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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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7 minutes ago, mission27 said:

The MoL's position has not changed whatsoever.

This will peak sometime in April and be getting much better in May.  By late May or early June I expect new case numbers to be essentially nothing. 

But how can seasonality be applied here when you consider somewhere like Boston or Chicago might not be considered warm into July? Do any of the highly impacted countries have a climate that can vary as mush as ours?  I know literally nothing about any of these other countries climates.  I figure Italy has some degree of it with North and South.  

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8 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

We need more colleges and similar facilities to step up and offer their space for field hospitals.  


Hotels really should be stepping up on this.  They are set up way better than most of the massive convention style spaces where the field hospitals end up going.  

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2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Hotels really should be stepping up on this.  They are set up way better than most of the massive convention style spaces where the field hospitals end up going.  

Some hotels already rent rooms for sleep studies.  They absolutely should be doing that.  I'm sure there are tax-breaks for them too which could help things, and potentially free up money to keep people employed. 

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14 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Some hotels already rent rooms for sleep studies.  They absolutely should be doing that.  I'm sure there are tax-breaks for them too which could help things, and potentially free up money to keep people employed. 

The State of California put out a request to hotels to use them for quarantines, treatment centers and for healthcare workers who didn't want to go home and risk their families getting infected. They were overwhelmed with offers in the first days of the program. Its already happening in most other places too
The hotel industry is completely decimated and they are trying to find work for their employees through these programs
- but right now there are more hotels offering than the State currently needs.

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37 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

But how can seasonality be applied here when you consider somewhere like Boston or Chicago might not be considered warm into July? Do any of the highly impacted countries have a climate that can vary as mush as ours?  I know literally nothing about any of these other countries climates.  I figure Italy has some degree of it with North and South.  

Yes and no.  Its not binary tbh

There's a range of temperatures and humidity levels that are ideal for the virus spreading and as you get further outside of that band the virus will spread less efficiently (i.e. slower) all else being equal

For most seasonal respiratory viruses we tend to see that big slow down in April and May in temperate northern hemisphere climates (think of the flu or common colds) once temps hit the 60s and low 70s and there's more humidity, but like with the seasonal flu, that slow down could come earlier or later depending on how contagious the particular virus is, variation in weather year to year, and whatnot and the slowdown is gradual.  Fewer people get the flu in April compared to February most years and even fewer people get the flu in July or August (but some people do get it)

So yes the least hospitable conditions for the virus are probably not until July or August in the northeast but February and early March are basically ideal conditions for most of these types of viruses and as we get into May and June they usually slow down.  We will likely get the same here although it'll be hard to predict and measure, given all the public health actions being taken, how much of the slow down is related to seasonality 

And btw, none of this means you wont be able to get Coronavirus in July, there are a bunch of cases in Florida and its 80 and humid, but if Florida were 45 and dry like New York City and blatantly ignoring social distancing for the last 3 weeks I think you'd see a far worse outbreak than we see right now

Its all related

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1 hour ago, mistakey said:

alright u win, i honestly cant care about arguing with you about this anymore.  it literally gains me nothing

last time i did this with someone turns out he was an anti vaxxer


Yeah but you already said that once, so...we don't believe you.

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Some hotels already rent rooms for sleep studies.  They absolutely should be doing that.  I'm sure there are tax-breaks for them too which could help things, and potentially free up money to keep people employed. 

Seriously, the tax breaks, a lot of the laid off hotel staff could assist, the public good will...I guess it is one of those so obvious everyone ignores it type of things. 

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43 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

The State of California put out a request to hotels to use them for quarantines, treatment centers and for healthcare workers who didn't want to go home and risk their families getting infected. They were overwhelmed with offers in the first days of the program. Its already happening in most other places too
The hotel industry is completely decimated and they are trying to find work for their employees through these programs
- but right now there are more hotels offering than the State currently needs.

I heard of 1 so far in NJ, have not heard of any in NYC thus far. Good for CA (and I think that is the first time I have said that). 

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1 hour ago, Shanedorf said:

The State of California put out a request to hotels to use them for quarantines, treatment centers and for healthcare workers who didn't want to go home and risk their families getting infected. They were overwhelmed with offers in the first days of the program. Its already happening in most other places too
The hotel industry is completely decimated and they are trying to find work for their employees through these programs
- but right now there are more hotels offering than the State currently needs.

Awesome.  I know that in  the past, the hotels surrounding the local mall would drop their rates by almost 3/4's to accommodate store managers and employees who had to work during bad snow storms, so it's awesome to see them giving those rooms up. 

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13 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

I'd like to know where all these people wearing masks and gloves to the stores are getting their stuff... Everywhere I've seen is and has been sold out of anything remotely healthcare related for weeks.


I’ve had gloves for a long time for cleaning guns.

As far as the masks, those aren’t the masks healthcare workers need.  The generic face masks are fine for day to day, but they need N95’s.

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