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Saw 13 Game - JoshstraDaymus WINS!!!

Pickle Rick

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5 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

@Matts4313 has been evicted 

@theuntouchable will be punished 

Player    Vote    Total
bcb    matts    5
et    matts    
whicker    matts    
josh    matts    
mwil    matts    
matts    mwil    4
ted    mwil    
racks    mwil    
orca    mwil    

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2 hours ago, Whicker said:

I guess I’ll stay as to not mess up the host, but my entire profile on this site is going to be massively reduced. Any conflict I’m staying out of, and I’m not posting any more than necessary 

Quit stealing my strategy 

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Comp 8 - Touch 'em all Joe!!!

I'm missing baseball, so get your ***** out there in the snow and take to the field.  No real trap here, but finish first in the derby to receive the key to get back inside.  Otherwise you will be left out to freeze and become a part of nature as it reclaims this facility.  

Live or die, make your choice!!!


1. You will step up to the plate for 3 pitches vs every player left in the game.

2. You will pitch 3 balls to every player left in the game.

3. As a hitter your goal is to hit a homerun, as a pitcher your goal is to throw the ball by the hitter. 

4. To hit a homerun, you have to adjust your swing with each pitch.  The ways you can adjust your swing are below

Wait back - hits a change up, fouls a fastball, whiffs a slider 
Aggressive - hits a fastball, fouls a slider, whiffs a changeup
Opposite field swing - hits a slider, fouls a changeup, whiffs a fastball 

5. The pitches you can throw are below

Changeup - whiffs an aggressive and fouls an oppo swing, gets hit by a wait back swing
Fastball - whiffs an oppo and fouls an wait back swing, gets hit by a aggressive swing
Slider - whiffs a wait back and fouls an aggressive swing, gets hit by a oppo swing

6.  Submit 3 swing types and 3 pitches for each player in the game. 



3 points for a homerun
0 point for a foul ball
-1 points for a whiff


3 points for a whiff 
0 point for a foul
-1 points for a homerun


1. Most home runs 

2. Most whiffs

3. Time to submit

No working with others (in thread or out), you will be punished harshly for doing so. 

All moves must be submitted via PM.  

Deadline to submit will be Monday afternoon at 5 pm 

Players Alive:

4. @theuntouchable

5. @The Orca

7. @JoshstraDaymus

8. @MWil23

9. @ET80

10. @rackcs

11. @Whicker

12. @TedLavie

13. @bcb1213

Edited by Pickle Rick
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