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Unpopular Opinions: Entertainment edition


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15 hours ago, Daniel said:

Right? It’s just revenge porn. Django almost got as bad, but up until the last 45 minutes, it’s a much better film.

The endings are my biggest problem with both. In Inglorious, the whole killing Hitler thing really throws off my suspension of disbelief. It’s just such a well known historical event, it’s like someone pauses the movie, reminds you that it’s a movie, and none of this is real, then pushes play.

In Django, the shootout is cartoony as hell, and then there’s like 45 more minutes of movie. You could have cut 30 of it and made a better movie.

Don’t put the climax an hour before the movie ends. That’s too much falling action.

Completely agree. Jackie Brown was just better made than both.

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The Last Jedi was the best one of the Star Wars 3rd trilogy movies. It was messy, but it took risks. The other two were think tank machines, and JJ Abrams can direct action scenes but is a storytelling hack


also, IT part 1 was not good, specifically the horror elements

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6 hours ago, Malfatron said:

The Last Jedi was the best one of the Star Wars 3rd trilogy movies. It was messy, but it took risks.

Outside of the canto bight scene, I largely agree.  That is a giant anchor in the middle of the movie though that kills all momentum.  That and it should have been Ackbar who pulls off the light speed suicide stunt to save the fleet.  It would have had actual weight then instead of killing off nothingburger Holdo that we just met and don't really care about.

Edited by THE DUKE
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3 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Outside of the canto bight scene, I largely agree.  That is a giant anchor in the middle of the movie though that kills all momentum.  That and it should have been Ackbar who pulls off the light speed suicide stunt to save the fleet.  It would have had actual weight then instead of killing off nothingburger Holdo that we just met and don't really care about.

Agreed. Upon rewatching all three, there were things that TLJ could have done to really set up three, and it failed. Your points here add to that. Canto might be the worst side story of the entire trilogy. 

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3 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Outside of the canto bight scene, I largely agree.  That is a giant anchor in the middle of the movie though that kills all momentum.  That and it should have been Ackbar who pulls off the light speed suicide stunt to save the fleet.  It would have had actual weight then instead of killing off nothingburger Holdo that we just met and don't really care about.

Canto Bight is such a turnoff. Like you said, it absolutely kills all momentum and is so heavy-handed. The only part that was actually effective was when DJ made them realize that the resistance benefitted from the arms dealers as well.

Rose at the end is also just ridiculous. "Not fighting what we hate, but saving what we love." is the worst line in any Star Wars film, even worse than the Sand Monologue.

Agreed about Ackbar. That would have been a great send-off for a legacy character.

I love just about everything else they did, though. 

Edited by seminoles1
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I'll just say it:

I've never understood the fascination with Mark Wahlberg in any capacity. He's a very "meh" at best actor, I have never bought his "tough guy" image or routine, and as a person, he's kind of a joke IMO.

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'll just say it:

I've never understood the fascination with Mark Wahlberg in any capacity. He's a very "meh" at best actor, I have never bought his "tough guy" image or routine, and as a person, he's kind of a joke IMO.

I think people like him because he makes your average Joe feel like he could be famous or they have a mascot-like affinity for him.

For me, it’s the latter.

I know what to expect when I see him in a starring role, but his limited versatility can shine in the right role.

I wouldn’t replace him in The Departed or I Heart Huckabees with anyone.

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Wahlberg has his moments, but the range is definitely limited.  Several movies of his that I enjoy:

Boogie Nights
Three Kings
The Perfect Storm
The Italian Job
The Departed
The Other Guys
The Fighter
Spenser Confidential
The Big Hit

His big problem is that he'll do anything for a paycheck and has picked a lot of duds as well.

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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I'll just say it:

I've never understood the fascination with Mark Wahlberg in any capacity. He's a very "meh" at best actor, I have never bought his "tough guy" image or routine, and as a person, he's kind of a joke IMO.

He was good in The Fighter and Boogie Nights.  But yeah, he's better as part of an ensemble.

Here may be an unpopular one: both Tom Cruise and Nicholas Cage are great actors.  When they want to be.

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15 hours ago, Malfatron said:

The Last Jedi was the best one of the Star Wars 3rd trilogy movies. It was messy, but it took risks. The other two were think tank machines, and JJ Abrams can direct action scenes but is a storytelling hack


also, IT part 1 was not good, specifically the horror elements

Strongly disagree with both. 

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