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Space Jam Mafia: MONSTARS WIN!!!!


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

lol says the guy who "doesn't need to paint me in a worse light" but is using all of his might to do exactly that ….. 

But look how cute you are! I thought it was a compliment. 

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8 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I'm town?

@The Orca  

4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

I am completely 50/50 on you.  I can see you being either based on the thread and trolling you have done with touch.  Mafia is likely close, and with the lynchproof/hit proof (+ power up) if you are mafia, are almost impossible to overcome, so the trolling fits with that.  

Up until the EoD 2 and the time before the N2 write ups, I was reading you as more town than mafia.  


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30 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

So what is your wincon...I will give you one last chance to answer this before I submit my move to kill you.  

I don't care about your role only your wincon

... I literally said it.

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FYI, there's like no way I survive the next lynch, so for those trying to paint me as scum, you're wasting your time lol. I've already accepted my death and I will of course flip town, as I've been saying for days now. That's why I'm just going out with some fun. 

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5 minutes ago, squire12 said:

What?  how is this?

That's my role. I told everyone that my role would be detrimental eventually. I'm essentially a modified governor. There will always be two lynches so long as I'm alive. 

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So....lets think this through.

N3 actions (aka change them before 8pm and nighttime hits)

@TheKillerNacho Jail Orca, this will roleblock him, hopefully this takes away his hit proof/double ability

@Pickle Rick Hit Orca, hopefully this gets through.

Day 4

We use @Forge's double lynch to take out untouch and either Orca if he's still alive or....Bcb?


@Pickle Rick hit Swag (unless we have a better idea at mafia?) to prevent his wincon and get your LOL


Feel free to punch holes in this theory but at this point i'd rather focus our energy on getting rid of Orca if he's readily admitting to not being town.

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2 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

So....lets think this through.

N3 actions (aka change them before 8pm and nighttime hits)

@TheKillerNacho Jail Orca, this will roleblock him, hopefully this takes away his hit proof/double ability

@Pickle Rick Hit Orca, hopefully this gets through.

Day 4

We use @Forge's double lynch to take out untouch and either Orca if he's still alive or....Bcb?


@Pickle Rick hit Swag (unless we have a better idea at mafia?) to prevent his wincon and get your LOL


Feel free to punch holes in this theory but at this point i'd rather focus our energy on getting rid of Orca if he's readily admitting to not being town.

I have odd night hits 

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:



4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I genuinely don't know how you can quote that, and not see the win condition.  It's literally the sentence after my ability explanation.

Eliminate Monstars.

And the offer is still on the table, if you don't understand what a death miller is, then I can make up a win condition for Bill Murray-Aligned.

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20 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Touch, Pickle, Forge, Hockey.   Dark horse is Mookie instead of Hockey

This list confuses me a little bit. Touch I get. Pickle claimed Ewing and a double hit Vig. Forge claimed Daffy which is a quazi governor role. And I think i'm the only civ still trying.

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5 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

So....lets think this through.

N3 actions (aka change them before 8pm and nighttime hits)

@TheKillerNacho Jail Orca, this will roleblock him, hopefully this takes away his hit proof/double ability

@Pickle Rick Hit Orca, hopefully this gets through.

Day 4

We use @Forge's double lynch to take out untouch and either Orca if he's still alive or....Bcb?


@Pickle Rick hit Swag (unless we have a better idea at mafia?) to prevent his wincon and get your LOL


Feel free to punch holes in this theory but at this point i'd rather focus our energy on getting rid of Orca if he's readily admitting to not being town.

a) I already chose I dont think I can change it

b) Jailing Orca already failed once before

c) Even if I successfully jailed Orca, PR couldn't hit Orca beacuse someone I jail cannot be targetted by actions either

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