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Andrew Luck informs Colts he plans to retire


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53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

If you are complaining about re-upping your season tickets your not a true fan.

In any circumstance or just this one? In the circumstance of a single player retiring, yes. In a circumstance ala the Marlins under Loria where management intentionally sends the team into a tank, trades players, refuses to pay others, all to deliberately lose games while still turning a profit massive, I wholeheartedly disagree. Send a message and hit the owner in the pocket book.

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

What if Luck didnt retire and he went down with a season ending injury week 1 are you going to want your money back then?

Who is this "YOU" that you're talking to? I simply stated WHY the fans did it and why about any fanbase WOULD have a portion that did, not that I support it.

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

Even though it is a sport, its a business, and human beings are actually involved.


53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

Just like any other business there is a time when you wake up and say im done working and want to retire.

I don't disagree. That said, if I were to tell my boss 1 week before school started/our first game (I'm a teacher and coach) that "I've had enough and I'm done", emotions would run high on that end too and the initial response probably wouldn't be unconditionally empathetic or supportive.

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

Injuries that have plagued him for several years caught up to him and he no longer enjoyed what he did for a living. He is young has a decent amount of money, more then 90% of Americans will ever have so why put your life at risk that much more if you are in constant pain while doing it?

Like I said, I agree with all of this.

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

Some media members criticized him for being a quitter yet these lazy bums have yet to step on a field and take a hit constantly for 6 months out of a year for 15+ years.

1. I saw Doug Gottlieb's Twitter post. What an embarrassment

2. Luck just finished a 7 year career. I'm not sure where you're pulling 15+ from.

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

Its not an ideal time

Most oversimplification and underwhelming statement of the day.

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

but he also didnt have this new injury plague him until now to where it has drained him mentally and physically.

So, just so I get this right, you said above that injuries have taken their toll on him for YEARS and yet this new one is the one that all of a sudden drained him? You can't have it both ways. (P.S., it's clearly the culmination of all injuries).

53 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

Any fan/media person who thinks of this is a negative thing and puts him on the page as a quitter, keep in mind you only watch him for 3 hours a week for 16 weeks you have no clue how these people are impacted off the field having to recharge and recover before going on to the field a week later to get beat up all over again

Again, I'm not sure who you're speaking to. I didn't label him as such or imply anything to the contrary.

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25 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

In any circumstance or just this one? In the circumstance of a single player retiring, yes. In a circumstance ala the Marlins under Loria where management intentionally sends the team into a tank, trades players, refuses to pay others, all to deliberately lose games while still turning a profit massive, I wholeheartedly disagree. Send a message and hit the owner in the pocket book.

Who is this "YOU" that you're talking to? I simply stated WHY the fans did it and why about any fanbase WOULD have a portion that did, not that I support it.


I don't disagree. That said, if I were to tell my boss 1 week before school started/our first game (I'm a teacher and coach) that "I've had enough and I'm done", emotions would run high on that end too and the initial response probably wouldn't be unconditionally empathetic or supportive.

Like I said, I agree with all of this.

1. I saw Doug Gottlieb's Twitter post. What an embarrassment

2. Luck just finished a 7 year career. I'm not sure where you're pulling 15+ from.

Most oversimplification and underwhelming statement of the day.

So, just so I get this right, you said above that injuries have taken their toll on him for YEARS and yet this new one is the one that all of a sudden drained him? You can't have it both ways. (P.S., it's clearly the culmination of all injuries).

Again, I'm not sure who you're speaking to. I didn't label him as such or imply anything to the contrary.

You as in fans who are the ones crying over him retiring. Not necessarily you because of me hitting reply to your post.

7 years plus 4 years of college plus 4 years of high school not to mention pee wee. It is more then the years your are getting paid as you are still playing the sport at the level for your age which puts wear and tear on the body.

As to answer your question about teaching and quitting a week before school the only person that would get upset and emotional would be the Administrator counting on you to be there which is your boss (Luck's Frank Reich, Irsay, and Ballard which were all understandable publicly about his retirement). In this case as a fan it is essentially equivalent to the children and parents. They wouldnt be the ones complaining on you quitting before the week and no offense but i dont see the children and parents calling you a quitter, booing you, threatening to demand a refund from the school (if private) for you quitting, or burning school products that were related to you which is all happening to Luck. If you wanted to compare it to your job.

The guy has had years of injuries and it has weighed on him through out the process as he stated and the last injury is the last straw that broke the camels back. Every one has their breaking point and this last injury clearly was Lucks. His leg injury happened in May and has been getting worse and the pain is lingering longer then he expected. I mean he has gone through a lacerated kidney and torn abdomen, concussed a couple of times, rib damage to the cartilage, shoulder surgery and now the leg all with in the last 3-4 years. So its not like he had one injury and is calling it quits he fought back from those injuries to recover to only have to deal with the next injury, so yes me saying its not an ideal time but it is what it is as he wasnt expecting to still be injured and in pain. So what good is it for him to go through a season not 100% healthy to only run the risk of getting injured more. When would be the ideal time to retire? If hes not 100% because of an injury that has started in late may to early june and has yet to heal properly what do you expect him to do? 


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2 minutes ago, jebrick said:

Are they in the "Tank for Tua" sweepstakes?

to good of an overall team to be in tank season. Even with Jacoby they will still be better then teams like Arizona and Miami. They may give the farm to move up if a team doesnt need a qb but they wont be in a situation where they were with Luck.

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12 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

to good of an overall team to be in tank season. Even with Jacoby they will still be better then teams like Arizona and Miami. They may give the farm to move up if a team doesnt need a qb but they wont be in a situation where they were with Luck.

They might Fail for Fromm...

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1 hour ago, soflbillsfan said:

to good of an overall team to be in tank season. Even with Jacoby they will still be better then teams like Arizona and Miami. They may give the farm to move up if a team doesnt need a qb but they wont be in a situation where they were with Luck.

Fromm is good also

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2 hours ago, soflbillsfan said:

They wouldnt be the ones complaining on you quitting before the week and no offense but i dont see the children and parents calling you a quitter, booing you, threatening to demand a refund from the school (if private) for you quitting, or burning school products that were related to you which is all happening to Luck. If you wanted to compare it to your job.


I stopped reading here. You’ve clearly spent no time around the culture of a high school or high school sports.

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34 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


I stopped reading here. You’ve clearly spent no time around the culture of a high school or high school sports.

I actually did and one of the biggest coaches in High School Football retired and people didnt get their panties in a bunch when he did even though it is one of the most successful products in High School Football. George Smith from St Thomas Aquinas produced the highest pro level football players in the NFL. The school didnt riot and they still carry the level of greatness with out him on the field. He stepped down for a couple of years and came back to be AD for the school but Coach Harriott runs the show. 

So yes no school is going to cry over a teacher leaving, demanding refunds for their children because a teacher or coach left. If you think other wise i agree to disagree but dont tell me what i have or havent done cause you dont know me.

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2 minutes ago, soflbillsfan said:

I actually did and one of the biggest coaches in High School Football retired and people didnt get their panties in a bunch when he did even though it is one of the most successful products in High School Football. George Smith from St Thomas Aquinas produced the highest pro level football players in the NFL. The school didnt riot and they still carry the level of greatness with out him on the field. He stepped down for a couple of years and came back to be AD for the school but Coach Harriott runs the show. 

So yes no school is going to cry over a teacher leaving, demanding refunds for their children because a teacher or coach left. If you think other wise i agree to disagree but dont tell me what i have or havent done cause you dont know me.

Didn't that coach retire in January/February? The whole point was that the timing would cause the uneasiness. 

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