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On 12/7/2020 at 9:23 AM, TENINCH said:

It's hard for me to trust a vaccine they say 95% effective now when the flu vaccine is only 40% effective and has been around for 80 years. I'll let everyone else take it first. I'm on chemo so my doctor wouldn't advise me to take it anyways.

The flu vaccine isn’t as highly effective as the COVID vaccine because there are 144 different subtypes of flu A, and we have to guess which ones will be prevalent in any given year. And on top of that, Flu A is one of the most rapidly mutating viruses on the planet, meaning there’s near limitless variance within those subtypes. And that’s not even factoring in the strains of flu B.

Meanwhile the MMR vaccine is 97% effective against measles, 88% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. Three doses of the polio vaccine has a 99% effective rate. 90% isn’t some bogus number; it’s relatively normal for any virus that isn’t dealing with obscene mutation rates. 

Edited by pwny
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Fake news outlets say the Pfizer vaccine shouldn't be taken by people with Food allergies... lol . How did it get a 95%?

But forreal. Some places are shutting down while Florida is pretty much open world. 

Someone in our office thinks they have Covid and ended up quitting out of embarrassment. Entire first floor was sanitized. 

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On 12/7/2020 at 8:10 AM, Outpost31 said:

The worst thing possible for the world is to make this vaccine mandatory.

Giving people a reason to rebel is going to cause people to rebel.

Making a vaccine mandatory is as dumb as being anti-vaccine.

ESPECIALLY this early.  If you’re going to make it mandatory, wait a year after people have actually taken it.  Once people see it doesn’t cause third nipples and fourth penises they will be more accepting of it being mandatory.

You have a second and a third? Did I miss out on something?

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On 12/7/2020 at 8:17 PM, Johnny Nix said:

If you want to be a human guinea pig, that’s cool. But not everyone shares the same mindset as you. That doesn’t make him or anyone else selfish. It’s his body, if he doesn’t want a vaccine thats his choice. So get off your socialist high horse and realize this is America. 

I also agree with him 100%, as I’m a healthcare worker and I will not be getting it either. 


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On 12/8/2020 at 8:44 AM, Johnny Nix said:

I more so posted it because it’s the only site I’ve found that has discussed the data on the vaccine. I’m well aware he’s alternative medicine and not the most trustworthy source, however it just goes to show you the lack of information out there about a vaccine that they are trying to rush through the process. If you want people to trust you, release the data and information. 


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2 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

Not sure we need to call out @Johnny Nix without adding to the conversation. The man made an effort to read my very long posts and came back with some valid questions on more than a few. Brother put the effort in, I give him credit. 

I dig both your conversations. Even though I don’t agree with @Johnny Nix, his views and concerns are shared by many. My friend for example will you that she believes in vaccination in general, but is scared of this vaccine and how fast it was created.

Edited by Xenos
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Am I a good person or a bad person for not wanting to get the vaccine right away? Reasoning:

1. Other people need the (very limited) vaccines much more than I do.

2. I am very low risk, don't interact with anyone high risk, and follow all safety guidelines. 

3. Getting the vaccine means I no longer "need" to isolate / there is no excuse not to go into the office anymore. 

4. I have a crippling, irrational fear of needles. 

5. I don't have an excuse to wear masks anymore. 

I definitely WILL get it, and know it is completely safe, but I'm OK just waiting at the end of the line. 

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