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42 minutes ago, KingOfTheDot said:

1. We don’t know for sure if he wants to be a backup or not but let’s be honest everybody wants to play and start except Chase Daniel.

2. The media and ridiculous fans make him a distraction. He’s fighting for a great cause that’s gone overlooked.

Its unfortunate honestly but it is what it is at this point.

Wasnt it reported the money was what got Seattle to stop talking to him? Wanting to start and expecting to start are two separate things. None of us really will know. I’d hope he’d be driven to start again. But anyone that’s not delusional knows he wouldn’t be handed a starting spot at this point. And really not even a chance to be one. A lot of the contending teams would have need for a good backup.

yeah it’s ridiculous and dumb, but it’s reality. Any team without a locked in proven franchise starter it becomes a whole QB controversy before he steps in the building. On top of the shear attention he'll command. They treat the QBs so much differently then say a DB. That’s why Reid came back already despite being way more aggressive than Kaep ever was about things.

I think it’s dumb and he should be back. But there are real reasons why it’s not happening, beyond the protest and the response to said protest on both sides. Just a it is what it is, until it isn’t sorta thing. With Reid in KC for like 2/3 of a thing would have been the perfect sorta way to make it happen. No worry about long term play, just helps you this year. And that seal is broken and another team would sign him next year in March. But Mahomes will be back so it’s a non-issue

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11 hours ago, Kiltman said:

Yeah...He absolutely deserves to be on a roster with his level of talent. But he doesn’t want to come back at his point to be a backup / make very little and the teams don’t want to deal with the distraction as a backup.

They’ve both backed themselves into it by going on for so long. Neither will blink and he’ll age out at some point...and for ten more years his name will get tossed around.

If Patty was out it would be the perfect scenario, with the right coach. 

Here's what his agent said. The only team that brought in Kaep for a visit was Seattle. And they didn't even work him out.


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35 minutes ago, Xenos said:

I think the irony of Kaep's situation was that he's only kneeling in the first place because an ex vet told him it was the best way to protest without it coming across as bring disrespectful to the military.

Gonna give you a hint.

People don't, actually, give a **** about what veterans say or think about anything if it disagrees with pre-set notions drilled into them from decades of conditioning that waging a cultural war is more important than tangible material benefits and changes. 

Vets are props.

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1 hour ago, MakeDenverGreatAgain said:

No he doesn’t, for the same reasons Tebow isn’t in the league.

He’s so much better than Tebow it’s not even funny. I won’t assume why you’re saying that but your username speaks volumes. 

Edited by KingOfTheDot
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