pretty trashcan. I think their only saving grace will be this battle royal mode. But if the leak is correct, that sounds pretty stupid as well. 200 players? Like c'mon, relax...

Yeah, the map is massive. I probably prefer a smaller map with 100, but I won't know until I play it.

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Shipment is officially a clusterfk in Modern Campfare:

The new IW is godawful. They can't even get remastered maps right. The new Vacant is filled with safe spaces as well. Doors for claymore camping everywhere. Gee, why am I not surprised?

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