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Mafia Rules and Registration/Discussion Thread


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Probably won't be able to host again until May or so, but I think my next game will be a low-hanging fruit idea I've had for awhile (but I was waiting to host enough games first)

·         Each player can receive any role from any one of my previous games. While some will be adjusted slightly to merge them into this game or balance them (some details of that process are listed below), every role should be mostly intact.

o    While there are a handful of roles that I will force into the game, the others will be selected via randomizer.

o    After signing up for the game, you may open your game’s Role PM with me to send in your favorite Role from any one of my games. Not only will that role have a boosted chance of being selected for this game, but if it does, you’ll have an increased chance to have it assigned to you. Keep in mind, however, that there are so many roles that neither of these are a guarantee.

·         A ratio will be determined before characters are rolled depending on the number of players. This will include x “Town”, y “Mafia”, and z Independents (at least one friendly and one scum Independent will be guaranteed).

o    This will be a dual-town setup, but there is only guaranteed to be one of each in the game (it may be possible, for instance, that one of the factions only has one member, although this would be unlikely).

§  The Federation, Ivalice, Galactic Empire, Task Force, Isaac, and Galactic Republic alignments will be merged into the main Town alignment. 

§  Civilian (Star Trek), Bajor, FBI, SPK, Seraphim, and Jedi Order (Prequel Trilogy) will instead translate to the Friend faction. 

§  In either case, the win condition will be “Eliminate all threats to Town. At least one faction must be alive at the end of the game. Your faction is allied with [the other faction], but you don’t need them to win.”

o    There will likely be two “Mafia” factions (Mafia and Enemy), unless there’s not enough players to support that (in which case they’ll be only one). Either way, their win condition will be: “Your faction must match or outnumber all other living players, while also outnumbering any other specific faction who has this same win condition.” 

§  Unlike town, no scum factions will specifically correlate to another scum group. Therefore, each could possibly contain a character that was originally allies in their original mafia, and roles that were originally enemies in their original mafia could be allied.

§  The alignments that are considered Mafia for this purpose are: Romulan Star Empire, House of Duras, Cardassian Union, Dominion, Lucavi, Rebel Alliance, Jedi Order (Original Trilogy), Kira, Yotsuba, Bible, Separatist Alliance, and Sith Order.

o    Independents will mostly retain their original alignment names and win conditions (although like anything else, win conditions may be modified to be compatible with this game). Role color may be reassigned to avoid confusion.

§  Friendly Independents are considered Ferengi Alliance, Outlaw, Civilian (Death Note), Scoundrel, and Wanting Coin.

§  Unfriendly Independents are considered Borg Collective, Section 31, Delita, Bounty Hunter, Mello, Sakura TV, and Suffocation. Alignments that only appeared via conversion also belong in this category, but obviously you wouldn’t start the game as one of them.

·         As it was a “draft style” game, if you roll any role from Final Fantasy Tactics mafia, you will also be given three of the jobs from that game to choose from. 

o    The three jobs you receive are random, but no one else who rolls a character from Final Fantasy Tactics mafia will receive the ones you do.

o    You must choose one of the three prior to Day 1 ending via PM (failure to do so will cause me to automatically choose the first one).

·         If a role not from Binding of Isaac Mafia would be tainted (a mechanic unique to that game), their tainted form will be a randomly selected role of the same alignment category from the same game (tainted form will actually be determined at the start, but you won’t know it).

o    There may be exceptions to this… some roles may have a predetermined tainted version (usually an alternate version of that role from the same game).

o    Item inventories of your primary and tainted forms will be independent; Items you start with or obtain in your original form will not be available when tainted. However, if you are ever purified, those items become available again (while any you obtained while tainted or part of your original tainted role will become disabled again until when/if you become tainted again).

o    Tainted forms of FFT mafia roles instead affect your job class. It will transform you into one of the job classes you didn’t pick, selected randomly.

o    Obviously, any role actually from Binding of Isaac mafia will retain its original tainted form.

·         As previously mentioned, roles may be modified in some cases to fit with this game. Some examples of this are noted below (although there may be more).

o    Any role making reference to a specific alignment will be modified to instead be the corresponding alignment in this game. 

§  Town role references will usually be what they were converted to for this game. For example, if a role would reference Isaac alignment, it will instead be Town alignment for instance; if it mentioned the SPK alignment, it will be converted to Friend.

§  If a role makes reference to its own Mafia alignment, that reference will become whatever their own alignment is (for instance, scum framers). Likewise, if a role makes reference to a faction that is obviously supposed to be an enemy faction, that will be forced to be the case.

§  Roles mentioning a specific Independent alignment will group them with others of that category (for instance, a role ability that references the Outlaw alignment will also work on Scoundrel, Wanting Coin, Civilian, and Ferengi Alliance).

o    Any role making reference to another specific role will be modified to instead reference a random role from the same alignment category that rolled into the game (that makes sense).

