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Packers & Bears Postgame


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36 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Can we all just acknowledge that Prime Clay blows current Preston and Z away?

I see we keep saying how much better they are than the Clay of recent and I agree, but prime Clay was a really freaking good football player and we need to acknowledge that. He got old. They all do.

Prime Clay was obviously superior to either of those guys. Extremely small sample size in one game for Z, but I'm not sure I'd say he consistently blew away what Z did last night.

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9 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

Why can't people just come out and say it?   The Chicago Bears have a great defense.  It stuffed our offense.  It isn't that our offensive guys "played like crap" or were an "embaressment", it's just that the Chicago D is that good.

Save the doom and gloom until week 8 or so when an outlier of a defense doesn't skew the results.

Instead, bask in the glow of actually winning a defensive slugfest because your quarterback hit on 2-3 key passes that ended up being enough to secure a victory.

Not many defenses in the league are going to be as talented at Chicago at every level.

I mean it's both.  A fairly significant layer of rust should have been expected for both offenses, but especially Green Bay; they also didn't play in the preseason and it's a brand new offense.  There was plays where the Bears just straight up blew them up, but there were also plays where it was clear the offense just wasn't on the same page.  The run game was never going to be strong against that front seven, that's just talent winning out, but the passing game had opportunities and they often didn't convert on them.  That's fine, it's week 1, this stuff happens. 

Personally, pretty stoked to watch the All-22 and see what was going on in the secondary for both teams.


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3 minutes ago, Arthur Penske said:

Prime Clay was obviously superior to either of those guys. Extremely small sample size in one game for Z, but I'm not sure I'd say he consistently blew away what Z did last night.

Prime Clay was years ago so what is the point now? The Packers now have an OLB combination they have not had in years. Be grateful

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8 minutes ago, Arthur Penske said:

Prime Clay was obviously superior to either of those guys. Extremely small sample size in one game for Z, but I'm not sure I'd say he consistently blew away what Z did last night.

No talking about football things. You are only allowed to be quietly grateful for what you have.


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1 hour ago, SSG said:

I don't recall anyone talking about the drastic decline in his play at the time.  That school yard BS had him leading the league in TDs and beating the best teams in the NFC despite having one of the NFL's worst defenses.  I think the "Aron Rodgers started sucking 2 years ago" line is a bit of an exageration.  2 years ago Aaron Rodgers was a super star that carried a piss poor football team on his back until his injury.  That same football team minus Aaron Rodgers was one of the 3 or 4 worst teams in the NFL.

Lets not act like last night was all Rodgers fault.  The offensive line played like crap.  The running game was a straight up embarressment and none of the WRs played all that great.  MLF also started out the game acting like 3rd and long was one of his favorite situations to be in.  The list of players on offense that didn't play great was very, very long.  Aaron Rodgers is on that list.  A lot of things can't continue.  If that's the sort of support he's going to get from our rushing attack it's going to be a very long season for the offense.  

When I was younger I was blinded by Favre's great moments so much so that I had a hard time even thinking about his faults.  I vividly remember Sal P's critical piece on Favre and his poor playoff performances in the 2nd half of his career.  I was pissed.  5 years later I realized Sal was absolutely right.

Rodgers simply has to change the way that he plays the game or the game is going to pass him up.  So far, he's refused to improve his footwork.  He's refused to keep the tempo high from snap to snap.  He's refused to take what the offense design has given him and has consistently tried to hit big plays outside of the design of the offense.  

The result was 10 points.

Yes, the line must play better.  Yes, we're going to face a much different front 7 the rest of the year, but an ugly win should never gloss over the turf that was laid last night.

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5 hours ago, VonKarman said:

BTW, anyone else noticed Kenny using a swim move during the game? You couldn't see that often last year.

There was a short yardage play in the first quarter when he basically took James Daniels' soul by swimming past him, barely being touched and tackled the runner 2 yards in the backfield.  It was a thing of beauty.

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19 minutes ago, MrBobGray said:

I mean it's both.  A fairly significant layer of rust should have been expected for both offenses, but especially Green Bay; they also didn't play in the preseason and it's a brand new offense.  There was plays where the Bears just straight up blew them up, but there were also plays where it was clear the offense just wasn't on the same page.  The run game was never going to be strong against that front seven, that's just talent winning out, but the passing game had opportunities and they often didn't convert on them.  That's fine, it's week 1, this stuff happens. 

Personally, pretty stoked to watch the All-22 and see what was going on in the secondary for both teams.


As you watch it, please report on the following...

-What happened with GMO?  Who was on him, why no catches?

-That last incompletion that Fuller almost snagged...to MVS.... was it a run call?  Did the lineman fire off or was it really a pass call?  To me it looked like Rodgers gave a little look to MVS and MVS clearly didn't "get" it.  

-Seemed like they targetted Crazy Tony when he was on Robinson.  Did this happen when King was on the sideline getting a breather?  Or did Chicago just motion into a bad matchup on our end?

-Savage.  Overall, how was his play?  He certainly popped a lot, but when the ball wasn't going his way, how did he look?

Huge thank you in advance!  ...always dig your write ups!

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11 minutes ago, PossibleCabbage said:

There was a short yardage play in the first quarter when he basically took James Daniels' soul by swimming past him, barely being touched and tackled the runner 2 yards in the backfield.  It was a thing of beauty.

Was that the one that featured Patterson in the backfield who was stood up by Clark and then put quickly down and backwards by Amos?

If so...that was the play that I knew the defense was for real.  

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1 hour ago, vegas492 said:

I've been told that HHCD just had 4-5 bad plays and we won't forgive him.  He's really a good player and he took bad angles because he was 20+ yards deep at the snap.  

This "HHCD hate agenda" has to stop. (green)

It is half way there.  HHCD wasn't terrible.  But he peaked early. Here are his stats:


Was it the 5 INTs in 2016 that got him a Pro-Bowl appearance and he changed how he approached the game? In his first two seasons, he had 100 tackles, 79 in each of the following two seasons.  Does anyone know what happened? He looked like he just was doing his job like a regular 9-5 guy, which is really difficult to do in professional athletics.  

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