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1 minute ago, Shanedorf said:

Congrats to Seattle
In the article, they say the first reported case was late January - but the first positive test was on New Year's Day so it was already there for a few weeks before the sheet really hit the fan. And as we see over and over, some politicians don't listen to the medical experts and then we all pay the price.

Was the Canary in the Coal Mine.

My favorite tidbit is the CHAD Seattle Flu Study defying the VIRGIN CDC, doing their own testing, and discovering the High School student with COVID that had never been to China, or been around anyone who had, pretty much getting ahead of the curve on the whole "how it spreads thing". The Feds still came in and shut it down.

And as other states push that second wave closer and closer to happening by opening up early, Inslee extends Washington's stay at home order through May. Other states incompetence better not bring that filth back up here. 

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1 hour ago, animaltested said:

Other states incompetence better not bring that filth back up here. 

Agreed. Better roll out the new version of contact tracing:
Hi, welcome to Washington ! Are you from a stupid state ?
If yes, then go back home. Good bye and good luck !

I don't understand why the Feds shut down the non-cdc testing early on (they certainly did) 
Lot's of finger pointing, speculation and innuendo, but I never figured out the WHY, beyond profit motives/general incompetence

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Had a virtual meeting today and they said they tentatively expect us all back to work on May 16th. I live in Western NY and work at a car dealership. I just don’t see it happening, at least not at full staff. What are the odds of that? I figured what would happen was 25% staff to start out and then gradually go up

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17 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Not going to lie, when the mall reopens, I have a choice to make.  We're in the food court, open air and right by one of the busiest entrances to the mall.  As well as another escalator entrance, one more entrance on the far side, as well as an anchor store entrance.  We serve over 1,000 people per day, so that is in your face interaction throughout the day, as well as a couple thousand walking by throughout the day.  I'm fine going back now to help reopen and keep things minimally operational (doing mobile orders and curbsides) but with my grandmother being 92, and my mom and step dad in their early 70's, this is going to be a really tough decision for me.  I love the company I work for and love my boss, and I'd even consider a drop down in position to go to one of the other locations (right now I run the store that I'm at, along with another person directly under me who could take over) but not sure how much pay I would lose in that scenario.  

EDIT: I didn't want to take away from Tyty's post.  It sucks that businesses are going to lose good people across the board.  But people really have a choice to make in some sectors.  I just heard my store lost my office manager.  She was about six months in, and won't be returning.  She has Lupus, and she probably won't be able to work until there is a vaccine or a credible cure for this.  A lot of people in high traffic atmospheres are really going to have to do some soul-searching for this.  I know I am.  

Will they provide any additional protection for you guys to make it a safer / more sterile environment? 

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17 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

It was stupid to close everything down as suddenly as everyone did, and not give a chance to have everyone try their hand at implementing social distancing and enhanced cleaning/sanitization.  

However, given the fact that a couple meat packing plants want to close, because they ignored all of that, leads me to believe that a good amount of places probably still aren't taking those things seriously, despite communication to the contrary, it might have been the best one.  

I'm really concerned about the UN story about an additional 150 million people facing famine-level hunger by the end of the year.  Sure, a lot of that will be in third world countries, where they rely on a lot of US aid, as well as other countries.  But on the home front, what will that look like?  Food banks are depleted across the board, in worse ways than they were during the last recession.  When things like this happen, the people with disposable income to donate to food banks/foreign aid groups stop doing that, and things become much harder for them to feed the people who needed the products before the problem started.  Then they have to feed the people who need help because of the problem.  

Also have to say that a lot of Marylanders right now would compare Hogan to Newsome.  A lot of people who were his stalwart supporters on the Republican side want nothing to do with him right now, and feel he's using this as a platform for 2024.  I think he's being too overly cautious right now, but a lot of other states are in that same boat too.  

Yea, this is going to be an issue. A lot of these thing I do not believe were taken into consideration when everything was handled the way it was. There are parts of NJ that are limiting (I do not believe this is government order rather store preference) the amount of food people can buy and of course all that is doing is causing panic and mass hoarding of food now while the papers goods are finally getting stocked back (with really weird brands).  I saw a lady buying 4 hams this morning, it was wild.  

