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40 minutes ago, mission27 said:

The more interesting question IMO is

We've done a very good job flattening the curve in some other metro areas like San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, etc. compared to New York or the European capitals or Wuhan

So what happens?  Are we going to get case #s there under control just as quickly a la South Korea and we can start to ease lockdowns nationally, or is it truly just going to be a flatter curve and they will have similar peaks but in May?

Hopefully the former not the later but we'll see



I think NY is just the first one to fall, so to speak. A lot of tourists from other countries, especially Asia, come to NYC in greater numbers than other areas, I'd assume. On the plus side, NYC getting hit hard will put things into perspective for a lot of people. Perhaps other states will be more aggressive after seeing what NYC is going through. 


I'd be interested to see the graphs for Chicago, Boston, LA, etc...I've been hyper-focused on NY since that's where I live. I wonder if other cities are following a similar trend?

Edited by WizeGuy
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So wanted to see what others are seeing in their areas. 

I am in Central NJ, been on shelter at home orders as of 3/21 I think it was, and the two weeks prior to that were less restrictive stay at home orders.  Today was the first day I had to go out and restock at Costco & the Grocery stores. 

Saw a good amount of cars on the road, probably about normal for a Wednesday middle of the day, but when you consider most people are home it does look like people are listening to the stay at home orders.  I could tell a lot of people were just out joy riding, which to be honest, if you are keeping yourself in the car, I have no beef with that.  I sometimes load the dog up and just drive around, he seems to like it a lot.  The one thing I did not understand was people driving around with masks on (usually solo or a husband/wife looking combo)...not sure what the thinking is there. A lot more people than usual out walking the dog, playing in the yard, etc...obviously the result of more people home during the day but a nice sight to see. 

At my local Costco, fairly well stocked, looks like certain departments are limited service, still out of stock on the "hoarding" items but overall in pretty good shape.  I did notice there were zero Lysol products and all of the wipes/sprays/etc. were Kirkland brand...never seen those before.  Guess I can't blame them for pushing their products at this time (Lysol products could genuinely be out of stock).  Got to say, this all sucks, but I really hope Costco keeps their new checkout procedures, it was organized for once and I did not get hit by a cart for the first time in years. I am really hoping people stop the habit of getting in people person space once this is all done, it drives me nuts...I have always been the person standing 3-5 ft back from the other people in a checkout line or similar situation.  The only thing I saw that frustrated me was 1) the amount of people still shopping as a family...I do not see the need for a family of 5 with little kids to all be going to the grocery store in a time like this and 2) the amount of people wearing surgical/N95 masks right now.  My wife is having to bring her own dwindling personal stock to work because the hospitals and rehab centers have stopped supplying masks to anyone who is not a direct employee of the hospital or a doctor yet unlike many other of these people she is having to see COVID patients.  I get that we may slowly transition to more of a mask wearing culture in the future but right now when there is a clear shortage and need of supplies in places, it really pisses me off to see. 

My local grocery store...outside of 3 things 1) the salad bar (which I find these repulsive anyways) 2) the prepared butcher items (stuffed chicken, pre-made meatballs, etc.) and 3) paper products, you would never think anything out of the norm is happening in the world which was nice to see.  One thing I did notice and I am not sure if this is good or bad, but normally the older workers are stationed at the registers with the younger staff doing stock and walking about the store...today it was opposite.  I would assume that would be good as it allows the older staff to be able to move away from people easier versus being stuck behind a register, but not sure it matters in a grocery store.

The thing that did really frustrate me (and would frustrate me regardless of pandemic or not) the amount of out of state plates I saw, PA/NYC on just standard passenger cars with families in them is really frustrating at this time.  I get it is hard if not impossible to ban someone from their second home but c'mon people, show some restraint.

What are others seeing in their areas?  Craziness, people listening?  

EDIT: The other thing I saw that kind of surprised me, people who were not following any social distancing guidelines for the most part were in that older 50+ category.  Not sure what the thought process there would be. 

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6 minutes ago, animaltested said:

Apparently Air Force. Saw on the news that night. Turning the convention center next the stadium a hospital. 

Interesting, do they have a big presence out there?  I would guess in areas where this is already a big military presence they could handle the work instead. 

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1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

A bit late on this one.  Although it appears a lot of Florida's problems were people coming into the state. 

I drove to my brothers house in Savannah Georgia last week from Palm Coast Florida to get some things out of his garage. On the way home I saw a ton of New Yorkers and New Jersey people driving into the state. Probably 90% of them were elderly.

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3 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Interesting, do they have a big presence out there?  I would guess in areas where this is already a big military presence they could handle the work instead. 

Seattle has quite a few bases. Joint Fort Lewis-McChord Airbase (Where Im guess this group is from), and  Kitsap-Bangor Navel base being the largest. 

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17 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Fights we deserve to see as a forum:

@ramssuperbowl99 vs @ET80

I think @Dome and I are already scheduled for a match... but who'd say no to a Triple Threat Match for the world title?

*crowd goes wild*

Well, we'll go ahead and do that... for the great fans here in SAGINAW, MICHIGAN!

*crowd erupts*

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Just now, ET80 said:

I think @Dome and I are already scheduled for a match... but who'd say no to a Triple Threat Match for the world title?

*crowd goes wild*

Well, we'll go ahead and do that... for the great fans here in SAGINAW, MICHIGAN!

*crowd erupts*


(Clearly I'm heel right?)

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9 minutes ago, TENINCH said:

I drove to my brothers house in Savannah Georgia last week from Palm Coast Florida to get some things out of his garage. On the way home I saw a ton of New Yorkers and New Jersey people driving into the state. Probably 90% of them were elderly.

Sounds about right.  Good friends of mine, their parents went back down from NJ after getting back to NJ in early March...I personally knew a handful of people who flew to Florida recently.  NY, NJ, FL are all quite inter connected through this for better or worse. 

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12 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I think @Dome and I are already scheduled for a match... but who'd say no to a Triple Threat Match for the world title?

*crowd goes wild*

Well, we'll go ahead and do that... for the great fans here in SAGINAW, MICHIGAN!

*crowd erupts*

What a cheap pop

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35 minutes ago, mistakey said:

I think we can all agree every country to one degree or another is under counting.

What's more useful looking at China is the timeline and the shape of the oubreak rather than absolute numbers.  Even if China wasnt purposefully understating the numbers we know that no country is testing everyone so the absolute numbers aren't that meaningful, but the trend and timeline probably tell us something especially given European countries are following very close to that trend and timeline so far.

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