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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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45 minutes ago, animaltested said:

We are about 1000 years into this whole inoculation thingy, and people are still dragging their feet about it. 

Return to Monke is a meme, not an ideology. 

That's not the issue.  It's the timeline.  Does it not take 6 months for an approved vaccine just for a  new strain of the flu?

Do vaccines typically not take 10 years to develop?


Quit acting like it's absurd to be cautious over a rushed vaccine.  Especially when we don't even fully understand the sickness.

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2 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

More importantly, I hope macro changes happen. For example, surely corporations (finance particularly) realise they don't have to be stubborn and CAN let people work from home and maintain productivity. I've worked for some stuffy dinosaur office pricks who refuse to let staff work from home. It will cut down traffic, emissions, commuter costs, busyness on trains, rent and upkeep costs etc. 

I disagree. I have found a profound lack of productivity when most of our office was working from home. 

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17 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

The fat acceptance movement is crazy in this country.......and I'm saying that as a guy who seven months ago weighed almost 400, and now coming in under 280.  I just don't understand.  Some people had issues that got them to that point like me, but other people don't.  I just don't understand.  

Yea I recall we chatted about this a few hundred pages ago, and listen I fully get it, I was there too, I didn't have any issues except laziness.  It is not easy to overcome. 

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17 hours ago, GSUeagles14 said:

congrats man, thats awesome!


i have no clue what the actual answer to why that is. I suspect a part of the reason is that its hard to lose weight and it can be even harder to eat healthy(ish)? who doesnt love delicious pizza, pasta, burgers etc, etc etc. 

The answer is simple, laziness, the change/execution is extremely difficult. It is easy and not more expensive to eat healthy. 

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17 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I get some of that.  I still have cheat days with what I am doing.  I have absolutely sacrificed at lunch, but I still make the same dinners for myself (and sometimes have dessert) instead of going out as much.  I have the same breakfast, but just substituted turkey sausage and added oatmeal instead of cereal.  I also try to watch carbs as far as bread goes, as well as drastically cutting down my fast food intake and cutting sodas and other liquid calories almost completely.  

I understand people want to be happy in their skin, and if they are happy being somewhat overweight, that's fine with me.  But when you get to the point of morbidly obese like I was, something has to change.  You can't just keep your head in the sand anymore.  

And god bless you for doing what you had to do. Such a hard thing to do.  I love my cheat days, which even still sometimes turn into cheat weeks.  There is always a balance in these things. 

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15 hours ago, -Hope- said:

i don't anticipate wearing a mask a whole lot once there's a workable vaccine (and people are actually vaccinated, obviously), and i doubt a lot of people will. but i do actually hope something that sticks is people wearing masks if they need to be out and about while they have the flu or a bad cold. just a really low-effort, easy thing to reduce the odds that you give it to someone else.

This is a great point.  If for some reason they must be out, they should be masked up.  Same goes with workers, no more showing up to work "under the weather" and I understand some employers may not be so understanding but that should be changed as well. 

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15 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Is it conspiracy theory levels to be afraid of a rushed vaccine for something I have a very low chance of dying from?

Legitimate question, not presumption.

I will get it after every single politician takes it.  I feel awful that my wife is going to have to get it immediately and her options are quit or get the vaccine. 

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7 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

It’s interesting how you frame this by equating wearing masks to living in fear.  I equate it to protecting those most vulnerable.  They aren’t wearing a mask for their benefit, but for the benefit of the others around them. It’s not cowering in fear, it’s doing your part as part of a community.  Jmho.

Im not one of these goobers who thinks you need to wear a mask when you’re driving alone in your car, but people continuing to wear masks in crowded, indoor spaces isn’t the worst of ideas, especially if you’re not feeling well.  Like, imagine someone with the flu or a cold simply wearing a mask.  How many less people get to feel like a steaming dumpster for a week? It’s like people would rather risk their lives or lives of others or at a minimum feel like poo for a week all so they don’t have to look “weak“ to the people they see at the grocery store.

I’m not saying this is you, but those folks exist.

"Wear your mask to protect you neighbor" People are selfish. 

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5 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I will definitely continue to run errands on odd hours whenever possible. My grocery store is open all the time, so I've been going at 5:30 AM to not see anyone, and it's amazing. 

Dude, I cannot wait to get back to that.  I always did my shopping and errands as early as possible, grocery store at 6am was amazing.  At this time those are still the "high risk hours". However they have added an early evening restock shift so now I just go around 10pm.  But once I can get back to my early am routine, I will be all about that. 

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3 hours ago, Shanedorf said:

US airlines have already put a few thousand "freedom warriors" on the No Fly list due to their reluctance to wear a mask
I suspect we're going to see similar issues on the vaccine side. " No vaccine, no service"


How do you prove no vaccine?  Will I start having to carry some special card/paper work with me?  I can't imagine that will go over great. 

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3 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

Certainly echo your points about washing hands more often and shopping local. I'm not a huge amazonian anyway, but I do shop in big supermarket chains too much. I will get more stuff from local independent businesses.

More importantly, I hope macro changes happen. For example, surely corporations (finance particularly) realise they don't have to be stubborn and CAN let people work from home and maintain productivity. I've worked for some stuffy dinosaur office pricks who refuse to let staff work from home. It will cut down traffic, emissions, commuter costs, busyness on trains, rent and upkeep costs etc. 

Also people (at least here) have been reconnecting with the outside. Wildlife, nature etc. We shouldn't lose that.


I think I have a roughly 0.02% faith that humans change permanently in a meaningful way post COVID though. Amazon is just too convenient.

I am basically home for as long as I am with my current bank which is nice, they decided to not renew our lease which I agree, we should start to see more of this. 

I do agree with people embracing nature more, but on the flip side, I have always been an outdoors person, and we got an influx of NYC people fleeing the city and the parks, trails, etc. I frequent have been absolutely trashed.  Garbage left all over, untrained dogs running free off leash (I nearly got bit but luckily my dog himself is a savage).  I while I hope people embrace nature more, those who don't treat it right or appreciate it can **** right off. 

I also agree with the people changing, I am sure 2-3 years from now everyone goes back to "2018/2019 norms"

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