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2 minutes ago, N4L said:

You had my vote until this post 

I want a political leadership that will lie to me 

You're a valuable asset to our cause. We cant afford to lose you.

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2 minutes ago, Glen said:

You're a valuable asset to our cause. We cant afford to lose you.

These are the kind of lies I want my political leaders to tell me 

You have my vote!

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As glad as I am that Newsom didn't close all CA beaches, this was actually the bigger and more important news:



The partnership currently includes nearly 130 farmers and ranchers who are providing food commodities to 41 food banks in 58 counties. State officials hope to extend the program through the end of the year, providing roughly 21 million pounds of food to local food banks every month.

"We want to address that mismatch," Newsom said, "to work with the ranchers, to work with the farmers, to connect them to the food banks and do so in a way that jumpstarts our capacity to deliver nutritious food; high quality, locally produced produce, poultry, dairy and the like to those most in need."

The state has already raised $3.6 million in philanthropic funding for the program, with a goal of raising some $15 million more to help feed families in need and pay farm workers, who will also receive a 15 percent tax credit through the program.



Newsom also announced that the state received federal waivers to make its Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and its Electronic Benefits Transfer program more accessible.

The waiver for the state's SNAP program, known as CalFresh, allows program members to use their benefits to purchase food and other necessities online. The state has partnered initially with Amazon and Walmart, with plans to expand to other food and commodity retailers.

The EBT program waiver will make up to $365 in additional benefits available to families with children who would normally qualify for free breakfast and lunch at school. According to Newsom, roughly 3.8 million children are eligible for that meal assistance.


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5/2/2020 MoL Scores:

Methodology and disclaimer: MoL score is a simple metric for measuring rate of spread of the novel coronavirus within communities.  The metric was developed by mission and TLO and has not been subjected to academic peer review.  The MoL looks at a trailing average of daily new cases and compares this to trailing active cases within the community.  These rankings do not represent the opinion of anyone other than mission and TLO and should not be taken as advice of any kind.  Please note while the numbers themselves are objective calculations, smugness and Taylor Swift lyrics may factor into our commentary and decisions on tiers.  The MoL reserves the right to make changes to this methodology at any time.  Please follow all relevant governmental and/or WHO/CDC guidance.  We will defeat this virus.

"Touching him was like
Realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you"

- Taylor Swift

I know y'all are just waiting for TLO to post his two cents tomorrow, so I wont give you ****

Tier 1: Outbreak under control, safe to begin relaxing social distancing measures


The Tier 1 countries are walking on sunshine in a major way.  Disclaimer: none of the Bateman gifs have been subject to academic pier review.

How to safely open up in Tier 1?  Take a look at the MoL method for proper easing, otherwise known as the MoL public health cost benefit matrix.

Hong Kong: 0.2 (no cases again today tbh)

South Korea: 0.4

France: 1.1

Australia: 1.2

Netherlands: 1.2 

China: 1.2 

Portugal: 1.4

Czech Republic: 1.4

Israel: 1.5 

Japan: 1.7 (Japan below 2, outstanding job!)

Italy: 1.9 (slight uptick, did Italy bottom out or is this temporary?)

Belgium: 2.0 (all-time low)

Austria: 2.4

Switzerland: 2.5

Germany: 3.3

Tier 2: New case growth is minimal suggesting social distancing is working, likely a few weeks away from breaking into tier 1


The message of this Bateman gif is that, while Tier 2 countries can always do better, most of these countries (like Bateman) are actually in a very attractive and enviable position 

Turkey: 3.2

Philippines: 3.6 

USA: 3.7 (slight uptick but numbers keep trending down good job)

UK: 3.8

Spain: 3.9

Sweden: 4.0

Global: 4.0 (holding steady)

Singapore: 4.7 (#seasonality for #singapore makes MoL smug af)

Ireland: 5.2

Canada: 6.0 (holding steady, big drop coming soon, the MoL can feel it in our bones)

Denmark: 6.1

Iran: 6.8* (why dont they just do a fatwah on coronavirus)

India: 9.6

Tier 3: Countries in this group that are showing increased MoLs have the potential to go deep into the danger zones, but countries with falling MoLs may only be a couple of days from tier 2 status and may have already peaked in gross # of new cases


Tier 3 countries may very well be on the verge of a lethal frenzy, but if they may also be placated by securing the right table at Dorsia or proper social distancing which could push them into Tier 2

Russia: 9.3 (gonna let them stay here a while, russia)

Tier 4: Aggressive growth, still likely have not peaked in single day cases, and likely a week or two minimum from peak in deaths (however many of these countries are still slowing down)


There's really not much positive to say here tbh, just read the gif

Brazil: 19.5

Mexico: 24.4

USA State Level MoLs


Holding steady, Sunday - Wednesday should be better days

MoL Deaths

US deaths continue to trend down and trend down big league




The MoL would like to thank everyone for their contributions to this important work including @ET80 @acowboys62 @dtait93 @Dome @naptownskinsfan @kingseanjohn @Malfatron @Shady Slim @malagabears @daboyle250 @vikesfan89 @ramssuperbowl99 @sdrawkcab321 @Nazgul @kingseanjohn @mistakey @TwoUpTwoDown @Xenos @Nex_Gen @FinneasGage and the others who love us so much

We'd even like to thank @pwny @Glen and others for their critical attitude because of the attention it brings to the great work MoL is doing 



The message of this gif is that the MoL is signing out until tomorrow (although we reserve the right to **** on anyone who questions our authority on these matters)

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Texas has bounced around between 5-9 for the past 3 weeks.  Reality is if you never have a hotspot in the first place its hard to get down to the 1s or 2s.  But I wouldn't be too concerned yet.

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6 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Probably a blip, I dont think it is significant yet

Fair, just seemed odd with the re-opening of certain non-essential businesses. 

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1 minute ago, ET80 said:

Fair, just seemed odd with the re-opening of certain non-essential businesses. 

It shouldn't be happening directly from the reopening yet. If there are issues, those should come in a couple of weeks.

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24 minutes ago, Xenos said:

It shouldn't be happening directly from the reopening yet. If there are issues, those should come in a couple of weeks.

True, very good point. The increases seem like a bad omen, you know?

My official day out is 6/4. Until then, I'm operating under current rules.

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7 hours ago, ET80 said:

Fair, just seemed odd with the re-opening of certain non-essential businesses. 

Xenos is right the timing mean these are likely not related.  Unless Texas is ramping up testing right now for the re-opening, I havent seen the testing numbers, but that would be a good thing. 

At the end of the day though its impossible to re-open without new cases.  Its likely when we re-open new cases will plateau in some places or even spike.  We can't expect to go back to living our lives and not see new cases.

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