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Random Game Talk (are you really a gamer if you aren't playing BG3?)


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36 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

Interesting. Why? Just time?

No.  Not sure if I will ever buy a Switch.  

Depends if the next Zelda is exclusively on the Switch or a new Nintendo console.

Beyond that, something about XC2 is offputting to me.  Ive watched trailers and gameplay and it doesn't get me amped to play it.

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3 minutes ago, SteelKing728 said:

It's a bandai namco game so just like get it half off and you'll be fine, Namco is generally fine but then there's jump force and like every other anime game done by them.

Otherwise eh go hunt down some reviewers you trust and see if they enjoyed/did reviews. 


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On 7/30/2020 at 1:05 PM, OkeyDoke21 said:

That's an answer I don't know, but have been searching for, myself.  I've never played the series, but have been paying attention to it, since I bought a Switch.  I've actually heard some people say to start with Torna: Golden Company, because of ease of play, and it's not as massive.  It's an expansion for XC2, but can also be bought and played stand alone.  I'm leaning in the direction of starting with XC:DE, personally.  Just need to get through a log of RPG's I already have before starting another one.  I have read that you don't need to play XC1 before playing XC2, though.  

I played XC2 first and don't regret it and was never lost or anything. FWIW

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52 minutes ago, sjfja_fkdldjs said:

I played XC2 first and don't regret it and was never lost or anything. FWIW

This, XC2 made me go hunt down a Wii Emulator to play the original and it was glorious at 60fps even if it looked like a Wii game. 

That was 2 years ago.

I don't regret it but like the definitive edition would've made my life easier lol. 

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15 hours ago, 43M said:

No.  Not sure if I will ever buy a Switch.  

Depends if the next Zelda is exclusively on the Switch or a new Nintendo console.

Beyond that, something about XC2 is offputting to me.  Ive watched trailers and gameplay and it doesn't get me amped to play it.

The combat put me to sleep. I couldn't get more than a few hours in both times I tried playing it. 

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On 7/23/2020 at 7:34 AM, Hunter2_1 said:

I couldn't finish AC:Od, after I praised it initially. I've done the main quest but that Atlantis stuff can get fd. The game is sooo bloated and big. Ubisoft don't seem to grasp that bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. It's an utter grind.

Looks great though....


They seem to have taken this on board, anyway, because they've said Valhalla is smaller but side quests now a bit more unique. Thank god for that.

I'd rather have more side missions than the location crap like camps, caves, fortresses etc.  I feel like I can get more into the side quests to get XP than grind through those locations.  

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21 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Been wanting to try a strategic style game. Saw Grand Ages:Medieval on sale in the PSStore so watched a video on how to play. Thats a whole lot going on. And since I only play sparingly here and there. Looks like it would take right much time to get in the groove of playing that style game.

Are there any toned down games of that strategic style? So I can ease my way into a genre Ive never tried to see if Id like it.

I love real-time strategy, but aside from Halo Wars and Red Alert 3, I've always played on PC, not console.  And I kinda gave up on the genre over the years as Total War went Warhammer and got way too indepth for me.

It is quite a bit to map everything onto a console controller.  That is why Halo Wars and Red Alert 3 actually worked on the console- they are more action oriented, and have a lot less RTS components than most other games.  

Not knowing how it works on controller for Grand Ages, I don't know what to tell you.  But if there is a whole lot going on, I'd say avoid it and try a PC one if you can.  I love older RTS games.  

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10 hours ago, Ninerjunkie said:

People can say what they want but i always hated the tank controls on the original resident evil games

I’ve never been able to get into any Resident Evil game except for the VR one, but the VR one was a top 1 scare experience of my life.  

I have a PSVR gathering dust, but I’m absolutely going to keep it in case the next Resident Evil also has VR because I’ve never experienced fear quite like playing that game.  I don’t think I’ll ever forget how badly I got ****ed up the first time one of those ****ing wall monsters came out of that basement wall.

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2 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

I’ve never been able to get into any Resident Evil game except for the VR one, but the VR one was a top 1 scare experience of my life.  

I have a PSVR gathering dust, but I’m absolutely going to keep it in case the next Resident Evil also has VR because I’ve never experienced fear quite like playing that game.  I don’t think I’ll ever forget how badly I got ****ed up the first time one of those ****ing wall monsters came out of that basement wall.

That's still one of my absolute musts I'm playing Resident Evil VR. That looks so insanely intense! 

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On 7/29/2020 at 8:45 PM, Cheesehawk said:

i dont know why I waited so long but God of War is ****in amazing

It was an amazing game, can’t wait to play the sequel in a couple years. Definitely made getting a PS4 worth it for me.

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1 hour ago, Kiltman said:

It was an amazing game, can’t wait to play the sequel in a couple years. Definitely made getting a PS4 worth it for me.

Yeah, pretty much my entire library is on Xbox this generation but I bought my PS4 last year primarily for Spider-Man and the Show. I've gotten my moneys worth out of Spider-Man and God of War alone. Have Detroit Become Human installed and will give that a go once I'm finished with GoW.

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Got 72% finished with my second Mass Effect: Andromeda playthrough only to find I had missed stuff I couldn't go back to get in order to complete a mission and I HATE leaving missions unfinished in games like that.

Had to start back at 56% complete.

Now I'm at 80% complete. 

ET80 was right.  Way too many fetch quests.  Still, overall it was NOT a bad game outside of the animation errors and such. 

Would love to see a sequel to it one day, and if Mass Effect continues, I really think we will.  The only other option would be for them to pick a Shepard ending that's canon and go with it.  That would upset a lot of people. 

Cannot wait for Cyperpunk 2077. 

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2 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Got 72% finished with my second Mass Effect: Andromeda playthrough only to find I had missed stuff I couldn't go back to get in order to complete a mission and I HATE leaving missions unfinished in games like that.

Had to start back at 56% complete.

Now I'm at 80% complete. 

ET80 was right.  Way too many fetch quests.  Still, overall it was NOT a bad game outside of the animation errors and such. 

Would love to see a sequel to it one day, and if Mass Effect continues, I really think we will.  The only other option would be for them to pick a Shepard ending that's canon and go with it.  That would upset a lot of people. 

Cannot wait for Cyperpunk 2077. 

If Mass Effect continues, I guarantee it will not be a sequel to Andromeda.

I dont think anyone would have a major issue with Shepard coming back given how terrible 3's ending was.    

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