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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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12 hours ago, squire12 said:

Churches benefit from in person services for donations.  My hunch is they are not collecting monetary donations with online services 

Oh they're for sure not getting what they normally get.  I'm still contributing the same i was before, but there's more friction to collection now than there was, plus the whole out of sight, out of mind thing.  I have no doubt it's weighing on some churches. 

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13 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

I want to preface this by saying I am looking for an actual discourse.


Can someone who plans on NOT getting the vaccine when it's released explain to me why they came to that decision? I was reading about a poll that said about 20% of Americans think it was rushed and unsafe and another 20% just wanted to wait for to make sure it was safe. 

My stance is that if Fauci, science, and the experts trust it then why  shouldn't I?

I plan on getting it when it's available, but I really cant fault people for being nervous about a vaccine that is the fastest ever by a pretty substantial margin. I have no issue with it but you know...a lot of people have seen the movie I Am Legend 

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13 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

I want to preface this by saying I am looking for an actual discourse.


Can someone who plans on NOT getting the vaccine when it's released explain to me why they came to that decision? I was reading about a poll that said about 20% of Americans think it was rushed and unsafe and another 20% just wanted to wait for to make sure it was safe. 

My stance is that if Fauci, science, and the experts trust it then why  shouldn't I?

My entire family has already had it, so there's not quite as big of a rush for me to get it. I will get it, but I wouldn't mind seeing the first wave of people get it, and then I'll follow after about a month or so. By "me", I should preface this with "my family". For example, my wife and I respond very well to vaccinations, but one of my young children doesn't do well with them, specifically her flu shot, and it's not uncommon for her to spike a fever (103-104) with nausea for multiple days, and us to having to get her into the doctor (it's happened twice now). So, I'm not an anti-vaccer by any stretch, nor do I believe in the conspiracies behind them, but given her circumstances/the way her body responds, in light of how she had all but 0 issues with Covid (she was whiny for a day and lethargic, then rebounded), it makes sense for me as a parent to wait and see the pediatric portion.

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37 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

My entire family has already had it, so there's not quite as big of a rush for me to get it. I will get it, but I wouldn't mind seeing the first wave of people get it, and then I'll follow after about a month or so. By "me", I should preface this with "my family". For example, my wife and I respond very well to vaccinations, but one of my young children doesn't do well with them, specifically her flu shot, and it's not uncommon for her to spike a fever (103-104) with nausea for multiple days, and us to having to get her into the doctor (it's happened twice now). So, I'm not an anti-vaccer by any stretch, nor do I believe in the conspiracies behind them, but given her circumstances/the way her body responds, in light of how she had all but 0 issues with Covid (she was whiny for a day and lethargic, then rebounded), it makes sense for me as a parent to wait and see the pediatric portion.


1 hour ago, MookieMonstah said:

I plan on getting it when it's available, but I really cant fault people for being nervous about a vaccine that is the fastest ever by a pretty substantial margin. I have no issue with it but you know...a lot of people have seen the movie I Am Legend 

I can understand hesitancy with pediatrics. I guess my big point of contention here, outside of the general idea that experts trust it, is that front line and high risk will receive it first and that will take months. By the time it is available to the general public, that wait and see period is kinda built in. Most projections show early March for general vaccine distribution. 

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1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

I can understand hesitancy with pediatrics.

For me, it's really my only hesitation. 

1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

I guess my big point of contention here, outside of the general idea that experts trust it, is that front line and high risk will receive it first and that will take months. By the time it is available to the general public, that wait and see period is kinda built in.

Yeah, I have a sister who is a night nurse, brother in law who is a nurse practitioner, and another brother who is a first responder. I'd assume that they'll get it right away, and then we can gauge things from there.

1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

Most projections show early March for general vaccine distribution. 

I have zero issues getting mine then, and probably will get mine as soon as I can, and probably my wife as well. My kid(s) are my only other real concern. I need to see pediatric data for my youngest children before they get a vaccine, that quite frankly, they don't need for their immediate health, but rather for  the health of others. Considering they aren't in school or day care, their "spreading it to others" is almost 0 as well.

