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Proposed new CBA would reduce positive THC test punishment; no more bans strictly for smoking weed


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1 hour ago, wwhickok said:

You've clearly not worked the same places I have because yes...yes I do

That sounds like an issue with your vocation in life, not some sign that everyone is going to eat a brownie before film session...

Are there functional alcoholics who can perform under the influence? Yes. Are there functional users of THC who can perform under the influence? Yes. 

The interesting part of this? If someone is functional while under the influence, they're probably operating just fine right now with current rules in place.

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36 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

The average person? No. A guy like a Josh Gordon and Randy Gregory...

Fair, there are those who can remain functional while using other substances. But, did that impact anyone outside of themselves getting suspended for that?

Not that I'm endorsing this, but isn't it a victimless crime?

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4 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Fair, there are those who can remain functional while using other substances. But, did that impact anyone outside of themselves getting suspended for that?

Not that I'm endorsing this, but isn't it a victimless crime?

Their lack of availability hurt their franchises. It hurts their families. So I wouldn’t say that it’s victimless. This isn’t about marijuana use...this is about drug dependence and mental illness. In the case of Gordon he has also demonstrated poor work ethic. If it isn’t weed...it’ll be something else that keeps them from being on the field and producing. 

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8 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

Their lack of availability hurt their franchises. It hurts their families. So I wouldn’t say that it’s victimless.

But wouldn't this scenario be eliminated with the removal of the rule?

8 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

This isn’t about marijuana use...this is about drug dependence and mental illness. In the case of Gordon he has also demonstrated poor work ethic. If it isn’t weed...it’ll be something else that keeps them from being on the field and producing. 

I can agree with this - Josh Gordon was/is a very extreme case, and this wouldn't make all of those issues vanish.

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4 hours ago, ET80 said:

Why are you assuming people are going to "walk in" high as a kite? Do people regularly walk into work drunk as a skunk?

For the record, this analogy annoys me because it's far, far easier to stay up late drinking and drive or come into work the next morning still impacted by alcohol than it is to smoke pot late into the night and come to work high. Alcohol has zero order elimination, marijuana has multi-order elimination, and as a result it makes it far, far harder to stay high for long periods without continuously dosing yourself.

Your comparison actually made your argument more difficult than it had to be.

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

For the record, this analogy annoys me because it's far, far easier to stay up late drinking and drive or come into work the next morning still impacted by alcohol than it is to smoke pot late into the night and come to work high. Alcohol has zero order elimination, marijuana has multi-order elimination, and as a result it makes it far, far harder to stay high for long periods without continuously dosing yourself.

Your comparison actually made your argument more difficult than it had to be.

All you had to say was "they'll be more likely to come in with Cheeto/Dorito orange flavoring on their fingers" tbh.

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26 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

This isn’t about marijuana use...this is about drug dependence and mental illness.

Correct, which is why we should be doing all we can to limit the prescriptions of opiates. Limited testing of THC and a raised LLOQ that only considers players with concentrations that are almost certainly going to impair them significantly does exactly that.


This is the no-brainer of no-brainers.

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4 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

For the record, this analogy annoys me because it's far, far easier to stay up late drinking and drive or come into work the next morning still impacted by alcohol than it is to smoke pot late into the night and come to work high. Alcohol has zero order elimination, marijuana has multi-order elimination, and as a result it makes it far, far harder to stay high for long periods without continuously dosing yourself.

Your comparison actually made your argument more difficult than it had to be.

I...did not know this. At all. 

What would be a more apt comparison?

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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Correct, which is why we should be doing all we can to limit the prescriptions of opiates.

Bingo. That's the end game here. If this is the only takeaway from this, then it's worth the discussion and debate.

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5 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I...did not know this. At all. 

What would be a more apt comparison?

Off the top of my head there isn't a perfect one. Cocaine or other opiate type drugs have multi-ordered elimination, but the half life of THC is a little bit longer so it's not perfect apples to apples. It's at least closer.

With alcohol, your body has a set amount it can metabolize in a given time. Which is why if you've ever been in a drunk tank, a cop will get your BAC, write it down, and they have some math that assumes your BAC will drop 0.02% an hour or so whether thats from 0.22 to 0.2 or from 0.02 to 0.00.

With pot and almost all other drugs, the rate of elimination is dependent on the concentration. Every few hours or so, the amount of THC in your system is going to be cut in half. Which means the more you take, the more your body clears.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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When people wonder why the NFLPA gets raked over the coals, it’s simple: Unless you’re a QB, you’re replaceable. 

Look at the XFL. It’s not a great product by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s watchable. Swap QBs from the XFL and NFL and which league are you watching?


In the MLB and NBA, 1 guy can play and impact both sides of the ball, making it harder to replace them and not have a noticeable drop.


If the players want change, all 32 QBs need to be in the room.

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2 hours ago, Hukos said:

If you come into work high and unable to function, yeah you should be fired. For consuming it in your own free time and being sober when you do show up to work? That's just being petty.

 I think that's the part of it I misunderstood.

 I'd assume that potentially they are going to apply my timeline if you can pretty much with today's  Technology narrow down when somebody did something so my guess is that the turn chilly they are going to basically say that if you fail a drug task but it's proven that this happened basically when you were not at work it's all good I guess regard less of my personal opinion on recreational drugs that I have a problem with that mentality

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

That sounds like an issue with your vocation in life, not some sign that everyone is going to eat a brownie before film session...

Are there functional alcoholics who can perform under the influence? Yes. Are there functional users of THC who can perform under the influence? Yes. 

The interesting part of this? If someone is functional while under the influence, they're probably operating just fine right now with current rules in place.

 I really don't disagree with anything you just said my point about the alcoholic's was simply stating that unfortunately I have worked with some real winners..

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3 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

 I'd assume that potentially they are going to apply my timeline if you can pretty much with today's  Technology narrow down when somebody did something so my guess is that the turn chilly they are going to basically say that if you fail a drug task but it's proven that this happened basically when you were not at work it's all good I guess

I can confirm that detecting exactly when someone smoked pot to try and get people fired is currently 3rd in line on pharma's to do list right behind cancer and Alzheimers.

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4 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I can confirm that detecting exactly when someone smoked pot to try and get people fired is currently 3rd in line on pharma's to do list right behind cancer and Alzheimers.

 I'm not saying that it is a priority I'm saying that it's possible I don't know what the league has in mind of course

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