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36 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

So someone being perplexed by the most volatile market in history means they are rooting against the county in your mind?  

What a leap....

Did you read what I said? I didn’t say perplexed...I said upset. They were visibly upset the market was not down more because we all now how that gets spun. No one with half a sense of economics should be perplexed. Then again I don’t think the qualifications for journalisms go beyond “can smile” anymore. 

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1 hour ago, acowboys62 said:

That is all good and fine, but one thing they need to address and likely need to do it ASAP is going to be elective surgeries.  Hospitals, practices, etc. make most their money off of those elective surgeries.  Wait until (has already started in NJ) medical facilities have to start letting people go. I have zero idea how they can even attempt to figure that out, but hospitals and such are going to need a lot more than PPE soon if this doesn't start to slow down asap. 

Are elective surgeries how hospitals make their money, or do they make their money by charging patients $100 for a pill of Tylenol? There have been massive issues with our healthcare system for a very long time, and upper management within hospitals have taken advantage. On an individual level, I do feel bad for the workers right now and the resources they are given.

I’m guessing there will be some changes far as some of the elective surgeries in the near future. I agree that is certainly something that will need addressed. 

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31 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

The people they’re letting go are administrative people and a small percentage of total staff from what I’ve seen.

Theyre not letting clinical staff go.  I’ve received emails from 3 states in the last week offering 5-10k per week plus per diems, lodging, transport, etc., to go work there.

They need relief from Washington, who can just print more funny money.

Maybe with that money they can include some provisions that mandate guaranteed staffing ratios, equipment and funding reserves to prevent this stuff from happening as quickly next time.  You know, instead of 7 figure CEO salaries...

2 NPs and a PA were just let go from a Cardiologists office. The entire OR Nurse staff at the local hospital is getting a crash course on how to be a floor nurse to help (those who don’t grasp are gone)

...obviously all of these people have employment waiting for them if they want if. But it’s not just admin staff. And even if it was, best of luck to those offices to handle the billing and everything moving forward. 

I agree w your other people about people wanting to schedule things but I was supposed to get a knee scope and while I’m sure that’s no massive money maker I would gladly still do that if I could. My dad was supposed to get ligaments in his wrist repaired...he wants to move forward but can’t. Sometimes the pain today outweighs the low % risk. The majority of people would avoid anything elective but not all. And something is still better than nothing. 

There has to be balance and there is currently none. A landscape supply store is somehow essential but a quick procedure to relieve some pain is not. 

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1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

Did you read what I said? I didn’t say perplexed...I said upset. They were visibly upset the market was not down more because we all now how that gets spun. No one with half a sense of economics should be perplexed. Then again I don’t think the qualifications for journalisms go beyond “can smile” anymore. 

Upset because they feel the market isn’t responding appropriately or because they just hate America?

If you think they guy is an idiot who is only able to smile, why are you listening to him?

Youre managing to manufacture outrage over your projection of someone’s motivation for an opinion while also having no use for their opinion.

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4 minutes ago, NateDawg said:

Are elective surgeries how hospitals make their money, or do they make their money by charging patients $100 for a pill of Tylenol? There have been massive issues with our healthcare system for a very long time, and upper management within hospitals have taken advantage. On an individual level, I do feel bad for the workers right now and the resources they are given.

I’m guessing there will be some changes far as some of the elective surgeries in the near future. I agree that is certainly something that will need addressed. 

Surgeries are the majority of how. Simple authors net them tens of thousands. 

yes the entire system needs a massive overhaul, hopefully some good changes are on the other end of this.

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1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

Surgeries are the majority of how. Simple authors net them tens of thousands. 

yes the entire system needs a massive overhaul, hopefully some good changes are on the other end of this.

To be honest, I think that this entire pandemic has just put a microscope to some serious issues that we have been able to get by glossing over for a long time.

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2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

2 NPs and a PA were just let go from a Cardiologists office. The entire OR Nurse staff at the local hospital is getting a crash course on how to be a floor nurse to help (those who don’t grasp are gone)

...obviously all of these people have employment waiting for them if they want if. But it’s not just admin staff. And even if it was, best of luck to those offices to handle the billing and everything moving forward. 

I agree w your other people about people wanting to schedule things but I was supposed to get a knee scope and while I’m sure that’s no massive money maker I would gladly still do that if I could. My dad was supposed to get ligaments in his wrist repaired...he wants to move forward but can’t. Sometimes the pain today outweighs the low % risk. The majority of people would avoid anything elective but not all. And something is still better than nothing. 

There has to be balance and there is currently none. A landscape supply store is somehow essential but a quick procedure to relieve some pain is not. 