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17 hours ago, mission27 said:

The meat packing plants are cramped indoor spaces with dozens or hundreds of employees that are kept at artificially low temperatures (basically the exact opposite of a beach during a heat wave)

Its definitely a real issue, but its also not surprising at all that these places would be hotbeds for spread, even in communities that would otherwise not have a particularly bad outbreak

Well they should still be very sterile with PPE level equipment to begin with, so while they are close, they should not be transmitting as bad as they were...that tells me the plans with the outbreaks were not following protocol to begin with.

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15 hours ago, mistakey said:

Youre a naiive dude who is too optimistic cause he is greedy in the stock market and calls himself smug like its a good thing

What the f is too optimistic? You say that like its a bad thing. 

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14 hours ago, diehardlionfan said:

With all due respect we are discussing this virus on a discussion forum. Elected officials don’t have the luxury of assumptions and they’re ultimately accountable for the decisions they make. Other states opening is irrelevant to other states actions. You don’t want to fall into the trap of following someone else off a cliff. Italy didn’t exactly get the response right and it remains to be seen if opening is the right course of action.

You  mention no active hot spot in California which in my opinion is a result of decisions undertaken early in the pandemic. I expect the Governor doesn’t want to undo  the states early success. People can complain all they want but judging from pictures of beaches in OC a little responsibility probably avoids this action.

Seasonality and the effects of sunlight on transmission are assumptions at this point. The MoL is great work but it’s no substitute for actual science. Leading experts have warned summer likely won’t kill off the virus. 

So in fairness to the Governor he has the responsibility and accountability. It’s of no consequence if a bunch of people having a discussion are wrong. The costs to the state of California are real and it’s far better to err on the side of safety than negligence.

I found this article interesting. Osterholm is also one of the individuals leading a group in vaccine development.


No one person in this country is to make decisions for the entirety. President or Governor, that is not their role, a long time ago they forgot who they work for. 

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12 hours ago, mistakey said:

Our country just had the Equvalent of the vietnam war condensed to a 2 month time period and are still continuing to experience about 2/3 of a 9/11 a day and im the pessimistic one 


thats asinine

This post was asinine. 


12 hours ago, mistakey said:

no my post is that ya'll need a sense of perspective.  this **** is bad.  saying that it is bad isnt me being pessimistic.  it is bad. it will be bad for a long time.  deal with it.

You sound scared, which is ok, but telling people what they need to do or have is not going to get anyone to think you are posting anything of relevance. 

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Experts fail to find a single case of children passing virus to adults


London: No child has been found to have passed coronavirus to an adult, a review of the evidence in partnership with the Royal College of Paediatrics has found.

Major studies into the impact of COVID-19 on young children suggest they "do not play a significant role" in spreading the virus and are less likely to become infected than adults.  

While experts insist that more evidence is needed, they note there has not been a single case of a child under 10 transmitting the virus, even in contact tracing carried out by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Public health officials in Switzerland have announced that under-10s can hug their grandparents again because they pose them no risk.  Among the evidence is a study of a nine-year-old British boy who contracted coronavirus in the French Alps but did not pass it on, despite having contact with more than 170 people at three schools.  


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6 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I'll be the first to say that I don't know the logistics of moving people out of there- both from a transportation perspective as well as food- but there is no way that hotels or some of the hospitals/field hospitals in the areas couldn't have taken some of the people for a couple nights to isolate cases, sanitize the buildings and then send people back as they were cleared.  We've heard a lot of talk from NYC about doctors choosing who lives and who dies.  Well, we just closed the doors to nursing homes and did the same thing.  

So I can share some insights from my wife's initial experiences (she rotates hospitals and rehab centers).  A lot of the rehab patients come from the nursing home facilities.  What was happening in the beginning when everything was still a ----show was old man Jones would get sick with COVID symptoms, get sent to the hospital for testing, end up sitting around at the hospital, get the test, test negative, get sent back to the rehab facility and/or home all the while they ended up contracting COVID while at the hospital, fast forward a week they are sick again and this time test positive and boom, it has already spread like wildfire.  

A lot of the homes were handled poorly because they did not really have the testing and the capacity at the time in the hard hit areas.  Also, a lot of these sick people need extra precautions given potentially underlying issues and some of that stuff was either not being done or being ignored during the hysteria.  

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4 hours ago, Mega Ron said:

Sorry to bump this. Although, I'm not really.

If you get this, avoid coffee, sleep on your front or side, do the breathing exercises from this video.


Pretty sure I have this and if coffee is bad for me, I am in trouble, been slugging coffee all week because I have never had fatigue like this before in my life and I never get tired.  

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