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Really Weird Stuff


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Been a while since we had one of these threads... Tell us about weird things that happened to you, or people you know.


I've told this story before, but I'll start with it for everyone who missed it. I'm getting goosebumps as I type, I know my dad gets the chills any time I make him tell the story. 


First, lemme say I don't really believe in much that can't be proven by science, but I'm open to it.


Setting: Town of 2,000 people, in rural WA where everyone knows everyone....
One time my dad and I were at a recycling center. A white SUV with a different colored drivers side front fender pulled up next to us. Dude in a hat and brown jacket was driving, he had a dog sitting in the passenger seat. We finished recycling and left, he (presumably) pulled up next to throw his stuff in the dumpsters as we pulled out onto the main road.

About 60 seconds later we saw (presumably) the same white SUV with a different colored drivers side front fender and brown jacket man with the same dog in the passenger seat headed the opposite direction as us (25mph road), headed towards the recycling center. My dad and I both looked at each other and confirmed we both saw the same thing. We laughed it off.


We drove (direct route) to the local grocery store. We pulled in and saw the white SUV with the different colored drivers side fender with the same dog in the passenger seat, dude in a brown jacket driving.

My dad didn't even want to go into the store. I remember when we (it may have just been me) went into the store, everything felt surreal. Like time stopped, or everyone was just "not there".... I can't describe it. I remember my dad felt something similar but wouldn't expand on it, so he must've been in the store too..


It was super weird. I don't really think about it.. I can't explain it. I know it bugged my dad quite a bit,

Edited by Dome
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If I had to guess it's a trick from your brain trying to supplant information you processed earlier (dog, guy in a brown jacket) with information you couldn't make out in detail so it supplemented information it processed earlier. You saw the three white SUVs but your brain might have supplied the information from the first encounter to the others due to any variety of factors.

Long story short, the earth developers are lazy and re-use the same models on occasion so it's probably nothing more than a glitch in the matrix.

Once saw four white pigeons about ten miles apart on the same day within an hour of each other. 

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8 hours ago, Dome said:

Been a while since we had one of these threads... Tell us about weird things that happened to you, or people you know.


I've told this story before, but I'll start with it for everyone who missed it. I'm getting goosebumps as I type, I know my dad gets the chills any time I make him tell the story. 


First, lemme say I don't really believe in much that can't be proven by science, but I'm open to it.


Setting: Town of 2,000 people, in rural WA where everyone knows everyone....
One time my dad and I were at a recycling center. A white SUV with a different colored drivers side front fender pulled up next to us. Dude in a hat and brown jacket was driving, he had a dog sitting in the passenger seat. We finished recycling and left, he (presumably) pulled up next to throw his stuff in the dumpsters as we pulled out onto the main road.

About 60 seconds later we saw (presumably) the same white SUV with a different colored drivers side front fender and brown jacket man with the same dog in the passenger seat headed the opposite direction as us (25mph road), headed towards the recycling center. My dad and I both looked at each other and confirmed we both saw the same thing. We laughed it off.


We drove (direct route) to the local grocery store. We pulled in and saw the white SUV with the different colored drivers side fender with the same dog in the passenger seat, dude in a brown jacket driving.

My dad didn't even want to go into the store. I remember when we (it may have just been me) went into the store, everything felt surreal. Like time stopped, or everyone was just "not there".... I can't describe it. I remember my dad felt something similar but wouldn't expand on it, so he must've been in the store too..


It was super weird. I don't really think about it.. I can't explain it. I know it bugged my dad quite a bit,

Sounds like one of those weird Twilight Zone stories where these people enter this small town. They try to drive out of the town and end up driving back into the town and find out they can't leave ever.

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When I was in college, I was driving home one night, about 10:30-11:00 PM. I grew up 2/10 of a mile from a 4 way stop, nothing crazy, but the road is 35 MPH and my house is opposite a corn/soy bean field. It's not uncommon for people to go 50 mph on the road, as it's easy to almost believe for a country road, despite being in a suburb, due to the 100-200 acre field. I was pretty tired, and decided to pause inexplicably at the 4 way stop for 1-2 seconds to rub my eyes, even  though I was 10-20 seconds from home (30+ minute drive from campus). Right before I went to turn left, a car barreled right through the 4 way stop (coming from my right) and didn't come close to slowing down, going every bit of 60+ mph. If I wouldn't have paused, I would have been potentially killed in a nasty T-Bone style accident 2/10 of a mile from my home.


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6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

When I was in college, I was driving home one night, about 10:30-11:00 PM. I grew up 2/10 of a mile from a 4 way stop, nothing crazy, but the road is 35 MPH and my house is opposite a corn/soy bean field. It's not uncommon for people to go 50 mph on the road, as it's easy to almost believe for a country road, despite being in a suburb, due to the 100-200 acre field. I was pretty tired, and decided to pause inexplicably at the 4 way stop for 1-2 seconds to rub my eyes, even  though I was 10-20 seconds from home (30+ minute drive from campus). Right before I went to turn left, a car barreled right through the 4 way stop (coming from my right) and didn't come close to slowing down, going every bit of 60+ mph. If I wouldn't have paused, I would have been potentially killed in a nasty T-Bone style accident 2/10 of a mile from my home.


My friend is a HS math teacher, this happened back when we were coaching middle school football together 


one of his students (7th grade girl) parents was a woman he’d gone to school with since kindergarten, so they were really close. Being so close with the girls mom, it wasn’t unusual for the girl to watch football practice then get a ride home with the coach

normally that’s a huge no-no for obvious reasons but the girls mom actually asked him if he could do it. He agreed even though he could’ve gotten in trouble for it. 

one day after dropping the girl off at home he got t-boned by a semi truck that didn’t stop at a red light, right in front of the girls house 


totally crushed his passenger side, he broke his right arm. If she had still been in his truck (like she had been 30 seconds before) there is zero doubt she would’ve been killed



no more giving students rides after that one 

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8 hours ago, SwoleXmad said:

If I had to guess it's a trick from your brain trying to supplant information you processed earlier (dog, guy in a brown jacket) with information you couldn't make out in detail so it supplemented information it processed earlier. You saw the three white SUVs but your brain might have supplied the information from the first encounter to the others due to any variety of factors.

So you’re saying it’s like a glitch in the matrix, got it.


Long story short, the earth developers are lazy and re-use the same models on occasion so it's probably nothing more than a glitch in the matrix.

Exactly like I thought.

Edited by Dome
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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

I believe in the preternatural.  


Just now, MWil23 said:

Things that cannot be explained

Everything can be explained, the problem is the person who can give you the answer no longer has a voice. 

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To go more into detail, I believe e that everything supernatural is just science we don’t yet understand.  99% of stuff is mass hysteria or tricks or whatnot, but I also believe in that 1% that would shock modern understanding.  Some weird **** in the world that doesn’t add up.  And that’s just our world.  And what we’ve experienced in our world.  

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18 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

To go more into detail, I believe e that everything supernatural is just science we don’t yet understand.  99% of stuff is mass hysteria or tricks or whatnot, but I also believe in that 1% that would shock modern understanding.  Some weird **** in the world that doesn’t add up.  And that’s just our world.  And what we’ve experienced in our world.  

I agree with this.

For example, when I leave for work in the morning, my dogs have no concept of why. They are unhappy I'm leaving, and happy when I return, but the concept of having to go to work, to make money, to pay bills/be able to eat, etc is something that they literally can't comprehend. There is so much going on outside of their world that they don't understand and it would be ignorant to think that there aren't things out there that are outside of our comprehension as well (at least for right now). 

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