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Football's Future: This is the End Mafia - Night 8 ends Monday, 3/2 at 10:00 PM EST


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4 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

I played the most perfect game as bcb anyone could've asked for.

I didn't participate in ANYTHING. Most nights I didn't even vote. I forgot to use my move N1. I lolcleared myself trying to be funny. AND WE STILL WON.

gg ez I'm back to being retired.


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2 hours ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

I played the most perfect game as bcb anyone could've asked for.

I didn't participate in ANYTHING. Most nights I didn't even vote. I forgot to use my move N1. I lolcleared myself trying to be funny. AND WE STILL WON.

gg ez I'm back to being retired.

Ehhh I always vote and put in night actions.  I don't lol clear myself either 

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Hey, remember that guy who died and flipped town and came back alive anyways on night 1?

Yeah, what about him?

He's a cool dude



Wait, do you think there might be something suspicious about that?

Maybe...say, I don't think anyone has been motivated in a while either...



Well I guess we can lynch him

The last two survivors surround squire12 and beat him into submission. They drag him to the pit and throw him in. 

Squire12 is dead. He was KOTN, Forum-Aligned

The two heroes jump in the air and high five. They raise their arms high and prepare to ascend to the heavens above! But still nothing happens. They look forward and see squire12 climb out of the pit. His skin had turned a deep purple.

"Ayy! Bada bing bada boom! Forget about it!"

Squire12 runs off back into the mansion.

It is now Night 8! You have until 10 PM EST to get your moves in!


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Whicker rushes into the house with kingseanjohn right behind. They had to catch this madman and end this apocalypse once and for all. They rush through the halls of Woz's mansion, scenes of chaos and bloodshed racing through their mind as they rush by all of the places where violence occurred. This whole time they wanted nothing more than to get into heaven but this wasn't the way to do it. Would they ever get there? They find their way into the giant library. As they enter the door slams shut behind them.

"Come on out you purple scum! There's two of us and only one of you!"

Whicker holds his hand out and says, "Get behind me, I'll protect you."

As kingseanjohn began to move into place, the sound of a gunshot rang out through the room.

"Think again you ******* cocksucker! Ayy! Badda bing badda boom!"

Whicker is dead. He was MD4LForum-Aligned

Kingseanjohn fell backwards onto the floor, holding his hands in front of his face in a misguided attempt to shield himself.

"Any last words ya prick?!"

"Yeah, how can you possibly have survived death this many times? Why the hell are you so OP?!"

"Ask the host why he thought it would be a good idea to make a game in 2 hours!"

"But it's not fair!"

"Doesn't matter, solo win!"

Squire12 pulls the trigger.

Kingseanjohn is dead. He was CounselorForum-Aligned

That'll teach those cocksucking prick mods to ban me! I am invincible!"

Squire12 is the sole winner! He was KOTN, Pesci-Aligned


Thanks for playing everyone! I really enjoyed everyone's roleplaying as each other. It was a lot of fun to follow along and I laughed a lot.

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2 thoughts.. 

1. Whicker and Gopher bickering at the expense of not going after Squire was extremely annoying to watch.

2. I absolutely love @rackcs games. Truly one of the great host. That said; I absolutely loathe these "gotta kill me a million times" roles. I think they are game breaking and stupid. I wish people would not put them in the game. 

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