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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:


Oh good, MWil is locked into Ragnarok being Town the whole game because Superman as scum does not fit the theme.


That’s an outrageous twisting of my words and you know it. I’m speaking of XMads rationale to START THE GAME. Not “the whole game”. If there’s a converter, Superman is an obvious place to start as cleared by the host and one can assume he’s extremely OP.

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I wonder how Ragnarok could be a bad guy, or at least become a bad guy.



Lois Lane's death shook Superman greatly; the once pure Man of Steel was heartbroken, having been manipulated by the Joker into killing the woman he loved and his unborn child. His loss, grief and pain overwhelmed Superman, causing him to forget his hard-taught wholesome values and ethics, turning him corrupt and cruel. From that day forward, Superman decided that criminals would be better off dead, as demonstrated by having brutally killed Joker in a blind rage, which was the first action that led him down the path into a cynical, brutal, hate-filled tyrant. It is heavily implied that the reason why he discarded his wholesome values and ethics is because he blamed them for his unwitting role in the destruction of Metropolis as well as the murder of Lois Lane and their unborn child, viewing them as weaknesses that ultimately hampered his ability to protect the people of Earth.

Unable to move on from Lois, Superman becomes a bitter man driven by remorse, anger and sadness, despite the fact that he and Wonder Woman started a romantic relationship after the tragedy.

The disillusioned Superman's morality became even more warped, where he thought his actions were benefiting the world; in reality, he placed humanity into totalitarian dystopia, controlled by a strong military regime without freedom and equal rights, and when he discovered the people of Gotham and Metropolis actually feared and hated him rather than worshiped him, he destroyed them without remorse.

However, despite his faults, he still shows a great deal of love towards his former wife, Lois Lane, and planned to kill the main-universe Superman and bring his Lois over to his dimension, which proves that in spite of his ruthlessness, he was first and foremost a damaged, guilt-ridden man, willing to do anything to get his beloved Lois back.

He does feel remorseful about his misdeeds, but has not recanted any of his thoughts, as can be seen in Injustice 2. That said, he is more reasonable than before as shown when he gave Kara some time after she found out about his true nature.



12 hours ago, Blue said:

Just another beautiful, sunny day in Metropolis, a place of exquisite techno-futurism. Dazzling skyscrapers, light shining from the windows, dominate the skyline. But there are few more beautiful masterpieces of architectural design, even in this earthly paradise, than the Daily Planet.

Inside the newsroom, reporters bustle back and forth, working on stories ranging from the crime reports to gossip columns. In the middle of it all, @Ragnarok and @Blue are having a pleasant conversation around the water cooler. Just another day at the Planet…until it’s not.

The first thing they notice is the sudden light, then the heat, all in a matter of seconds. By the time the sound of the explosion reaches them, only the people on the floors above and below hear it. Everyone else on the newsroom floor, except one, is past caring.

It isn’t long before the Justice League of America shows up; they move in quickly to help contain the damage. By the time the fire is out and the smoke cleared, everyone’s eyes are drawn to a lone figure, kneeling in the debris, a crumpled body in his arms.

Blue is dead. He was Lois Lane, JLA Aligned.

The figure, still wearing the shredded remains of his office suit, can’t believe his eyes. How could this happen? Who would do such a thing? He’s not sure he can do this on his own…but then again, he doesn’t have to. That’s what the League is for, right?

Ragnarok is alive. He is Superman, JLA Aligned.

Today is Day 1. With 22 alive and 22 voting, it’s 12 to lynch.

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5 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

That’s an outrageous twisting of my words and you know it. I’m speaking of XMads rationale to START THE GAME. Not “the whole game”. If there’s a converter, Superman is an obvious place to start as cleared by the host and one can assume he’s extremely OP.

I'm glad you agree with me.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

wonder how Ragnarok could be a bad guy, or at least become a bad guy.


You said I was against him ever becoming one. I’m not. I’m against him starting as one. You twisting my words and logic is really interesting.

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

You said I was against him ever becoming one. I’m not. I’m against him starting as one. You twisting my words and logic is really interesting.

That isn't even addressed to you.

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15 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


The third vote?


I see me seeing XMad voting for Superman as cleared Town despite clear evidence to the contrary while contradicting himself that it doesn’t fit the flavor of the theme (Superman as scum)

Except I was jumping back and forth last night, reading up, and minutes or seconds behind the votes on him.

Posts conclusion first.

Posts supporting rationale second and third.

Cherry picking information to fit your narrative is always a good time.

If it does not fit the flavor, how is Ragnarok ever going to be scum?

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5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

If it does not fit the flavor, how is Ragnarok ever going to be scum?

I was speaking on Xmad's rationale here:

10 hours ago, SwoleXmad said:

.......Oh no.

I've seen this happen like twice before.



Talking about an initial clear by the host

10 hours ago, SwoleXmad said:


12 hours ago, Counselor said:

Oh wow instant clear for Rags


Superman is very much in play as a "Unkillable other"

This isn't exactly the injustice storyline but yeah Superman has some very evil potential. 

Eludes to what you (SwAg) pointed out in the above quote for context.

10 hours ago, SwoleXmad said:
10 hours ago, SwAg said:

Guys, I have a confession

We know you killed Lois Lex. 

10 hours ago, SwAg said:

Don’t worry, I am a mastermind of these games.  Town, you are in good hands!

Okay Lex.

Technically Joker killed Lois in injustice but Lex is more of a bomber than Joker.

Superman being evil NOW isn't on the table, so I can't see him as an unkillable other, as it contradicts the host's theme, and that would be a super bastard setup, which I don't buy.

Siuperman being evil later on is if he's converted.


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