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Training Camp/Preseason 2019: 1-3: Time to get to 53


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John KeimESPN Staff Writer 

One player who looks sharp: running back Chris Thompson. He's missed a combined 12 games the last two years with injuries. But he's much further ahead than at this time last year when coming off surgery on his leg. Thompson said he's cutting hard to both sides, a good sign. Today, on a red zone run he ran with patience and when the linebacker committed inside Thompson cut hard the other way for a good gain.


John KeimESPN Staff Writer 

Quarterback Dwayne Haskins had a strong showing and clearly enjoyed himself after some of his touchdown throws. He handled alert calls, was decisive on throws and accurate. On one red zone play, he paused in the pocket and pointed out a likely blitz. On the snap the blitz came but Haskins delivered a strike on a quick out to the other side for a score to receiver Brian Quick. Haskins celebrated by jumping into Quick.

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I have been watching Haskins guys. He is having his up and downs but just like most rookies consistency is an issue. But this pass is on the money. He has made some other throws in which displayed his arm strength. nice pass here.

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So JLC has a story TWill won’t ever play and the Redskins  respond that the story is 100 hundred percent incorrect . 

 What are we to do and make about this? Let’s think of it this way we have two known liars so which one do we believe? Neither! Let history guide us

 I believe Trent is old, overpaid, overhyped, injury prone and lazy. He won’t report to training camp but certainly will not miss a game check.  So I suspect Trent will sit back relax eat iMcDonald’s and tacos smoke weed and show up the last week training camp where he will then pull a muscle and limp through a few games this season until ultimately being shut down by the middle of the year. 

I think Trent is untradable because of his injury record, his salary and his age so it wouldn’t surprise me to see him released at the end of the year


@Woz I used to have a 67 like this but burgundy 



Now thinking of getting something like this :)


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On 7/25/2019 at 3:05 PM, Thaiphoon said:

Huh? 3 years ago, if people were paying attention, you knew that you would need to move on from Trent eventually. He's banged up and is on the wrong side of 30. And hasn't made it through a full season in quite some time. Plus he was heavily penalized last year. If your contention is that no one would've seen the holdout coming, okay. But getting his replacement in here in the last 3 years would've provided insurance. We have none right now.

He's looking for one last big payday. The last 2 years of this contract are relatively cheap for a guy who, when healthy, is one of the top LT's in the game. If he rides these last 2 years out, he's looking at being 33 and trying to get a big contract. Which won't happen. He knows he has us over a barrel because of Flowers and no one else behind him. He knows the medical staff is an issue. So it's easy to see why he would pull this holdout.

True. But he's done nothing so far. And the fact that we are trying Flowers at LT instead of him is all the damnation I need.

Here we agree. I think he's using the medical issue as a smokescreen.

He's what is left out there. Not necessarily an obsession. Just he's the last option. And one that is preferable to Flowers

They had Ty Nsekhe since 2015. So, technically, they had addressed the back up to Trent Williams. Then, when they figured they wouldn’t be able to re-sign Nsekhe this offseason, they thought ahead last draft and drafted Christian.

IMO they did plan ahead. Sadly, Christian got hurt towards the end of last year too. Now, perhaps they should have signed a different OL instead of Flowers, that I can agree with. Other than that though, I think the team did pretty well with planning as far as back ups for Trent go since 2015.

When you have a pro bowl LT and other other positions to improve, you obviously need to address those other positions. 

If they had taken another LT high in 2017 or 18, they wouldn’t have Jon Allen or Payne, so I really can’t be too upset with what they’ve done at the position.

This Trent Williams holdout was unpredictable and caught everyone by surprise, not even his closest friends on the team like Peterson and others knew what was up.

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6 hours ago, Doc Draper said:

So JLC has a story TWill won’t ever play and the Redskins  respond that the story is 100 hundred percent incorrect . 

 What are we to do and make about this? Let’s think of it this way we have two known liars so which one do we believe? Neither! Let history guide us

 I believe Trent is old, overpaid, overhyped, injury prone and lazy. He won’t report to training camp but certainly will not miss a game check.  So I suspect Trent will sit back relax eat iMcDonald’s and tacos smoke weed and show up the last week training camp where he will then pull a muscle and limp through a few games this season until ultimately being shut down by the middle of the year. 

