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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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6 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

This is going to go down as one of the worst nights ever in Federation history.

And mind you, previous nights saw the deaths of many Star Fleet decorated officers.

It all started with screams of pain coming from the Holodeck. It seems that while @Matts4313, aka Worf, Federation aligned (as it was eventually determined via autopsy), was busy sparring with opponents in the Holodeck, an unknown assailant came threw the door and assassinated him, shooting him with a barrage of disruptor fire! While Worf tried his best to parry and take cover from the assault, he was nevertheless eventually hit by a lethal disruptor blast. By his corpse, a bat'leth was found.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship, yet another bomb exploded. Once again, while the bomb was destructive enough to wipe out yet another deck of the ship, only one corpse was found in the blast: that being the corpse of @SirA1. Or rather, what remained of it. Through the use of the transporter, they were able to eventually collect enough of the former molecules of her to determine who it actually was: Beverly Crusher, Federation aligned. It also appeared the corpse underwent a few volleys of a disruptor - who in the world would vaporize a body already blown away from an explosive? Surely, someone incredibly sadistic...

Both of these autopsies will be added to the OP momentarily. Day 5 is officially open and will end 7/7 9PM ET...

I was disappointed @Tk3...I thought we made a breakthrough 

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On 6/30/2019 at 6:47 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

@SwAg was:


Borg Queen

Queen, El-Aurian


You are the Borg Queen. Or rather, a Borg Queen. You were assimilated into the collective when you were a child, and the collective has been your home through your entire life. You were chosen internally to become a Borg Queen. You survived the destruction of your Sphere, barely, and made it aboard the Enterprise.

You are aligned with the Borg Collective: The Borg must outnumber all other living players.


  • Once per night, may target a player and receive a report on whether that player can be converted via nanobots.
  • Until the Borg Queen successfully converts a player, she is not revealed to the target when attempting to convert, even if that target cannot be converted.


 You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Nanobots (faction): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night, but factional items are not expended on use. Can attempt to convert a player into a Borg Drone. Conversion will only work on crewmen characters (Federation-aligned players who are not a member of the command staff), scum/third party characters, or Jean-Luc Picard. Only one scum character per faction can be recruited. If Jean-Luc Picard is recruited, he will be transformed into Locutus of Borg. If the conversion fails due to attempting it against an ineligible target, the user of this item's alignment is revealed to the target. 

@Matts4313 was:


Lieutenant, Klingon


You are Worf, a Klingon who joined Star Fleet. You were raised by human parents, after your real parents were presumed killed at the Battle of Kitomer. While constantly being torn between being a Klingon and being a Star Fleet officer, you've always persevered due to your honorable moral code.


You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation.


  • Thrice per game, at night, can give a phaser to another target player.
  • On even nights, instead of giving someone a Phaser, can get a report on whether target player's alignment is Federation, or not.


 You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Bat’leth: Can be used on target player to disarm (target loses all items in inventory until the end of the next night) or kill. If being used to kill, there is a 50% chance the bat'leth is broken during the attack. If attempting to kill someone who is holding a weapon, the kill fails and the attacker is revealed to the target. The bat'leth's kill can bypass energy vests.
  • Phaser: Starts with 2 charges. Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge or kill which takes 2.

@SirA1 was:

Beverly Crusher

Doctor, Human


You are Beverly Crusher, the ship's doctor. You are the mother of Wesley Crusher and have had a romantic interest in Jean-Luc Picard for some time. You are smart, independent, and dependable.

You are aligned with the Federation: Eliminate all threats to the Federation.


  • Once per night, can target another player. That player is protected from all attacks (kills and conversions) that night.
  • Once per night, instead of protecting a player from attacks, can target another player. That player is protected from being lynched the next day.
  • HIDDEN ABILITY (activated Night 1), Motherly Rage: If you target a player with either of your Role's abilities, and that player was the one responsible for Wesley Crusher's death, your action will instead kill that player rather than protect.


 You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Tricorder: To use, target other 3 other players. 2 other targets are chosen randomly (you are told who the 2 are). You receive a report containing a list of distinct alignments among the five players. Has 2 charges. Unlike other items, you cannot use a tricorder on the same night you use a night ability. When the number of other players in the game is 5 or less, the tricorder targets all other players.



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Just now, squire12 said:


  • Thrice per game, at night, can give a phaser to another target player.
  • On even nights, instead of giving someone a Phaser, can get a report on whether target player's alignment is Federation, or not.

Invest on Touch as Deanna Troi.  I think matts said this was on N2

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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

HIDDEN ABILITY (activated Night 1), Motherly Rage: If you target a player with either of your Role's abilities, and that player was the one responsible for Wesley Crusher's death, your action will instead kill that player rather than protect.

@Dome you kill me bro?

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Note that any ability marked as a "HIDDEN ABILITY" was not part of the original Role PM, but was added later based on an event that occurred inside the game. (Yes, these Hidden abilities were determined before the game started but was not revealed to the player until they were triggered).

Just so everyone is clear on what they are.

They are not included in Autopsies unless triggered.

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we got 10 players left.  

1 house duras

2 Romulan (assuming so, maybe only 1 ???)

1 borg, maybe 2 if there were successful conversion each night, if there was a failed conversion, the targeted player should know the player attempting the conversion based on the autopsy

6 federation/civilians (yes, I am counting myself in this group)

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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Note that any ability marked as a "HIDDEN ABILITY" was not part of the original Role PM, but was added later based on an event that occurred inside the game. (Yes, these Hidden abilities were determined before the game started but was not revealed to the player until they were triggered).

Just so everyone is clear on what they are.

They are not included in Autopsies unless triggered.

So based on this, SirA1 would have known who killed Orca 1.0.  Am I reading that correctly?

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