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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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On 7/6/2019 at 1:59 AM, SirA1 said:

I'm going to go ahead and give the results of my TriCorder scan from N1 that I've been holding on to because we've had plenty of info to go off of from Dome/Racks/Ruskie.

Remember this slip up by TKN on one of the VC's.

"argets - Ruskie, Glen, Squire12"

Those were my Tricorder targets on N1.

I targeted Ruskie, Glen, Squire and Forge and TK3 were the Random people included.

I got back Federation, House of Duras and Romulan Star Empire.

Night 1 Scan Alignments  
Glen Federation Tactical Officer
RuskieTitan Federation Data
Squire12 Federation/Civ  
Forge Romulan Star Empire  
TK3 House of Duras Lursa

This is why I went after Glen Hard on Day 2 because he showed up on both my and Dome's lists and both had House of Duras so the probability was high. Originally I thought Ruskie was the Romulan because of his stumbling with the Tricorder data. Both of those scanned have now shown up Federation.

I've gotten some fairly strong indications the Squire is Fed Aligned but a civilian.

Since TK3 is an indicated Duras from Dome as well, I think Forge is a Romulan and if Swag is telling the truth then so is TedLavie. 

TK3 should be the lynch today.


1)He's gotten multiple pings as Scum. 

2) Since he was known Scum he was a likely target for conversion N3.

3) if there are only two House of Duras sisters then we can eliminate the chance of that faction being converted if it hasn't already and limit the potential spread of the Borg. 

4) Allowing TK3 to live we continue to have two kills at night and also give more targets for the Borg to convert if not done so already. 


TK3 - House of Duras

Forge; TedLavie - Romulan Star Empire





On 7/6/2019 at 9:41 AM, SirA1 said:

Squire is not lying. My original scan was just corrected. I detected Federation, House of Duras and Civilian. Not Romulan.

So removing the Romulan portion from my scan clears Forge and TedLavie I guess from Swag's alignment comparison.

I will need to rethink a few things as I have been basing a lot of stuff off that original scan.

I've gotten strong hints that Squire is Lwaxana Troi.


Unless we know who dingo visited n1 @Forge is not clearerd. Dingo could have made him appear federation.  

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@Pickle Rick I hadn't thought of that. You are correct. We know that Dingo visited swag N1, but obviously that would have been to frame him negatively and I believe per the OP he could visit both ally and enemy, and I don't think that we know whom else he may have visited. 

So honestly, nobody here is cleared on both sides other than Touch, while Squire is cleared on the Romulan side. 

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That the only person that could not use the nanobots n3 would be malf (Locutus).  Swag or a drone could still use it.  

I still think md4l was the convert n2.  Imo the only other options to be converted would be dome or touch

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But then they would not have had a conversion the following night, right? Or am I reading the OP incorrectly? I thought Malf converted a non convertible player, he couldn't use it again the next night, which means that Counselor couldn't have been converted N3? Or do you think that was specific to Malf and not the others? 

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On 6/30/2019 at 7:47 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

However, after recruiting someone who would normally be unrecruitable, Loctus cannot use the nanobots item the following night.

I originally read it as the borg could not use it the next night, hence my posts from last night.

However it says Loctus cannot use it the following night which would mean swag or the convert n2 could have used it.  

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Qouted today

Squire - tk3, orca, pr

pr - orca, squire 

Orca - squire, pr 

Dome - orca, squire, pr 

Md4l - pr, orca 

Ted - squire, orca 

Only connections at this point are 

Squire - orca 
Squire - pr
pr - orca 

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