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18 minutes ago, NateDawg said:

I’m not arguing for or against vaccination. I get vaccinations, my kids do, etc. I am just explaining what is already widely accepted, that a large chunk of our country is not doing this vaccination for various reasons. At least not at the early stages. 

I’m not sure what you are arguing here. Just stating facts. 

It’s not my job to have a plan here. I was pointing out the holes and the plan that the vaccination is going to make everything right. Well, because a lot of people aren’t getting it.

Vaccination is not just "a plan" or even "plan a" - its the only plan at this point. We don't have other options. 

That isn't to say your comments dont hold water, but we passed the part of alternative options back in January and February when we failed to take the appropriate measures to stop the spread. 

Now that the same people who refuse to get vaccinated have also refused to wear masks, forgive me if I am a little terse in my comments stating how absolutely absurd all of this paranoia about vaccines really is.

I wish I could shake these people and tell them the anti-vax online campaigns were designed by china and russia to completely screw over america in the event of a global pandemic, which was then perpetuated by said countries, just to see their minds melt and their brains shatter into a million tiny pieces 

Perhaps there is a path where we develop antibodies that can be administered to sick people, rather than giving healthy people a vaccine that allows their body to produce the antibodies on their own in the case of infection. I know that you have to make the antibodies that actually kill the virus before you can create the "mold" of what you have to give your body to trick them into producing it (which is the vaccine), so theoretically we would have this treatment prior to an actual proven 'vaccine'. So while you wouldnt get the vaccine as a preventative measure, you could get it administered if you were actually sick. The issue with this is that you are still waiting on the same scientific research to take place as we are now, with less of an actual, legitimate shot to eradicate this plague 

I understand your point, but the reason I asked you to give you plan is because I really dont think there is another viable plan other than waiting for the science to run its course at this point, for a country with 330 million people where there are 8,600,000 active cases. Thats what gets lost in the "100k new cases in a single day" headlines. 8,600,000 people is an absurd amount of people. 

1 hour ago, Shanedorf said:

The first people to get vaccinated will be healthcare workers -  and I need to believe that no amount of greed, politics or avarice will allow an unsafe or ineffective product to be given to those heroic people.

You mean the same people who will be the first ones to be injected with the mind control serum, will also be the ones injecting it into the rest of population??? 

Checkmate, evil government scientists. 

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I think most people will get the vaccine (as many as get other vaccines anyway), but most don’t want to be the canary in the coal mine.

I personally wouldn’t get a vaccine if one came out right now. I don’t believe it could have been properly vetted tbh.  The process is 18-24 months in most cases and it’s been 8.  I get this particular vaccine may move along quicker due to the overwhelming efforts, so it may be quicker than average, but not this quick.

Once there’s a safe, established vaccine people will get it. Many of the “I’m not getting a damned vaccine” people will as their employers will mandate it, as will schools. Plenty won’t I’m sure, but enough will that the spread will be reduced significantly.

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@LETSGOBROWNIES fun fact: Schools (at least here in Ohio in accordance with the Ohio Revised code) cannot mandate vaccinations. They must have documentation on file, which can be a waiver form. See: Meningitis Vaccine for seniors in HS. I’m going to be intrigued to see the mandates and fallout. It’ll be enjoyable from a “watch the world burn” perspective.

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9 hours ago, NateDawg said:

If all this stuff eventually gets under control, sorry, but I'm not having my kids grow up thinking they have to wear masks everywhere or scared to death of getting sick if they go out and are around people.  I definitely get the paranoia right now, and to each his or her own if that's how you want to live your life if/when we have a hold on this thing. 

It’s interesting how you frame this by equating wearing masks to living in fear.  I equate it to protecting those most vulnerable.  They aren’t wearing a mask for their benefit, but for the benefit of the others around them. It’s not cowering in fear, it’s doing your part as part of a community.  Jmho.

Im not one of these goobers who thinks you need to wear a mask when you’re driving alone in your car, but people continuing to wear masks in crowded, indoor spaces isn’t the worst of ideas, especially if you’re not feeling well.  Like, imagine someone with the flu or a cold simply wearing a mask.  How many less people get to feel like a steaming dumpster for a week? It’s like people would rather risk their lives or lives of others or at a minimum feel like poo for a week all so they don’t have to look “weak“ to the people they see at the grocery store.

I’m not saying this is you, but those folks exist.

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I’ve always been a “fever free for 24 hours” and “don’t send your kid to school sick” advocate with my kids and others. That said, while some people are selfish jerks that don’t care, there are societal issues like childcare, paid time off/sick leave for parents and single parents, etc that more often than not are huge factors.

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12 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@LETSGOBROWNIES fun fact: Schools (at least here in Ohio in accordance with the Ohio Revised code) cannot mandate vaccinations. They must have documentation on file, which can be a waiver form. See: Meningitis Vaccine for seniors in HS. I’m going to be intrigued to see the mandates and fallout. It’ll be enjoyable from a “watch the world burn” perspective.

I bet people in future generations will look back on this favorably.