If those practices are under 500 people, they would qualify for PPP, and the doctors-in-charge would just need to retain their payroll.  The problem is that business owners are still unpacking everything as it pertains to these things because there is no much in that bill.  Right now it's easier to file for state unemployment and that's what a lot of people are doing. 

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Upset because they feel the market isn’t responding appropriately or because they just hate America?

If you think they guy is an idiot who is only able to smile, why are you listening to him?

Youre managing to manufacture outrage over your projection of someone’s motivation for an opinion while also having no use for their opinion.

you can sit there and say the media in all this is being fair and balanced? 

I’m not listening to anyone who isn’t my wife, Its not hard to formulate ones own thoughts. Watching and sharing opinions/things I’ve noticed doesn’t mean I am listening. 

next time I share an observation/comment I’ll make sure it’s in line with your point of views to avoid further back and forth. 

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2 minutes ago, NateDawg said:

To be honest, I think that this entire pandemic has just put a microscope to some serious issues that we have been able to get by glossing over for a long time.

Agreed. Really getting to see the true colors of a lot of industries / companies. I hope those who are keeping this all moving get heavily rewarded at the end and on the go forward.

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1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

2 NPs and a PA were just let go from a Cardiologists office.

this is a small business then, not a hospital.

1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

The entire OR Nurse staff at the local hospital is getting a crash course on how to be a floor nurse to help (those who don’t grasp are gone)

just like much of the ortho nurses are probably getting crash courses on vent function.

1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

...obviously all of these people have employment waiting for them if they want if. But it’s not just admin staff. And even if it was, best of luck to those offices to handle the billing and everything moving forward. 

I mean, you listed a couple people from a private practice who will have a nearly unlimited amount of job opportunities in their field.

1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

I agree w your other people about people wanting to schedule things but I was supposed to get a knee scope and while I’m sure that’s no massive money maker I would gladly still do that if I could. My dad was supposed to get ligaments in his wrist repaired...he wants to move forward but can’t. Sometimes the pain today outweighs the low % risk. The majority of people would avoid anything elective but not all. And something is still better than nothing. 

again, no staff, no PPE, no vents, etc., but the healthcare system needs furthered burdened so your knee doesn’t ache?  

Im not sure if you’re trolling me or this is god tier level selfishness.

1 minute ago, acowboys62 said:

There has to be balance and there is currently none. A landscape supply store is somehow essential but a quick procedure to relieve some pain is not. 

A guy on a lawnmower doesn’t need PPE and draw from the same resource pool as a nurse doing knee scopes.

And while many elective procedures are over and done with, some still lead to things like PE/DVT/cellulitis/etc that then require further hospitalization, which again, could have been entirely avoidable.

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19 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

There are over 200 viruses that cause a cold.  

Between the absurd amount of R/D it would take and the fact a cold is almost universally nothing more than a PIA for a week, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

Well that makes sense, I didn’t realize that many things would cause a cold. So you’d have to have over 200+ vaccines for something that essentially isn’t worth a quick fix. 

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3 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

you can sit there and say the media in all this is being fair and balanced? 

Some, yes.  Depends what you’re watching.

Just because you don’t agree with what they’re saying doesn’t mean they’re wrong or unfair.

3 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I’m not listening to anyone who isn’t my wife, Its not hard to formulate ones own thoughts. Watching and sharing opinions/things I’ve noticed doesn’t mean I am listening. 

A sample size of more than one has shown to be helpful in some instances.

3 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

next time I share an observation/comment I’ll make sure it’s in line with your point of views to avoid further back and forth. 

I mean, no one forced you to respond.  Feel free to ignore the comment or block me, no skin off my back.

Not sure why you’re irked that someone responded in opposition to a post on a discussion forum, but whatever floats your boat. 🤷‍♂️ 

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19 hours ago, ET80 said:

What store did you go to? I'd highly suggest going to HEB, they have been ahead of the curve since this pandemic broke out; They studied the pandemic as it happened in China, fortified their supply chain and were completely ready for the madness.

This is a pretty interesting article on it, HEB really did their homework on it.


I'm totally going to brag on my grocery store...


So, on top of being very aware of the pandemic situation months in advance, they're now partnering with local restaurants to stock pre-made meals in their stores - with all proceeds going to the local restaurants.

I get goosebumps reading this, oddly enough. To see a company truly understand a major catastrophe coming, properly adapting their business operations and now stepping in to provide a revenue stream to local businesses to keep them afloat? I'm so proud of this company - if that's a thing. HEB is doing such a great job here in Texas.

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