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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Hey man I think at some point during your stay a doctor accidentally switched your brain and the kidney stone.

Why? Because I don't consider something that causes no permanent damage a serious medical problem? 

It seriously hurt more than anything I've ever experienced in my life and It was a serious financial problem for me because now I have a wonderful hospital bill to deal with but it lasted all of one day and had no permanent effects so...why exactly should I consider that a serious medical problem? I'm fine

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1 minute ago, Shanedorf said:

My 25 year old nephew is a fitness instructor and unfortunately he contracted corona in Seattle.
He's fit as a fiddle. He spent 8 days on oxygen therapy and that emergency intervention is the only reason he's still alive today. The results of the infection is that he will have lung scarring for the rest of his life. One of the downstream affects from lung scarring is that it can impact your ability to breathe. The severity is currently not known

The issue isn't that everybody is going to die, its that we don't have enough resources to handle it like we would in normal circumstances.
There simply aren't enough ventilators/ oxygen tanks available, so that means young people who could fight it off won't be able to going forward.

It takes every ounce of energy I have not to go off on your ignorance, so please - stop posting about this and just read until such time as you have a better understanding, if that's even possible.

I specifically stated TWICE that if it causes permanent lung damage then yes it's a serious problem but sure completely ignore that and insult me instead.


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12 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

Did you read the article?

Yes I read about the MAGA propaganda which ironically was very similar to the same propaganda you people were people out not even a week ago that this can be very mild for young adults who may not even show any symptoms of having it and may go through the entire process without ever displaying it. That was worrisome, but now your saying oh well it's been this way all along and all that other stuff was just propaganda. Now everyone is at serious risk supposedly including senior citizens.

You're saying well just listen to us cause we know what we're talking about. Well according to yall everything that was put out a week ago and before was just propaganda. Apparently this is bad for everyone now according to these numbers.

And you wonder why people don't listen to your infinite wisdom of contradictions. I even asked yall for the percentages of if young people having severe cases is on the rise and when did this start and other thing's to help clarify and all you do is say read the vague article that give's you the finger of everything you've been spewing in this topic and the last few about only the elderly are at serious risk.

Edited by Calvert28
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5 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

I won't argue the US deaths, although it's just a matter of time. But I'm not sure why you're focused on just the US and UK.

The youngest in Wuhan was in his 30s, as of January.

However, every chart has .2% of deaths in every single age group except <10. That means 10-19 year olds are dying too, just at a lower rate.

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51 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Yes I read about the MAGA propaganda which ironically was very similar to the same propaganda you people were people out not even a week ago that this can be very mild for young adults who may not even show any symptoms of having it and may go through the entire process without ever displaying it. That was worrisome, but now your saying oh well it's been this way all along and all that other stuff was just propaganda. Now everyone is at serious risk supposedly including senior citizens.

You're saying well just listen to us cause we know what we're talking about. Well according to yall everything that was put out a week ago and before was just propaganda. Apparently this is bad for everyone now according to these numbers.

And you wonder why people don't listen to your infinite wisdom of contradictions. I even asked yall for the percentages of if young people having severe cases is on the rise and when did this start and other thing's to help clarify and all you do is say read the vague article that give's you the finger of everything you've been spewing in this topic and the last few about only the elderly are at serious risk.

I don't know what to tell you. The ONLY thing I have been advocating is to listen to the agencies that exist to provide this information. As more information is available, data will change. The situation is evolving, and the scientific community's understanding will be behind the curve - necessarily.

If you choose to scoff at it and blame me, that is your decision.


EDIT: I thought about this for a minute. Where did anyone say it was propaganda? Where did I say "listen to me"? 

The reason I asked you to read the article is because the bolded section of your post is specifically addressed in the article. Again - information is going to be fluid and change as scientific understanding of the situation evolves. 

Why are you being so combative about this? Maybe you don't want to argue and this is just your way of communicating, but when you use words like "spewing" and "propaganda" you come across as argumentative and unwilling to accept science. Opinions are important in many many situations. This is not one of them.

Again - the only thing that I am advocating is to listen to the doctors and the scientists that are giving the rest of us all of the important information that they have as soon as the have it. That's all.

Edited by JDBrocks
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You know what's really aggravating?  There are 30 rooms rented at my hotel right now.  20 or so are business/construction/workers.  The other 10 are people and couples over 70.  WTF is wrong with them?  And they're complaining about breakfast being closed and the spa being closed for their Goddamn safety. 


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A few days ago, the department chair where I work told everyone we'd be going back in on March 23rd and it was business as usual.  Just got an email from her two hours ago that we're out until at least April 13th.  This is insane. 

My heart goes out to all the part time workers who aren't able to go to work right now.  I hope more businesses and corporations continue to step up and pay hourly workers who aren't able to work.

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13 minutes ago, showtime said:

A few days ago, the department chair where I work told everyone we'd be going back in on March 23rd and it was business as usual.  Just got an email from her two hours ago that we're out until at least April 13th.  This is insane. 

My heart goes out to all the part time workers who aren't able to go to work right now.  I hope more businesses and corporations continue to step up and pay hourly workers who aren't able to work.

I got a call today, we're all officially on furlough. I was told we'll get a check to match the previous pay period that we were open. So if anyone worked less or not at all those two weeks you're SOL.

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