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15 minutes ago, August4th said:

when people say it takes 12-18 months to get a vaccine is the starting point now or when this started in china around November last yr? did the Chinese start working on a vaccine back then?

I'm not sure it matters. A vaccine isn't going to save the day here.  The worst is going to be over the next couple of months, and the timeline goes way past that.

To answer your question, i'd guess that clock started about a month or two ago.

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35 minutes ago, August4th said:

when people say it takes 12-18 months to get a vaccine is the starting point now or when this started in china around November last yr? did the Chinese start working on a vaccine back then?

The Moderna vaccine is 12-18 months away from being rolled out to the masses, they said it could possibly be used this Fall in an emergency exception for health care workers per their SEC filing on Monday . The timelines for development are from now, so you're looking at next year for the vaccine. (not a cure, its a preventative)

As far as China goes, they may have begun sooner - but they're not trustworthy in terms of what they have shared ( misinformation) or what they are doing. Peer review requires diving deep into the raw data and the documentation to support it. Some inconsistencies have already been identified and so far their work hasn't stood up to outside review. 

Edited by Shanedorf
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3 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

My wife and I both work from home normally so M-F has been business as usual.  With the kids home it’s no different than summer break.

It’s the weekend when I’m losing my mind.  I’m used to getting out and enjoying myself on the weekends and this has been a boring few weeks.

Oh well, could be worse..

Same here...I largely WFH so no big deal on that, but the weekend, even if I don't do much of the bar/restaurant scene...I often go out to places that are otherwise shut down.  Plus when it comes to doing just normal things around the house (fixing a sink, painting a room, whatever) I always need to get that stuff that day and never have it on hand. 

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17 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

How can it be 12-18 months when it takes 14 months just to test a vaccine?

The Moderna vaccine had already progressed into Phase I safety testing before the poop hit the fan, so they had a head start


See the graph on mRNA-1273

And here's their advantage vs traditional vaccine development


"Rapid discovery and advancement of mRNA programs into the clinic. Many viral antigens are known. However, with traditional vaccines, the target pathogens or antigens have to be produced in dedicated cell-cultures and/or fermentation-based manufacturing production processes in order to initiate testing of potential vaccine constructs. Our ability to design our antigens in silico* allows us to rapidly produce and test antigens in preclinical models, which can dramatically accelerate our vaccine selection. "

* in silico means on a computer and that can accelerate development timelines

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1 hour ago, vikesfan89 said:

Isn't it a good thing that everyone gets to deduct 24K?

It depends. In terms of paying less in taxes, yeah there are people who won't come close to 12k/24k so a higher standard deduction helps there. But in this case when you're talking about normal people wanting to donate money, it provides a pretty serious disadvantage.

@theJ doesn't have to do this since he already has enough deductions, but if he didn't, instead of donating the full $3.4k to his church or wherever he wanted, because he'd still be taxed on the $3.4k he'd have to limit his deduction to just whatever money he'd have left over post-tax. So, effectively, in this case the higher standard deduction provides a disincentive to donate because the bar for a tax-deductible donation is twice as high as it used to be.

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:
2 hours ago, mission27 said:

Does it have to be a money thing ?

I'm rich af and I dont want to have to go in person to see a doctor.  I'd rather just text or facetime someone and get meds.  Like basically a drug dealer with a license 

Yeah telehealth is great for some stuff. 

Not everything needs to involve me sitting in an urgent care with a bunch of other sick people for some antibiotics.  Just call that ish in.

Fine, can I just say "affordable telehealth" or something like that?

I don't hate the idea of calling a doctor or even skyping with one or whatever. I just hate corporate branding and telehealth is right up there with "right-sizing".

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