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~~//~~ Pro Wrestling: Road to Wrestlemania ~~\\~~


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8 hours ago, Pastor Dillon said:

They missed a chance for an epic moment.

Imagine the smackdown roster mowing down everyone like they were doing and then suddenly they stop in their tracks and have a stare down with Braun Stroman. 

Stroman could have deciminated the group at first before falling to the numbers or better yet they could have put off big shows surgery, put off the kane vs Stromna fued and had the 3 of them take down the smackdown roster....would have been great. 

I was thinking the same thing! 


Sami is so good, I’ve been saying for years he should be champ. 

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5 hours ago, pollino14 said:

I was thinking the same thing! 


Sami is so good, I’ve been saying for years he should be champ. 

They'll save Braun looking like an unstoppable beast for when RAW invades Smackdown (which will probably be the go-home show before Survivor Series, if not the week before that).

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3 hours ago, Texansfan713 said:

raw didnt respond?   weak!

Braun's still out "injured," Joe hasn't made his return from injury, and... let's be real, they're going to hold out hope that Roman will be able to recover from the meningitis quick enough to be on the team, so they'll hold out for at least two of those before doing the invasion.  I mean, fair bet that Miz, the Miztourage, (and the way things would stand right now The Bar, unless one or both have earned their way onto Team RAW), and Kane aren't going to be coming to Kurt's aid and, kayfabe-wise, would care more about themselves than brand loyalty.

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WWE just played the entire fan universe, and they did it to perfection. Why have raw attack the next night when they already know that ratings will be up for that week. Save it for the next or two weeks later. 


I kinda like how instead of just announcing teams they are going to draw it out. They have 3 more Raws and 3 more smackdowns.


My best guess is for Smackdown: Shane, Orton, Nakamura, Styles and Owens. Basically a face team wit Owens probably winning his way onto the team. Thats the best team that Smackdown could field.

Raw is even more difficult because who knows if Joe and Reigns are both able to go. If they are, the team should be Angle, Reigns, Joe, Balor and Stroman. Maybe they even set up a match at Survivor series of Kane vs Stroman for the last spot on team Raw. That would be pretty good. 


I love Rollins and Ambrose being tag champs, but I dont really like the way the WWE has created so many divisions. I would like to see Rollins and Ambrose as tag champs but still chasing other belts as well. Rollins is the best worker on the Raw brand, right there with Styles for the best in the company. 


They could use this as a chance to switch someone. Maybe Balor turns on team Raw and he moves over to join Styles on smackdown. It would make that little moment they shared at TLC mean a little more.  

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4 hours ago, Pastor Dillon said:

WWE just played the entire fan universe, and they did it to perfection. Why have raw attack the next night when they already know that ratings will be up for that week. Save it for the next or two weeks later. 


I kinda like how instead of just announcing teams they are going to draw it out. They have 3 more Raws and 3 more smackdowns.


My best guess is for Smackdown: Shane, Orton, Nakamura, Styles and Owens. Basically a face team wit Owens probably winning his way onto the team. Thats the best team that Smackdown could field.

Raw is even more difficult because who knows if Joe and Reigns are both able to go. If they are, the team should be Angle, Reigns, Joe, Balor and Stroman. Maybe they even set up a match at Survivor series of Kane vs Stroman for the last spot on team Raw. That would be pretty good. 


I love Rollins and Ambrose being tag champs, but I dont really like the way the WWE has created so many divisions. I would like to see Rollins and Ambrose as tag champs but still chasing other belts as well. Rollins is the best worker on the Raw brand, right there with Styles for the best in the company. 


They could use this as a chance to switch someone. Maybe Balor turns on team Raw and he moves over to join Styles on smackdown. It would make that little moment they shared at TLC mean a little more.  

Joe is ready to go, he wasy cleared over a week and a half ago and was backstage at TLC.  Reigns is a the bigger issue (mostly because it turns out it's not meningitis that he's got, but rather a case of the mumps), but he's a big enough name (especially to Vince), that they could kayfabe injure someone else on the team day-of (retaliation from Smackdown for the - eventually-coming - retaliation from RAW) and Roman would be the surprise fill-in.

For Smackdown, it's possible that Owens and Nakamura both make the team, but that would have to involve Nakamura winning in their qualifying match next week (and mind you, Owens has done the job to him and eaten the pin the last 2-3 times they've been in matches together; so you'd basically be establishing a rare trend for their booking logic that Owens can't beat Nakamura - which is bad for your top heel) and then Owens going on to pull something like injuring/attacking anyone who earns a spot thereafter or him throwing a huge stink that after making everyone else qualify via matches Shane just appoints himself captain and into a spot, thus necessitating an Owens/Shane match for the final spot (which then removes Shane from the team if Owens is on).  More likely, Nakamura eats the shady loss next week and either he's roundabout'd onto the team at a later date or they do the smarter thing and have Shane/DB give him a US Title shot to compensate for him getting cheated out of a Team SDL spot - and he beats Corbin.  They've had the announcers talk enough already about how, "If ___ is still champion" (it was heavy last night) that at least one of the four titles is changing hands between now and Survivor Series.  And Corbin is the smallest draw - not to mention heel vs. heel bookings are more-often-than-not dumb.  Miz is a damn good worker and, given that it both fits with his character and he wouldn't have to see Naka much after being they're on separate brands, him putting Nakamura over STRONG could do a lot to maybe get some of that early-NXT Nakamura juice flowing again.

Also, look, I'm a big Rollins mark, but he's not the best worker on the brand.  He's just not.  His selling still lacks some (it's gotten a lot better since his return from injury) and as such, he's not as great at helping get his opponent over.  That's what a worker is - a worker is there to make BOTH guys look good, he literally "works" the crowd into believing that his opponent is better than he is.  At the moment, the best worker on the RAW brand is and has been Cesaro for a while.  Rollins as one of the best workers on the brand?  Sure.  He's on that level with Kane,  Joe, and Cena (yes, contrary to the crap people talk on him, Cena's a damn good worker when he's not booked to be Super Cena).

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3 hours ago, pollino14 said:


Rollins does some real cool stuff in the ring, but idk it seems too much  like a choreographed match. There's no emotion to it for me.

I wonder a bit if some of that's storyline as the Architect or if the Architect is storyline because of that.

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1 hour ago, The Gnat said:

I wonder a bit if some of that's storyline as the Architect or if the Architect is storyline because of that.

I honestly do not think the WWE think in that much of a complex way. Seth is a very good performer don't get me wrong, I just feel like a couple minor tweaks can really take him to the next level. Should watch more AJ Styles and HBK. 

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