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BDL Discussion Thread 2020


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I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

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3 hours ago, Xmad said:

I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

Hey bud.  Tragic news.  Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.  We're always here if you need us. Reach out, pm, whatever. All the best man 

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4 hours ago, Xmad said:

I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

Truly sorry to hear that man. Thoughts and prayers are with you for sure. If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open.

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4 hours ago, Xmad said:

I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

Sorry buddy.

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5 hours ago, Xmad said:

I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

Sorry to hear dude. Thoughts are with you and your family. Take care.

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5 hours ago, Xmad said:

I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

I'm sorry man. If you need to talk reach out. We are here for you. 

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5 hours ago, Xmad said:

I know I'm basically out of BDL but I've known you guys half a decade some a lil longer.

Thank you for all the positive stuff in my life because now I know what it's like to truly be miserable.

My mom died, so thank you all for the positive memories of football and BDL. 

I'm really sorry.  My fiancee lost her dad in her early 20s and it was really rough on her.  Let us know if there's anything we can do.

And you're still in BDL, you just don't know it yet.

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23 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Send to me

Sacramento Sasquatch @ Gotham Gashslayers

Singapore Sentinels @ Cuba Smugglers

Seoul Dragons @ Camden Hood Rats

Antarctica Katabatic Beasts @ Lancaster Werewolves

Send to @rackcs

New Orleans Jazz @ Hungary Hippos

Portland Horned Owls @ Berlin Blitzkrieg

Williamsport Soul Reavers @ Rome Eternals

Oklahoma City EF5s @ Ivory Coast Black Rhinos

For the lazies...

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