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15 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I just got a call from my Athletic Director. He talked to my head principal and HR, and it was reported to the County Health Department. I'm in mandatory quarantine for 14 days even if my test results come back negative.

Remind me again how face to face school is even remotely possible with these protocols and mandates? This is completely untenable.

Why would you be in quarantine even if negative.  Makes no sense. This is some straight from the hip stuff out there. 

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1500 deaths yesterday. Now the ones claiming "deaths are at an all time low", "Y'all are always saying two more weeks", etc... back in June are switching up their stance, and pointing to cases lowering in certain areas and it HAS to be herd immunity hitting. Of course, cases were completely neglected back in June due to them rising. It was because of more testing. Well, now we're testing less, and cases are lowering, hm...(though some areas like AZ are seeing a significant decrease in all the right stats) 


Also, they're completely neglecting the fact that while herd immunity may being playing some role- there are still many regulations, behavioral changes, etc... at play that are slowing the spread. Even Sweden isn't back to their normal pre-pandemic lifestyle.

We have no idea where the threshold is for herd immunity to have a major impact since there's literally no where in the world that is allowing the pandemic to just play out with no regulations in place. 

You'd think people would learn not to take anything lightly with this virus, but we still have people searching diligently for a way to down play this pandemic because the thought of their first world lifestyle being interrupted for a while is too disturbing. Time to nut up, people. We'll get through this, but we need to be diligent. There are a lot of promising things on the horizon- vaccines, treatments, etc...but until they come to fruition we need to stay diligent.  

Edited by WizeGuy
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Day 2 of my 14 day quarantine, and I’ll be back for Day 1 with students, Miss 8 days of Covid training and classroom prep time, and I’m not legally allowed to work on FMLA leave. I’m at a loss here. What makes anyone think this is a sustainable school model?

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11 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Up to 1500 deaths/day today. Jesus.

The "good" news is that we could predict that from the new case curve.  We likely haven't reached the new peak of daily deaths quite yet, but we should see it hit an apex in a week or two and start to decline.


*none of it is really good news, i know.

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

Day 2 of my 14 day quarantine, and I’ll be back for Day 1 with students, Miss 8 days of Covid training and classroom prep time, and I’m not legally allowed to work on FMLA leave. I’m at a loss here. What makes anyone think this is a sustainable school model?

Consider yourself lucky.  Some schools aren't going to the extents yours is with quarantine.  My wife's school is only quarantining those who have had sustained contact with a known case.  Not a suspected case, but known.  And they're not requiring those who go into quarantine to get tested.


I think the hope with your school is that the extensive measures can keep this out of the school completely, and so they won't have a lot of teachers out.

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Just now, theJ said:

Consider yourself lucky.  Some schools aren't going to the extents yours is with quarantine.  My wife's school is only quarantining those who have had sustained contact with a known case.  Not a suspected case, but known.  And they're not requiring those who go into quarantine to get tested.

That’s our policy as well. My issue isn’t with policy, it’s this below:

Just now, theJ said:


I think the hope with your school is that the extensive measures can keep this out of the school completely, and so they won't have a lot of teachers out.

I’m just saying, distancing 6 feet apart is literally impossible in our classrooms, not to mention cafeteria, and we are all burying our heads in the sand pretending like the first positive test on a kid/teacher won’t trigger a chain reaction that sends a good portion of staff and students into quarantine.

Kids with 504 are exempt from masks, distancing is impossible, staffing and subs are impossible, and we are all pretending that this is viable and sustainable. It’s not.

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7 minutes ago, theJ said:

The "good" news is that we could predict that from the new case curve.  We likely haven't reached the new peak of daily deaths quite yet, but we should see it hit an apex in a week or two and start to decline.


*none of it is really good news, i know.

If the case numbers that are being reported are accurate, hopefully.

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