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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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On 12/6/2020 at 10:43 AM, BobbyPhil1781 said:

The selfish part of me would be ok with those that entertain getting it early (sports, actors, people behind the scenes etc) but I just don't think that's proper bc grocery stores are far more essential. 

Ultimately I'm just really happy we're able to discuss this right now. Pretty incredible we're not even a year into it and we're talking about it. 

They should literally be the last. 

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13 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Can the guys who are in the know on the vaccines explain the MRNA portion of this?  A friend of mine is a nurse, and has done some good research throughout this process and is saying if it's deemed mandatory at her hospital, she's prepared to quit.  Not anti-vax at all, and she will get it in time, but she is essentially saying that this is all so very quick and she's not ready to risk it.  

Good for her.  While I don't necessarily agree, this is what people who are worried about this need to be prepared to do.  Pretty tired of the crowd that ******* and moans and then doesn't do anything about it when it comes time to. 

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2 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

The worst thing possible for the world is to make this vaccine mandatory.

Giving people a reason to rebel is going to cause people to rebel.

Making a vaccine mandatory is as dumb as being anti-vaccine.

ESPECIALLY this early.  If you’re going to make it mandatory, wait a year after people have actually taken it.  Once people see it doesn’t cause third nipples and fourth penises they will be more accepting of it being mandatory.

The Government, despite its faults, isn't even this dumb.  Any mandatory vaccine requirements would be back door action through private business, i.e. you can't fly without a vaccine, stay in our hotel, use our facilities/services, etc.  

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42 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I can chime in.  I am not anti vaccine, but I just don't feel I need it.  My age group, my health, etc.  Same reason why I do not get a flu shot, just do not feel I need it.  I am not anti-science and I think people who are at risk, live with at risk, or are generally worried should 100% get it and it will be a safe vaccine.  I know my parents will likely get it, my sister will (high risk), my brothers will be somewhat mixed bag and my wife will essentially be forced to get it (but same boat as me, doesn't feel the need to get it but for her job different circumstance). 

I am a numbers kind of guy, at the end of the day, I view my risk of getting seriously ill from COVID the same as my risk of having seriously side effects from the vaccine...neither are worrisome to me so I just lean towards not getting something if I don't need it. 

Vaccinations, much like masks, are not only about protecting yourself, but also those around you.  If you're vaccinated, you can't spread it.  Which protects those you know and love who are at risk.  Also protects those who cannot vaccinate for a wide variety of reasons.



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3 hours ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

So we're a week+ out from Thanksgiving and while numbers did rise, the sites I reference make it seem like they didn't skyrocket like I initially thought they were going to. Does anyone else have evidence that contradicts this?

Two weeks out is where I’d look. But current trend of deaths is going up.


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3 hours ago, acowboys62 said:

I am a numbers kind of guy, at the end of the day, I view my risk of getting seriously ill from COVID the same as my risk of having seriously side effects from the vaccine...neither are worrisome to me so I just lean towards not getting something if I don't need it. 

That's an interesting bet and I suspect many people will be mentally running the numbers as they ponder their options
The rigorously controlled clinical trial data suggest that the risk of getting seriously ill is much higher than having negative effects from the vaccines

Every week another deleterious impact from a COVID infection is discovered, from heart issues to lung scarring, from brain fog to teeth falling out. From cytokine storms to liver damage. You may not have the " i need to be on a ventilator" illness, but the other illnesses cover every major organ system in your body and we've already seen several highly- trained major league athletes getting their arses kicked by COVID. And those stories aren't complete yet, the downstream and long- term issues are only now being investigated.

Since you are a numbers guy, you would probably be better served by adding a few additional inputs into your Decision Model.
Its still a novel virus, the whole story isn't yet known and there is still no known cure for a severe infection; all we have learned so far is to treat some of the symptoms. ( that's progress !)

In the famous scene from Star Wars, Luke says "I'm not afraid"...to which Yoda replies:   "...you will be"
I believe you are correct to say chances are slim, but they aren't zero and the only stat that truly matters to you, is you. An N=1 scenario. 
Best wishes to you and yours

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7 hours ago, acowboys62 said:

I can chime in.  I am not anti vaccine, but I just don't feel I need it.  My age group, my health, etc.  Same reason why I do not get a flu shot, just do not feel I need it.  I am not anti-science and I think people who are at risk, live with at risk, or are generally worried should 100% get it and it will be a safe vaccine.  I know my parents will likely get it, my sister will (high risk), my brothers will be somewhat mixed bag and my wife will essentially be forced to get it (but same boat as me, doesn't feel the need to get it but for her job different circumstance). 

I am a numbers kind of guy, at the end of the day, I view my risk of getting seriously ill from COVID the same as my risk of having seriously side effects from the vaccine...neither are worrisome to me so I just lean towards not getting something if I don't need it. 

This is the most SELFISH post I have ever read on this site. Stop thinking for yourself and understand this is a WORLDWIDE pandemic and EVERYONE needs to do their part. This whole post is about YOUR risk. BULLY FOR YOU. A lot of others arent as lucky and IF THE GET IT FROM YOU BECAUSE OF THIS SELFISH BS AND DIE... just wow. 

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Not looking to get political. But this obviously isn’t good. It likely pushes back our return to normal by quite a bit. 

Sounds like the government wanted to wait until there was an FDA approved vaccine. Other countries went ahead and bought ahead of time which pushes us down the line. 

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1 hour ago, Deadpulse said:

This is the most SELFISH post I have ever read on this site. Stop thinking for yourself and understand this is a WORLDWIDE pandemic and EVERYONE needs to do their part. This whole post is about YOUR risk. BULLY FOR YOU. A lot of others arent as lucky and IF THE GET IT FROM YOU BECAUSE OF THIS SELFISH BS AND DIE... just wow. 

If everyone jumped off a cliff... would you?

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2 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

This is the most SELFISH post I have ever read on this site. Stop thinking for yourself and understand this is a WORLDWIDE pandemic and EVERYONE needs to do their part. This whole post is about YOUR risk. BULLY FOR YOU. A lot of others arent as lucky and IF THE GET IT FROM YOU BECAUSE OF THIS SELFISH BS AND DIE... just wow. 

At a certain point, you've just gotta ignore it and move on. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

At a certain point, you've just gotta ignore it and move on. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

If they don't drink and I say nothing, their selfishness becomes mine. I will beat the drum to save lives as much as I can. Even if one person realizes their misguided POV, its a big win. The way stupidity wins is if we let it go on out of frustration. 

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