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8 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Veto 3: Word Crimes

No working together on this comp or you will be evicted. Play with honor.









Deadline: You have until 3 PM CST Monday to submit your words.
Whoever has the highest number of points wins the veto Comp.


For this POV competition, you will PM me 6 words.

The words you PM me will be judged by the point of the letter, and on the originality of the word. Each letter in the word will be converted to points based the following chart:

1 point: Z,X,J,Q, M

2 points: F,H,K,W,V,Y

3 points: A, E,I,O,U
4 points: R,S,T,N, L
5 points:D,G,C,B,P

For example, the word RUN would be worth 4+3+4=11 points. HOWEVER, if any of your words are the same as anyone else's, you will not receive any points for it.

The challenge here is that you can't just PM me 6 words of your choosing.
There are rules and topics (all about crime) for each word that you must follow. I will be lenient with the topics, but try not to push it. 

In order:

WORD 1: 5-9 letters. Must contain 3 vowels (AEIOU).  Topic: Types of Crimes
WORD 2: 5-9 letters. Must begin with a 4 point letter.    Topic: Things you can murder someone with
WORD 3: 4-9 letters. 
There can be no repeated letters.  Topic: Things you will like to steal from a house.
WORD 4: 5-10 Letters. The word must contain a letter from at least 4 out of the 5 different point groups.  Topic: What who you spend your crime spree money on?
WORD 5: 3-10 letters. The word must be worth less than 15 points.   Topic: What are you going to use to not get caught?
WORD 6: 4-10 letters. Must begin and end with a letter that's in the same point class.  Topic: How do you earn money when you aren't doing crimes?

These must be real words.
To count as "real words", I must be able to search for them in the Scrabble Dictionary.

This is the source of truth!






Oh never mind on the swan song thing because I’m going to freaking destroy everyone on this challenge holy crap 

Edited by Whicker
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On 8/9/2019 at 12:48 PM, Malfatron said:

Task Description:  There's a bunch of Animals in the House


Interestingly enough, the first two houseguests evicted are named after animals (The Orca and gopher)

The task "winners" job is to associate each of the remaining houseguests with an animal that should represent them.




1. @ET80 - hippo

2. @Outpost31 - platypus 

3. @Pickle Rick - lizard

4. @theuntouchable - salamander 

5. @Nazgul - elk

 6. @Counselor - sloth

7. @Adrenaline_Flux - jaguar

8. @Whicker - toad

9. @Dwight_Schrute - moose

10. @FinneasGage - dog

11. @rackcs - house cat

12. @bcb1213 - beaver 

13. @mission27 - Pat the Rat tbh

14. @TLO - Mr. Mouse tbh



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