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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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13 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

This is going to go down as one of the worst nights ever in Federation history.

And mind you, previous nights saw the deaths of many Star Fleet decorated officers.

It all started with screams of pain coming from the Holodeck. It seems that while @Matts4313, aka Worf, Federation aligned (as it was eventually determined via autopsy), was busy sparring with opponents in the Holodeck, an unknown assailant came through the door and assassinated him, shooting him with a barrage of disruptor fire! While Worf tried his best to parry and take cover from the assault, he was nevertheless eventually hit by a lethal disruptor blast. By his corpse, a bat'leth was found.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship, yet another bomb exploded. Once again, while the bomb was destructive enough to wipe out yet another deck of the ship, only one corpse was found in the blast: that being the corpse of @SirA1. Or rather, what remained of it. Through the use of the transporter, they were able to eventually collect enough of the former molecules of her to determine who it actually was: Beverly Crusher, Federation aligned. It also appeared the corpse underwent a few volleys from a disruptor - who in the world would vaporize a body already blown away from an explosive? Surely, someone incredibly sadistic... A vaporized remains of a tricorder was also found.

Both of these autopsies will be added to the OP momentarily. Day 5 is officially open and will end 7/7 9PM ET...

So we had 3 attempted kills last night?...matts shot, SirA1 shot and exploded by a bomb....

Also can there be more than 2 total House of Duras?

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2 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:


Tk3 - 4 - The Orca, Tk3, MD4L, Dome
MD4L - 1 - Pickle Rick


15 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:


Tk3 - 2 - MD4L, Dome
MD4L - 2 - Pickle Rick, Tk3

Forge - 1 - the orca

Is Tk3 voting via PM or something?

Is this suppose to be Ted?

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16 minutes ago, The Orca said:


Is Tk3 voting via PM or something?

Is this suppose to be Ted?

Sorry editing VC on mobile is hard. Yeah, it was Ted and the vote was on tk3... fixed.

I thought I had the vote of Tk3 on the wrong person cause I dont recall him voting for himself so i moved it.

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So we have a few options.

1. Lynch Borg and get the other Borg modkilled or force scum to kill the other one 

2.  Lynch tk3 (duras) thus eliminating that faction potentially and removing one kill from the big board.  This would force romulans to kill Borg.  If they do not they will lose.  

3. Lynch forge (romulan) and force both tk3 and the last, hopefully, romulan to both kill borg.  

4. No lynch and force both factions to kill borg.   

Basically if there isn't cooperation between factions borg will win.  

I'd personally be all for lynching forge and forcing tk3 and the last romulan to hit md4l and potentially one of the other easy options 

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@TedLavie why would you post the role powers/requirement of the borg and then quote Orca? 

@The Orca I'm reading that as three different attempts. SirA seemed to think that there were only 2 Duras; I don't know the source material well enough to refute that, but I knew the source material in death note very well, and I thought Rags was solo in that game and he wasn't. So it's dangerous to just assume that SirA was right. 

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