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5 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I’ve always been a “fever free for 24 hours” and “don’t send your kid to school sick” advocate with my kids and others. That said, while some people are selfish jerks that don’t care, there are societal issues like childcare, paid time off/sick leave for parents and single parents, etc that more often than not are huge factors.

You don’t need a fever to be contagious. Millions of people get colds and such every year from people without fevers. And yes, I know you know this.

I’m just saying it would be nice if moving forward if you were hacking up a storm and congested as hell the social norm would be to wear a mask for a few days.  Not out of fear, but out of courtesy.

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7 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I bet people in future generations will look back on this favorably.

Really? I’d bet the opposite ;)


2 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

You don’t need a fever to be contagious. Millions of people get colds and such every year from people without fevers. And yes, I know you know this.

All I’m saying is “Fever free for 24” is a good place to start. Tbh I’m 100% in favor of morning temperature checks for no other reason than this.

2 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I’m just saying it would be nice if moving forward if you were hacking up a storm and congested as hell the social norm would be to wear a mask for a few days.  Not out of fear, but out of courtesy.

I’m envisioning the Miami Valley in August-October and March-April every year as the allergy capital of the world.

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

All I’m saying is “Fever free for 24” is a good place to start. Tbh I’m 100% in favor of morning temperature checks for no other reason than this.

it is a good start, for sure.

2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I’m envisioning the Miami Valley in August-October and March-April every year as the allergy capital of the world.

As someone who does triage with folks all over the country every day, I assure you everyone thinks their neck of the woods is the worst.  Interestingly San Antonio is one area I see a ton of seasonal allergies.  Cedar trees?  Idk 🤷‍♂️ 

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9 hours ago, NateDawg said:

If all this stuff eventually gets under control, sorry, but I'm not having my kids grow up thinking they have to wear masks everywhere or scared to death of getting sick if they go out and are around people.  I definitely get the paranoia right now, and to each his or her own if that's how you want to live your life if/when we have a hold on this thing. 

People in high risk categories will probably still be advised to wear one because they are likely to have negative long-term effects even if they survive it. Preventing spread is step one but until this thing can be eradicated (unlikely) or better understood from a treatment standpoint, the risk will still be high. Vaccines are only so effective. 

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8 hours ago, GSUeagles14 said:

im actually not. Im just trying to figure out what you think, but youre pretty much refusing to say. its all well and dandy to say you believe in the data and what he experts are saying... but youre not saying who and what data. every step of the way its been worse than pulling teeth, and i simply dont understand whats been the point of that. 

The point is that you are not asking me in good faith. You started out trying to pull a “gotcha” that wasn’t there, and now you’re pretending that you actually care what I think. I hadn’t spoken to you in months, my only previous interaction with you was somehow worse than this one, and you expect me to believe that all of the sudden you just want to know what I think?

You already know what I think because I’ve said it over and over. So why don’t you just say what you really want to say and we can move on?

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6 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

The point is that you are not asking me in good faith. You started out trying to pull a “gotcha” that wasn’t there, and now you’re pretending that you actually care what I think. I hadn’t spoken to you in months, my only previous interaction with you was somehow worse than this one, and you expect me to believe that all of the sudden you just want to know what I think?

You already know what I think because I’ve said it over and over. So why don’t you just say what you really want to say and we can move on?

Oof, that’s what “I’m not playing your dumbass game” looks like in long form. 😂 

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I think most people will get the vaccine (as many as get other vaccines anyway), but most don’t want to be the canary in the coal mine.

I personally wouldn’t get a vaccine if one came out right now. I don’t believe it could have been properly vetted tbh.  The process is 18-24 months in most cases and it’s been 8.  I get this particular vaccine may move along quicker due to the overwhelming efforts, so it may be quicker than average, but not this quick.

Once there’s a safe, established vaccine people will get it. Many of the “I’m not getting a damned vaccine” people will as their employers will mandate it, as will schools. Plenty won’t I’m sure, but enough will that the spread will be reduced significantly.

If Dr Fauci says get the vaccine, the MoL will be on board

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

It’s interesting how you frame this by equating wearing masks to living in fear.  I equate it to protecting those most vulnerable.  They aren’t wearing a mask for their benefit, but for the benefit of the others around them. It’s not cowering in fear, it’s doing your part as part of a community.  Jmho.

Im not one of these goobers who thinks you need to wear a mask when you’re driving alone in your car, but people continuing to wear masks in crowded, indoor spaces isn’t the worst of ideas, especially if you’re not feeling well.  Like, imagine someone with the flu or a cold simply wearing a mask.  How many less people get to feel like a steaming dumpster for a week? It’s like people would rather risk their lives or lives of others or at a minimum feel like poo for a week all so they don’t have to look “weak“ to the people they see at the grocery store.

I’m not saying this is you, but those folks exist.

Def not a bad idea for someone in the future with flu or cold to pull out their 2020 covid mask if they need to go somewhere as common courtesy. It’s the mass wearing of masks by asymptomatic people that, while not the end of the world and a good measure rn, needs to end at some point 

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