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Andrew Luck informs Colts he plans to retire


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1 hour ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Like at the end of the day anyone other than irsay and the upper management working directly under him either had a rock tight alibi in the preseason game or isn't a person close enough to the situation for Schefter to be reasonably sure the info is legit (would he really post this if he merely heard it from an assistant coach's agent? No, he'd verify it, from someone higher in the Colts organization).

Irsay or someone close to him told or at least verified it to schefter during the preseason game.

Precisely this. Schefter's sources are highly reliable, not friend of friend or agent of coach single sources. He gets breaking news right most of the time, meaning he verifies and re-verifies to make sure his sources are trustworthy. Was most likely Irsay or someone very close to him.

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1 hour ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Like at the end of the day anyone other than irsay and the upper management working directly under him either had a rock tight alibi in the preseason game or isn't a person close enough to the situation for Schefter to be reasonably sure the info is legit (would he really post this if he merely heard it from an assistant coach's agent? No, he'd verify it, from someone higher in the Colts organization).

Irsay or someone close to him told or at least verified it to schefter during the preseason game.

youre reaching cause you want it to be irsay. qb coach, oc, vps, gm, all it would take is a quick 2 second text. even if you want to say he wouodnt take an agents word, those are all easily legit sources. why not one of them?

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18 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

Luck said he wanted to announce it tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if Irsay leaked it to one up Luck and make it awkward for him while still in the middle of a preseason game.

If this turns out to be true, then further proof that Irsay is scum and Luck made the right decision.

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5 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

youre reaching cause you want it to be irsay. qb coach, oc, vps, gm, all it would take is a quick 2 second text. even if you want to say he wouodnt take an agents word, those are all easily legit sources. why not one of them?

They aren't going to do it while busy with a preseason game dude, get real. Schefter has built a career on being right most of the time which means he only uses reliable sources. Not 3rd hand info. I don't give a damn about the Colts or Irsay but anyone denying that's he's the most likely source is kidding themselves. It definitely fits his MO, and him and people working close to him are the only ones who would've been able to feed info to schefter that he'd consider reliable at that time.

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19 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

They aren't going to do it while busy with a preseason game dude, get real. Schefter has built a career on being right most of the time which means he only uses reliable sources. Not 3rd hand info. I don't give a damn about the Colts or Irsay but anyone denying that's he's the most likely source is kidding themselves. It definitely fits his MO, and him and people working close to him are the only ones who would've been able to feed info to schefter that he'd consider reliable at that time.

Nope. Not gonna believe the horsecrap that anyone is too busy to send a text "lucks retiring. wtf." Literally can do that in under a minute. You havent given one reasonable answer to why you think its irsay. Only that it must be him. Why, because it must be. Schefter would absolutely take the word of a coach, just as he would irasy himself or a gm or vp or any number of guys who are involved in the day to day. For some reason you want it to be him so badly, but you really have no idea. I mean, too busy to send a two word text... really? Thats the logic?

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13 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Nope. Not gonna believe the horsecrap that anyone is too busy to send a text "lucks retiring. wtf." Literally can do that in under a minute. You havent given one reasonable answer to why you think its irsay. Only that it must be him. Why, because it must be. Schefter would absolutely take the word of a coach, just as he would irasy himself or a gm or vp or any number of guys who are involved in the day to day. For some reason you want it to be him so badly, but you really have no idea. I mean, too busy to send a two word text... really? Thats the logic?

I think at the end of the day, Irsay has a POS track record and this was a POS move (to leak this news before Luck’s announcement, during a preseason game). He gets some serious side eye by default. 

It doesn’t make the leak definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, Irsay. But he’s a suspect and I’m not aware of any slimey behavior from the coaches. There might be varying degrees of certainty that some may have that it was Irsay, but there’s legitimacy to it. 

If we got a tweet that an unnamed player in Carolina showed up to the locker room with a ridiculously overdone outfit, most would just assume it’s Cam. He has that track record.

And Irsay has that POS track record. 

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18 minutes ago, Yin-Yang said:

I think at the end of the day, Irsay has a POS track record and this was a POS move (to leak this news before Luck’s announcement, during a preseason game). He gets some serious side eye by default. 

It doesn’t make the leak definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, Irsay. But he’s a suspect and I’m not aware of any slimey behavior from the coaches. There might be varying degrees of certainty that some may have that it was Irsay, but there’s legitimacy to it. 

If we got a tweet that an unnamed player in Carolina showed up to the locker room with a ridiculously overdone outfit, most would just assume it’s Cam. He has that track record.