Right now, if I had to say, I'd say this:

Me: Absolutely getting it

Wife: Absolutely getting it

Kindgergartener: Absolutely getting it

4 year old: Likely getting it

2 year old: Undecided

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11 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

By the time it is available to the general public, that wait and see period is kinda built in. Most projections show early March for general vaccine distribution. 

That's my thought on it.  I'm 99% certain i'd get it now if available, but there's hesitancy bc it isn't widely distributed at this time.  By the time i can actually get it, that obstacle is removed.  If all goes well, i'll get it for sure.

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15 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Joe Biden asking the country to wear masks for his first 100 days in office is another sign that "normal" is going to come back around summer.

Can you or @Shanedorf give me some insight on Moncef Slaoui? From everything I've read he sounds like a legit expert in the field (PHD in Molecular biology and Immunology + an impressive career in the field of vaccine research), and yet I'll read posts from people trying to downplay his expertise as if he's some type of political puppet. I personally trust his word when he says there's a very real chance we're approaching normal in late spring/early summer, but I'll admit my trust has been gained via article I have read. My knowledge on him isn't very in depth.

As far as I know- the FDA has stood strong against political tension. They haven't sacrificed their integrity, and that includes (From what I've read) the head of operation warp speed. 

Edited by WizeGuy
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I don't get flu shots but I'm going to get this. As a relatively healthy person who never gets sick, I still have too much of a conscious to know if I passed this to someone else and they got severely sick, I'd mentally have a very hard time w/ it. I'm not anti-flu shots it's just when I asked my mom if she ever got them for me growing up, she said "no" b/c I never got the flu and our family has a history of strong immune systems. I've also joked about this but I've been biting my nails since I was 4 years old although I do it substantially less these days but I think that might have helped as well.

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32 minutes ago, MWil23 said:
39 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

I don't get flu shots

@ramssuperbowl99 I'm tagging you for no real reason other than my own amusement

I've venture that most people that don't get it don't bc it's not totally frictionless.  You have to schedule a doctors appt for something that may or may not protect you from a virus that you only have about a 15% chance of getting anyway?

I get it bc my work offers it, and it's easy.  Takes 5 min of out my day, no extra paperwork or phone calls.  But if i had to schedule a dr appt, i probably wouldn't get it.

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26 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Can you or @Shanedorf give me some insight on Moncef Slaoui? From everything I've read he sounds like a legit expert in the field, and yet I'll read posts from people trying to downplay his expertise as if he's some type of political puppet. I personally trust his word when he says there's a very real chance we're approaching normal in late spring/early summer, but I'll admit my trust has been gained via article I have read. My knowledge on him isn't very in depth.

As far as I know- the FDA has stood strong against political tension. They haven't sacrificed their integrity, and that includes (From what I've read) the head of operation warp speed. 

I don't know him or haven't attended any conference where he's spoken, so I don't have any personal experience or anything. As far as being the head of WS, he's scientist who wanted to go into medicine. I can't imagine anyone in pharma who thinks they could run operation Warp Speed well who wouldn't take that job. That's the nerd version of being an Avenger. Doesn't make him a political puppet.

In general, I think the FDA is tougher to corrupt than your average government institution because the rest of the government doesn't speak drug development. Think of this way, imagine any politician in the world, except maybe Angela Merkel or someone else with significant scientific experience in front of the FDA trying to sell them on approving the drug and giving the squeaky wheel the grease. Even if they wanted to bribe them, the biggest thing a person taking a bribe would want besides the cash is the knowledge that the coverup of the bribe would work. How could a politician who doesn't understand the data sell someone on why another pharmaceutical expert won't catch this? Anyone think they could fake data, send it to @Shanedorf or myself, and think we wouldn't figure it out? And even if so, eventually if the drug doesn't work, by selling the drug to people you're constantly providing more and more data points that the drug ultimately won't work. So there's a slow drip of evidence that the faked approval should be scrutinized more.


Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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