I think Trent is untradable because of his injury record, his salary and his age so it wouldn’t surprise me to see him released at the end of the year


@Woz I used to have a 67 like this but burgundy 



Now thinking of getting something like this :)


My fear is that JLC got his information from Trent’s agent. Of course, Trent’s agent could be using this stance as a negotiating ploy or there could be truth to it. There’s no way to prove it one way or the other, it’s up to whatever anyone wants to believe.

Of course the Redskins are going to say it’s “incorrect,” even if it’s true, there is really no other way for the Redskins to react other than to say that LJC’s report is false.

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On 7/27/2019 at 7:45 PM, naptownskinsfan said:

I want to see the video of Davis beating Collins yesterday, or the nickel guy beating Flowers on a power move.  

I saw a video Of Collins breaking up a pass intended for Vernon Davis.

I also saw a video of Paul Richardson making a tremendous catch on the sidelines where he had to jump up and high point the ball and while coming down and falling out of bounds he still got both feet down. The guy has tremendous body control.

Robert Davis has a tremendous catch along the sidelines too where he out jumped two defenders and got his feet down.


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1 minute ago, turtle28 said:

They had Ty Nsekhe since 2015. So, technically, they had addressed the back up to Trent Williams.

This means they addressed the back to Trent Williams ... in 2015.

Where are they today?

3 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

Then, when they figured they wouldn’t be able to re-sign Nsekhe this offseason, they thought ahead last draft and drafted Christian.

IMO they did plan ahead. Sadly, Christian got hurt towards the end of last year too.

When Christian tore his MCL, they should have re-calibrated their thinking to either be "re-sign Nsekhe for one more season" or "get another competent tackle." Instead, they signed Ereck Flowers.

3 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

Now, perhaps they should have signed a different OL instead of Flowers, that I can agree with.

Hmm ... I wonder where I come down ... :D:D:D

4 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

Other than that though, I think the team did pretty well with planning as far as back ups for Trent go since 2015.

By your own admission, they only addressed the position twice: once in 2015 with Nsekhe, and once in 2018 by drafting Christian.

Nsekhe worked out as a cheap pickup because they were able to control him for four years due to him first being a ERFA and then a RFA. I give them credit for realizing that they needed to deal with Nsekhe's departure in 2018, but that doesn't excuse them for re-evaluating the roster in January of 2019 when Nsekhe was likely to leave and his replacement was recovering from a knee injury.

The problem was that they thought by signing Flowers that they had gotten their bridge guy, even though it was glaringly obvious the guy was a complete bust at left tackle.

7 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

When you have a pro bowl LT and other other positions to improve, you obviously need to address those other positions. 

While true, they haven't addressed other critical positions like say left guard or wide receiver except with band-aids and "I hope he works out" kind of players.

8 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

If they had taken another LT high in 2017 or 18, they wouldn’t have Jon Allen or Payne, so I really can’t be too upset with what they’ve done at the position.

Straw man. No one said take a tackle instead of Allen or Payne.

11 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

This Trent Williams holdout was unpredictable and caught everyone by surprise, not even his closest friends on the team like Peterson and others knew what was up.

Okay, let's take that assertion as true (I'm not convinced it is).

Why then did they not address the backup tackle position when Christian was hurt? If nothing else, grab a second cheap guy "just in case" Flowers wasn't going to pan out (HA!). Tackles selected after Washington signed Flowers at or below the price they paid for him (1y, $3.25M; March 18th):

  • Jordan Mills: 1y/$3M (May 9th)
  • Mike Remmers: 1y/$2.5M (May 12th)
  • J'Marcus Webb: 1y/$1.02M (April 5th)
  • Josh Wells: 1y/$0.805M (April 3rd)
  • T.J. Clemmings: 1y/$0.805M (May 31st)  [yes, Clemmings would be a better option]
  • Chaz Green: 1y/$0.805M (June 3rd)
  • Marshall Newhouse: <unknown contract> (May 22nd)
  • Ulrick John: <unknown contract> (May 13)

But even ignoring that ... why are they puttering around when Flowers has shown himself to be an utter failure (I'm shocked, SHOCKED!)? Corey Robinson's nice as a camp body, but unless they get REALLY lucky, they've got nothing.

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13 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

My fear is that JLC got his information from Trent’s agent. Of course, Trent’s agent could be using this stance as a negotiating ploy or there could be truth to it. There’s no way to prove it one way or the other, it’s up to whatever anyone wants to believe.

Of course the Redskins are going to say it’s “incorrect,” even if it’s true, there is really no other way for the Redskins to react other than to say that LJC’s report is false.

Wait wait wait ... are you saying that JLC is getting played by his source?


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