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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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12 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Then you’re also forcing employees to go work in unsafe conditions. If an employee declines work for their safety, they will be denied unemployment. Good luck finding another job right now. 

Also the fact that those people risking their lives are not only risking just their lives. They will come home & spread the virus to their spouse, kids, parents, grandparents. Who will then spread the virus to their friends at school, their coworkers, etc. Who those now infected will spread to their etc etc, and so on and so on.

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This is a VERY helpful website


Take a look at California late April... as the MoL suggested, there was a huge bump in testing.  Only a small bump in new cases.  % of cases positive has plummeted as a result down to around 5%, which is in line with Germany (leaders in testing in the West)

So basically California is not seeing any kind of surge here, this is purely a result of increased testing, which is a positive development not a negative development.  Media needs to be careful how they report this.  Mitigation is helping and we are ramping up testing quite a bit without seeing huge increases in new cases, this is good news


Edited by mission27
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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Apologies if this isn't @N4L's point, but a pandemic with a highly transmittable virus is precisely the time you can't just ignore and laugh off the quarter of Americans who are varying degrees of bat**** crazy. 

I'll use a real example: protests in Madison WI went viral. And all those same nuts are at the capital square during the Farmer's Market every Saturday during the summer saying evolution isn't real and how baby jesus wants everyone to have a rainbow powered tractor or whatever else. And normally, I laugh at them or ignore them or move on with my day because it doesn't change anyone's life whether we agree or not. But we don't have that luxury today. When these idiots get sick, and they will, they're going to see the same healthcare professionals you or I would. They're going to the same stores and parks and jobs. 

Social distancing with 90% adherence isn't social distancing. The virus isn't going to ignore your crazy uncle just because the rest of us would like to. 

To sum it all up, if/when restrictions are loosened, you need a babysitting policy. Masks should be part of it. So should 6 foot distancing. There are tons of other smaller scale ideas you could add onto that, and governments should try and get every single one of them coded into ordinances/law temporarily as much as possible. We don't want to, but society can only move as fast as the dumbest people in it.

Pretty much what I wanted to say. Stupid people can still infect non stupid people unfortunately. Or as Dr.Birx pointed out recently in a much nicer way than me.

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God forbid kids get the virus with that 99.999% survival rate for them.

We have to go back to them being hungry because their parents can't feed them, abused because their parents are cooped up with them and the mental strain on them not being able to socialize. 

There is literally a child abuse pandemic going on because of this, but God forbid kids get the virus because their parents go to work. 

In the case of Covid-19, the cure is worse than the disease.  Children and parents of children (20-30) aren't any less likely to die from the virus than any other number of ways they could die, and if they are more likely, it's probably a 2% higher likelihood.  So we're risking mental strain, hunger, poverty and abuse for the ~2 percent chance their parents might die? 

I have worked normal hours since this has started.  I've kept my distance from others, washed my hands frequently, sanitized surfaces religiously and doubled my cleanliness at work.  Thankfully I haven't gotten it (that I'm aware of), and God willing I won't, but if we're keeping the country shut down for the safety of children who have some 99.99% survival rate, the virus has already won. 

Like hell, man.  This isn't a zombie apocalypse.  This can't go on forever.  Take stronger precautions and get to work. 

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7 minutes ago, mission27 said:

This is a VERY helpful website


Take a look at California late April... as the MoL suggested, there was a huge bump in testing.  Only a small bump in new cases.  % of cases positive has plummeted as a result down to around 5%, which is in line with Germany (leaders in testing in the West)

So basically California is not seeing any kind of surge here, this is purely a result of increased testing, which is a positive development not a negative development.  Media needs to be careful how they report this.  Mitigation is helping and we are ramping up testing quite a bit without seeing huge increases in new cases, this is good news


womp womp.  This would pretty much demolish your entire narrative tho, wouldnt it?

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Yeah, if you're living with at risk people, you'll want to maybe consider not going back to a high capacity work environment. 

If you're 20-40 and you have only healthy kids in your household, acting like this is the apocalypse or a Hollywood virus is going to cripple you for the rest of your life going 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 months without a job. 

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Week of March 30th, 22% of tests in the US came back positive and we averaged 28k cases that week

We are now down to 11% and have averaged 29k cases in the last week

Cases are clearly significantly down from a month ago 

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Kid gets virus, survives, good.

Kid gives virus to healthy parent, most likely survives, almost as good.

Parent goes into work and gives virus to healthy coworker, healthy coworker survives, as good.

Healthy coworker lives with at risk spouse/parent/grandparent/child, they survive but suffer some form of permanent organ damage/or die, not good.

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Just now, Glen said:

Kid gets virus, survives, good.

Kid gives virus to healthy parent, most likely survives, almost as good.

Parent goes into work and gives virus to healthy coworker, healthy coworker survives, as good.

Healthy coworker lives with at risk spouse/parent/grandparent/child, they survive but suffer some form of permanent organ damage/or die, not good.

this isnt complicated

choice 1: we go back to our lives and some at risk or elderly people will die

choice 2: we dont go back to our lives, fewer of those people die, but the other 99.8% of society suffers more severe short and long term consequences 

its a choice, and you can be on either side of that choice without being immoral, there are costs and benefits on both sides

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2 minutes ago, mission27 said:

this isnt complicated

choice 1: we go back to our lives and some at risk or elderly people will die

choice 2: we dont go back to our lives, fewer of those people die, but the other 99.8% of society suffers more severe short and long term consequences 

its a choice, and you can be on either side of that choice without being immoral, there are costs and benefits on both sides

Or choice 3: We refuse to go back to work and demand unemployment benefits we are all entitled to from the government officials gifting trillions of dollars(tax payer btw) to billion dollar companies.

Edited by Glen
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lockdowns should be applied in order to keep peaks of hospital usage from overwhelming hospitals.  if an areas hospitals are in danger of being overrun, then the municipality should step in and lock stuff down.  this in conjunction with the 2 or so months that we've been locked down in order to give the sciences a chance to get a head start on finding a therapeutic.  lockdowns wont be able to go on much longer though.  hopefully the scientists come thru in the clutch.

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1 minute ago, Glen said:

Or choice 3: We refuse to go back to work and demand unemployment benefits we are all entitled to from the government officials gifting trillions of dollars(tax payer btw) to billion dollar companies.

yeah, but the disruptions in the food supply is a very real thing.  

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