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Wuhan Coronavirus Thread


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Just now, theJ said:

5 here. 25 fouls against, 10 fouls for and we finished the game with 2 JV players lol. It sucked. Should have won. 

Ugh, that's a bummer man! We were up 1, had a sophomore (one of my football players) at the line, he clanked his free throw and they hit a bucket to win it by 1 after getting an offensive rebound because we went small at the end for ball handling. We were underdogs.

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On 3/10/2020 at 4:57 AM, rob_shadows said:

This whole thing has reminded me of a question I always pondered... Why do people seem to genuinely enjoy panicking?

Seriously, whenever something is predicted incoming like a major snowstorm, a virus like Coronavirus or even h1n1, or even a complete b/s "concern" like y2k. You give people even the slightest hint something could go wrong in the world and the panic starts, people rush stores to stock up on just about everything... Most of which doesn't even make sense in the context of whatever may go wrong...I just don't get it.

I get that Covid is worse than the flu...But it's not the second coming of the black death or even Spanish flu...

What I particularly don't understand is why EVERYONE panics...I could understand being worried if your 70 years old or if you have asthma or something that puts you at high risk but why the hell are perfectly healthy, relatively young people panicking as well? Between the ages of 10 and 39 we're talking about a 0.2% mortality rate which is a whopping .1 percent higher than seasonal flu.

Like I said I get it in the case of the elderly and completely understand they want to be careful but if you're under 40 and have no preexisting medical conditions there is no excuse for the fearmongering... Even if you get it chances are you'll never need to see a doctor and will quite frankly probably just think you had the flu.

Humans and irrational fear. Start cutting on phones, power, or any other basic resource for too long and people will turn into savages. Just the nature of modern day society. Stock up first, ask questions later. 

It is funny seeing morons online fighting over toilet paper though. 

Edited by PapaShogun
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7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Ugh, that's a bummer man! We were up 1, had a sophomore (one of my football players) at the line, he clanked his free throw and they hit a bucket to win it by 1 after getting an offensive rebound because we went small at the end for ball handling. We were underdogs.

Ah that really sucks. Bet it was an exciting game and finish though!

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10 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

It also seems to assume that the virus will continue to grow exponentially indefinitely. These things tend to have a bell curve. See Asia. 

So true.  Not saying people shouldn’t be vigilant but the degree to which Asia has begun to get this under control is encouraging, this is not the Black Death or Spanish flu.  We will be ok 

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On 3/9/2020 at 9:04 AM, animaltested said:

Guess having a robust, well funded national healthcare system does wonders. The US is trying to manage the outbreak with 300 million people having to share like 25,000 testing kits. Meanwhile SK had mobile testing stations rolling around testing everyone. 

Here is my South Korean healthcare story. I was NOT enrolled in the NHI (Foreigner), walked into Doctors office. Waited 15 minutes, meet with doctor, had a checkup. Came back a week later, reviewed results. Total cost 30-40$ (Since I was not enrolled). Prescribed three months of supplements. Cost under 60$ dollars (again not enrolled in NHI).

Well yeah, I paid $3,500 for a doctor to snap my dislocated finger back into place. 

(Not really cause I was in college at the time and signed up for poor people's insurance and they covered it but that was what the cost actually was). 

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On 3/9/2020 at 3:37 PM, Shanedorf said:

Thanks for posting that link, she did a nice job laying it all out

"This is how exponential growth in an immunologically naïve population works." 

I saw a tweet saying why that was silly, from another smart person, but it was like 25 tweets so i didn't read it. 

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The main thing i'm gonna do is not visit my Grandparents until like July or August...honestly probably a lot later.  Wasn't really planning on it.  But i will call them and make sure they're keeping themselves safe.


I doubt i'll fight anyone over toilet paper, because i'm totally confused as to why it's all disappeared from the shelves.  It's probably gonna come back in stock, and i'm pretty confident i wouldn't die that much even if i contract the big ol' Virus.

I honestly wish i could bet on myself not dying, like all the **** corporations do on their employees (in reverse).  Like, where do i sign up to get a big payout if i don't die from this thing?


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11 hours ago, mission27 said:

So true.  Not saying people shouldn’t be vigilant but the degree to which Asia has begun to get this under control is encouraging, this is not the Black Death or Spanish flu.  We will be ok 

South Korea should be the model the rest of the world is following. 

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