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23 hours ago, rackcs said:

Bcb1213 stuck his head out of the bathroom as a cloud of smoke drifted out behind him. His bloodshot eyes looked in both directions, checking for narcs or administrators or any other lame ****s who were trying to ruin his high.

He left the bathroom and was trying to hurry to his next class. He turned the corner in the hallway and run right into the chest of the vice principal.

"Now just where do you think you're going young man? Don't think I don't know that smell. Go to the principal's office right now!"

Bcb1213 slunk off to the principal's office, knowing what fate awaited him. From the next hallway, the janitor heard everything and tightly gripped his mop handle with rage.

"God damn kids!"

Bcb1213 has been suspended. He was The StonerSchool-Aligned.


SwAg stepped out of the principal's office with a huge smile on his face. He was excited that he was still going to be able to play the lead role in the school's next play!

SwAg has been unsuspended!


Period 4 has started! With 13 alive and 13 voting, it's 7 to suspend! The deadline will be Monday, 9/2, at 10 PM.

if counselor is telling it true, that means the admins didnt have a hit, or it was unsuccesful

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

I haven't decided on whether I should

1. Vote silence scum, helping town 

2. Play to my wincon and help town at the same time 

3. Play to my wincon and just let town rot by following a dodo. 

play to your wincon and help town

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Just now, Malfatron said:

if counselor is telling it true, that means the admins didnt have a hit, or it was unsuccesful

Kind of backups my theory that mafia had 2 kills the night before and soemone laughed at me calling me delusional.  How about now lol. 

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Just now, Malfatron said:

just wondering @The Orca why ksj?

is it because he set a "trap" for you?

or something more?

1. He faked an invest on me trying to get an easy lynch D1. Then he went off of said fake invest and faded out of our memories. Him doing it more forcibly then Matt's who just said Swag was ___ aligned showed imo that he didnt care if he killed a powerful town on D1. He said he knew I was scum but couldnt do the color on his phone (I think) but never corrected it later

Then when the push faltered he claims it was a trap set for Pickle...which is just a way to play off a bad scum gambit and make himself look less bad

2. His has been nonexistent since D1 imo. Added almost nothing to the game and just coasted

3. Gut feel


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On 8/31/2019 at 11:34 PM, rackcs said:

I'm voting for swag, bye

What?! OMG it must be an invest! Let's get him!

**** you all I'm gonna be a big ***** and quit so then I have no moral high ground to stand on when I complain about people not playing the game correctly

SwAg enters rackcs's office and sheepishly sits down.

"SwAg...do you know why you're here?"

"I...I did something bad. I **** my pants and then smeared it on the walls."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I have no choice but to bring back some...harsher punishments. Bend over my desk.

SwAg looks at his principal confused but does as he says. Rackcs grabs a paddle from off the wall and stands behind SwAg.


"Ow! Please stop! I won't do anything else bad, I promise!"


"Please! No more!"


"Oh no, I think I'm starting to like it!"


Rackcs stands back and stares down at the crying little baby in front of him.

"You're suspended, get the **** out of my school."

SwAg is suspended. He was The Theater KidSchool-Aligned.

It is now Hallway Time 3. There will be an extended phase due to the timing of this. The deadline will be today, 9/1 at 2 PM EST*.

Additionally, there will be no penalty for not voting due to the short length of this phase.

*Subject to change due to me having fluid plans for tomorrow. Will only be extended, not made earlier.


@Slappy Mc, @theuntouchable, @MWil23@Malfatron, @Counselor, @Ragnarok, @bcb1213@kingseanjohn, @Pickle Rick, @VikeManDan, @Whicker@The Orca, @Nazgul

bumping to say that i just love the flavor here lol

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