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This Aint Packers Talk v69


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On 9/13/2017 at 7:12 PM, PackyAttacky said:

Does anybody here play pick ems? Any advice? Too close to call go with the home team, or the better defense, or offense?

I do. I'm glad I picked the Texans after heavy consideration. 

As for too close to calls, I usually go with the better defense.

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19 hours ago, MNPackfan32 said:

Anybody have any tips on stress relief? Just wondering what works for some people. I need to do a better job handling my stress.

Best thing that's worked for me is setting myself up for "wins"

An hour of prep time is worth two of work time.


The night before, I set my ten goals for the next day.

I then go through them and do everything that I can to make them happen.


If #2 on my list is: "get a workout in before work",

I make sure that I've got my workout clothes laid out on my desk.

I make sure that I've got my office clothes and shower stuff packed in a bag next to my door.

I make sure that I've got a breakfast and lunch made and in the fridge so all I have to do is grab it when I leave.


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On 9/17/2017 at 5:00 PM, MNPackfan32 said:

Anybody have any tips on stress relief? Just wondering what works for some people. I need to do a better job handling my stress.

Depending on the causes of your stress, these days it's very easy to let things spiral out of control in your mind. Make sure you keep perspective. My personality allowed me to dump a whole lot of extra stress on top of my stress. It snowballed until I realized I was the one allowing it to paralyze me. I allowed my deadlines to follow me around wherever I went and affect whatever I did, even if I had it under control.  Then I allowed myself to have stress when there was no need whatsoever ! 

Talk to yourself (the good kind of talk - lol) and talk with others who will be supportive and encouraging. Sometimes getting it off your chest is half the battle. 

Of course you have the exercise, eat right, and plenty of sleep things as well

Edited by cannondale
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On 9/17/2017 at 5:00 PM, MNPackfan32 said:

Anybody have any tips on stress relief? Just wondering what works for some people. I need to do a better job handling my stress.

I know what you're feeling.  My recent medical issues led to my (mostly) dormant anxiety/depression to rear its ugly head.  If it isn't to that level (and I hope it isn't) take things one step at a time.  I set goals.  Some of them are very easy, some are not as easy.  My first goal is literally get out of bed and go to work.  Whether I am there for 8 hours or 15 minutes, the first goal is to get there.  

Get a routine that is as stressful as you can handle, but no more.  Eat right.  Exercise.  Make some you time. Get the proper amount of sleep.

Edited by DavidatMIZZOU
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