And Irsay has that POS track record. 

thats exactly what im getting at. people already dont like irsay and they want someone to blame. But the reality of is no one has any clue. so when people say "oh, it was definitely irsay" its just not smart. Theres too many people who could have done it, whether they are well liked or not.

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36 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Nope. Not gonna believe the horsecrap that anyone is too busy to send a text "lucks retiring. wtf." Literally can do that in under a minute. You havent given one reasonable answer to why you think its irsay. Only that it must be him. Why, because it must be. Schefter would absolutely take the word of a coach, just as he would irasy himself or a gm or vp or any number of guys who are involved in the day to day. For some reason you want it to be him so badly, but you really have no idea. I mean, too busy to send a two word text... really? Thats the logic?

Yes I have.

Let me lay it out for you again.

It's far more likely Irsay than anyone else. He has the motive, he has the track record, and no alibi. If Schefter received the text "lucks retiring. wtf." from a random assistant coach he would absolutely not just run with it. It's absurd. He built his career on accuracy and that alone would most likely be viewed as a prank. Plus his report was quite a bit more speicfic than that, as he specified, specifically, Luck told the Colts he was retiring. Not a rumor, direct and candid that he told the organization his plans to retire.

Do I know without a shadow of a doubt? No, admittedly. But given the timing, reliability of sources, and his track record, it is very likely him or someone close to him.

Also no coach would do that in the middle of a game unless they were seeking straight up sabotage. It was a huge distraction and coaches wouldn't be petty enough to do anything like that, they have players to evaluate and a game to coordinate. Meanwhile Irsay was probably drinking heavily and, being who he is, still seething

i don't know why you're putting on such an effort to deny what all of the signs point to.

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11 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

thats exactly what im getting at. people already dont like irsay and they want someone to blame. But the reality of is no one has any clue. so when people say "oh, it was definitely irsay" its just not smart. Theres too many people who could have done it, whether they are well liked or not.

I get that, but think of it less as whether or not Irsay is liked, and more about the fact that Irsay has a track record of being a petty, idiot. You have a jackoff as the head guy, with the biggest mouth and the biggest head in the room, then there’s a leak - who do you look at first? 

I, and no one I’ve seen, knows without a doubt it was the owner. He just makes the most sense based on the limited information we have. That doesn’t make it officially a done deal, but for the jabbering we do around here, it’s enough to put it on him. 

If we’re all going by the “we don’t know 100% for sure” mantra, then I’m going to be reviving all the “Patriots are cheaters” threads...

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12 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

thats exactly what im getting at. people already dont like irsay and they want someone to blame. But the reality of is no one has any clue. so when people say "oh, it was definitely irsay" its just not smart. Theres too many people who could have done it, whether they are well liked or not.

you're in a bar with three people in it and you notice someone stole your wallet. One of them is a guy who was jailed six times for petty theft, one is the pope, and the other is Barack Obama.

Who do you assume stole your wallet?

I don't hate Irsay because I don't know Irsay personally. I don't care about him one way or the other. But his past behavior definitely shows he is capable of this petty unclassy act, while most other people with this information and would be considered credible doesn't. It's the obvious conclusion.

Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps there are other POS filth in the Colts organization. With a guy like Irsay at the top, hiring bad people tends to trickle down. But I get the impression most coaches care enough about their players not to call Shefty to get them booed out of the stadium when they're retiring due to health concerns. Nor would that be their primary concern.

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7 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

you're in a bar with three people in it and you notice someone stole your wallet. One of them is a guy who was jailed six times for petty theft, one is the pope, and the other is Barack Obama.

Who do you assume stole your wallet?

I don't hate Irsay because I don't know Irsay personally. I don't care about him one way or the other. But his past behavior definitely shows he is capable of this petty unclassy act, while most other people with this information and would be considered credible doesn't. It's the obvious conclusion.

Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps there are other POS filth in the Colts organization. With a guy like Irsay at the top, hiring bad people tends to trickle down. But I get the impression most coaches care enough about their players not to call Shefty to get them booed out of the stadium when they're retiring due to health concerns. Nor would that be their primary concern.

Well irsay literally just gifted Luck 20 mil. any coaches do that? no? you dont know any of these people, lets not pretend any of us do. As i suspected, youre reasoning for thinking he did it was because hes a "bad guy". its just not a good enough reason tbh. You argued against other people doing it because you wanted it to be him, when is that ever good policy?

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Lucks not the first nor will he be the last super talented athlete who's body just wasn't able to hold up to the physical grind.

He's going to be 30 next month, it's not unprecedented for a football player to call it quits around his age.

At the end of the day he made a decision based on his health and his family, I don't see anything wrong with that.


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