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Unpopular Opinions: Entertainment edition


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Just now, mistakey said:

bro were in the unpopular opinions thread

it isn't an opinion.  He was not wordy. Not in the standard way the word is defined/used. Not in the statistics that capture his writing.  

Your opinion can be that he sucked. Your opinion can be that he was boring. 

Your opinion can NOT be that he was wordy.  Because he wasn't.  


It's like you're saying  2+2 doesn't equal 4  because to YOU  the "+" is actually a division symbol, not an addition one.   That isn't coming up with a differing opinion, it's redefining meaning and language usage to try to frame your opinion into a fact .



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5 minutes ago, Fl0nkerton said:

I don't have a horse in this race, but claiming that a 424 word sentence is not "wordy" is a wild hill to die on. 


I mean, I know "wiki isn't a real source"... but I linked you above.   Up to you to die on the hill of redefining what words mean and looking at the exception to the rule.

Here's another link from people who don't know anything


and another



Edited by SlevinKelevra
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2 minutes ago, SlevinKelevra said:

it isn't an opinion.  He was not wordy. Not in the standard way the word is defined/used. Not in the statistics that capture his writing.  

Your opinion can be that he sucked. Your opinion can be that he was boring. 

Your opinion can NOT be that he was wordy.  Because he wasn't.  


It's like you're saying  2+2 doesn't equal 4  because to YOU  the "+" is actually a division symbol, not an addition one.   That isn't coming up with a differing opinion, it's redefining meaning and language usage to try to frame your opinion into a fact .



he can be decidedly not wordy in certain works and then go through different eras where he was wordy.  picasso had a blue period.  I dunno man people wanna act like all of his sentences were "i like meat" which is decidedly not true

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1 minute ago, SlevinKelevra said:


I mean, I know "wiki isn't a real source"... but I linked you above.   Up to you to die on the hill of redefining what words mean and looking at the exception to the rule.


eh, referring to your 2+2   4: language doesn't really have the same rules as math does. 

If i turned in a paper with a 424 word sentence in it, I wouldn't receive a passing grade. Probably because that sentence can be cut down to something more concise and readable.

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19 hours ago, animaltested said:

People who ramble on about how "modern music is garbage" are just lazy philistines, addicted to nostalgia. 

Hard agree.  All eras of music are 90% crap, the old stuff just gets the forgettable stuff forgotten mostly.  Rap in the 2000s and 2010s is more diverse than it's ever been.  Rock is almost dead though.

17 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

Stranger Things and every GoT season after 4 are overrated.

Definitely unpopular there.  GOT had moments in 5 and 6, but 4 was the best season IMO.  Stranger Things is great.

17 hours ago, SlevinKelevra said:

1) only black/death metal are worth listening to

8) most Pixar movies suck

10) thomas pynchon is the only 20th century author consistently worth reading

You are awful, and everything about you is awful.

17 hours ago, August4th said:

stranger things season 3 was the worse season of TV from a popular show last yr.

You're almost as bad as he is.

15 hours ago, Ozzy said:

And better than these 10, I do not think so....mind you even finding 10 good War movies is not that easy however.

Saving Private Ryan
The Hurt Locker
Casualties of War (1989)
Zero Dark Thirty
Born on the 4th of July
Full Metal Jacket
The Deer Hunter

This is a solid list.  I'd add The Longest Day, Judgment at Nuremberg (if it counts), Apocalypse Now (if it counts), and Letters from Iwo Jima, but Saving Private Ryan is probably my favorite war movie of all time.

14 hours ago, N4L said:

Star wars is absolute trash

Die in a fire.

41 minutes ago, mistakey said:

pynchon is trash
theres my unpopular opinion

I liked Crying of Lot 49 quite a lot, but otherwise, hard agree.  Gravity's Rainbow is nonsense.

35 minutes ago, mistakey said:

great gatsby is trash as well.  hemingway trash.  

Ya know, you had me when you were ripping on Pynchon and Great Gatsby (which I think is a fine book, but that's it, just fine), but you lost me on Hemingway.  I know that's a popular take on Hemigway, and a lot of literary critics that I otherwise respect share that opinion, but not me.  Hemingway is one of the all time great short story writers, and most of his novels are great too, though he had some stinkers there.

8 minutes ago, scar988 said:

Hemingway is ****. 


Dickens is the GOAT of the classic writers because he doesn't sit there and drone on for ages. 

But, hot take, Classic writers for the most part are ****. Their stories are great without considering any of hte context of their era.

Dickens is absolute trash.  He was a hack writer, and he only told one story ever, he just changed character names.  He's only remembered because he was prolific and popular, but his characters are all, without a single exception that I can think of (and admittedly, I've only read like four of his books), one-dimensional, his antagonists are practically zero dimensional, and the theme to everything is "the evil rich people are preying on the angelic poor people."

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8 minutes ago, SlevinKelevra said:


" The opposite of verbosity is plain language. Some teachers, including the author of The Elements of Style, warn against verbosity; similarly Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway, among others, famously avoid it. "

That's great and all. But Hemingway definitely had verbosity to his works. Not all of them mind you, but quite a few of them.

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Just now, scar988 said:

That's great and all. But Hemingway definitely had verbosity to his works. Not all of them mind you, but quite a few of them.

which is why he averaged 7 words per sentence less than his peers, and has a concise writing software program named after him.


LOTS OF WORDS =/= verbosity.




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Just now, SlevinKelevra said:

which is why he averaged 7 words per sentence less than his peers, and has a concise writing software program named after him.


LOTS OF WORDS =/= verbosity.




All of Hemingway's words were unnecessary. Therefore, he's the king of verbosity.

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Just now, SlevinKelevra said:

which is why he averaged 7 words per sentence less than his peers, and has a concise writing software program named after him.


LOTS OF WORDS =/= verbosity.




Agree here.  Hemingway was far from verbose.  One long sentence doesn't a point make.  Faulkner had a seven page sentence in The Sound and the Fury, and Joyce had a single sentence as the last chapter of Ulysses, and those are two of Hemingway's biggest contemporaries.

If you think Hemingway is verbose, you probably just think all literature is verbose.  Hemingway was about as concise as it gets outside of Poe.  His whole school of lit theory is about cutting as much from a narrative as you can.

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32 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Hard agree.  All eras of music are 90% crap, the old stuff just gets the forgettable stuff forgotten mostly.  Rap in the 2000s and 2010s is more diverse than it's ever been.  Rock is almost dead though.

Yep. Going off the age group of this board, but when old heads talk about how much better music was when they were younger are completely ignoring the awful to generic trends like , Stadium Rock Era,  Nu-Metal, Emo-Scene Era, Bling Era Rap, Brit Invasion 2.0, etc. All had the same issues and annoying qualities people complain about with contemporary mainstream music. 

Edited by animaltested
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