§  If the original role mentioned is actually (and coincidentally) in the game, it will not be modified (if it was selected as a tainted alternate, it will be modified such that its pure role is also valid).

§  Bounty Hunters will be given one random Town role to kill not in the game like they were in Star Wars mafia. But that role will still actually exist from a previous game.

§  Roles that had a private “Mason-like” chat in their original game whose partner is not in the game will receive a new partner of the same alignment category that their previous partner would’ve been, favoring another “divorced Mason,” if possible (else, the new partner will be random).

o    Any roles mentioning “generic crewmen” or a generic town role (Federation Officer, Ivalacian Soldier, Clone Trooper, etc) will be modified to work on all other roles that fit this distinction. These are also the only roles not considered a “named” or “unique” character for any abilities referencing that.

§  This will be one of the things I’ll clean up on your role before actually sending it to you, probably.

§  These roles will not be selected for Bounty Hunters targets.

o    Some rebalances are expected, and some items with the same names or mechanics will be merged and standardized.

§  Tricorders will change completely, instead becoming an unlimited use item that gets a report about what game the target’s role was from.

§  While there was no item mechanic in Binding of Isaac Mafia, those roles will be given an empty inventory (so they can receive items from other sources). 

o    Roles from games without a Race and/or Title as a mechanic will be assigned one, so that roles that investigate these details work.

§  Other roles that investigate a unique thing from its original game will likely not be modified, and thus fail on most roles from outside that game. An example of this would be The Enigma’s Dead Sea Scrolls ability in Binding of Isaac Mafia, which reports on “the bible verse in their Role PM.”

·         Scum teams and unfriendly Independents will be given a list of roles that didn’t actually end up getting rolled into this game (including as a tainted form) to use as fake claims. This list won’t include “generics”, but scum could try to hide as one of those roles, too.

o    If a Bounty Hunter is in the game, one of these cover roles will be their “fake bounty”, but you won’t be told this.

·         Other than enforcing a ratio, the randomizer has no other balancing safeguards. This means that this game could end up pretty imbalanced… but that’s also part of why this is fun.


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Ok guys so I think I have this game figured out... might be overly ambitious but here we go....



This game will pit 5 'factions' or teams of 5 against each other vying for titles. 

Factions win when they hold 5 championships at one time. No player can hold more than one title at a time. Titles can change hands based on roles and abilities given to each. However the main way they are won is via matches.Titles.jpg

Matches are set up at random by the host but also by certain roles. There will be multiple matches within a Day period. Matches will be decided based on triggering a finisher. Players will vote for a competitor in the match but can't vote on a match in which their faction is apart of. These votes will trigger finishers in specific ways. Some roles will be better matchups against others. 

There will also be 4 major events; The Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Money in The Bank Ladder match, and Survivor series. 

Royal Rumble Elimination Chamber MITB Ladder Match Survivor Series
all men plus Chyna and Beth are entered Host will randomly select title holder to defend Each faction selects up to 2 non-title holders to enter Faction with most titles vs Faction with least
order of entry randomized by me each factions selects 1 non-title holder to enter there will be periodic rounds of trivia questions factions decide their orders ahead of time
you get eliminated when you are the last one in the ring to respond to my alarm entry order selected at random first competitor with ten correct answers grabs the briefcase no tags, match will start with competitors in first position
new competitors enter the ring every 15 minutes Voters are the competitors inside the Chamber. Competitor who gets the majority votes is eliminated.  Briefcase can be cashed in as a move and used on any match that took place to change the outcome to you winning the title even if you weren't in the match vote per usual match - factions in the match can't vote
Elimination alarms will be random When we reach the final two, the competitor with the most votes against but survived to final 2 wins   As 1 person goes down the next comes up to face whoever won that round
winner gets shot at WWE or World Heavyweight title Winner gets title and does not have to defend for 2 days   Faction loses when they don't have anyone left
      If faction with most titles wins, they do not have to defend the next day
      If faction with least titles wins, all titles for losing faction are vacated


Players do not get eliminated from the game. Losing a match, however, disallows you from being in a match the next day unless effected by a move or role. Day ends when all matches are complete or the time limit runs out. Matches that end due to time have a no contest decision, both players can participate in matches the next day but any titles stay where they were. Before match decisions are announced, there will be a 30 minute period to enter moves. Once sorted through, the match decisions as well as other move announcements will be made and the next day begins with a new set of matches. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had vacation for spring break and had the time to design a devlish 15-player game that is guaranteed to be outrageous fun.

Super role madness

I cant fit it into a theme, so im going to do a "choose your own character" and when i randomly assign roles, i will fit the flavor into the character you picked

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