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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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20 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Westen is the main protagonist.  If he can't be targeted at night or voted during the day, he's a ghost (role), to go with the descriptor of the ghost (being Westen) in the initial writeup.


20 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Michael Westen

I'd encourage you to reread the OP writeup from SwAg and click on the comment of Orca's that I quoted for his initial synopsis. 


3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Well clearly Ragnarok and Orca can’t read. 


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Congratulations, you guys found me.


You are not Michael Westen. Nice try lmao

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Night 2:

Everyone had dispersed for the evening and was off to handle their various responsibilities for the night.  There was evil afoot, and everyone was intent upon finding it, but none more-so than JoshJosh decided to take a break from his role as a catalyst in our inability to be happy friends because he's a bully, and decided he would do a good, old fashion stakeout.  He was 100 meters away from any danger with binoculars, facing the wrong way, of course.  But, hey, this type of work beats lying in a crumpled heap after blocking punches with your face.

Josh observed his target all night, and his patience was rewarded as he saw two shadowy figures looming around outside the house he was surveying.  The two figures approached from opposite ends of the way, but were both revealed when they passed through the lighting.  It was Glen and Daboyle.  Neither were aware of each other, but the house's occupant was seemingly aware of them.  As both crept toward the home, massive lights suddenly revealed their precise location, and then the night was filled with gunfire.

Glen is dead.  He was Jan Haseck, Serial Killer (Even), Independent-Aligned. @Glen

Daboyle is dead.  He was Agent Harris, Alignment Cop, Government-Aligned. @daboyle250

Josh was panicking.  He just saw two guys get mowed down with guns.  He was not sticking around, he had to get out of here.  He ran fifty meters back to his truck and got inside.  He went to start his car, but upon twisting the key in the ignition the car promptly blew up.

Josh is dead.  He was Nate Westen, Incompetent JOAT, Westen-Aligned. @JoshstraDaymus


Heimdallr is not going quietly.  He is observing his surrounding, attempting to find anything that could be useful in this daring plan... He cannot afford to wait because if he waits, it may be too late.  You may still pay the ransom, but Heimdallr has initiated a plan to escape!


Yes, yes!  That is what I heard!  I heard that that there Touch did not go anywhere last night!  Quite the rousing gossip!

It is now Day 3.  You have until 9 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 9, 2020 to reach a decision.

@MWil23 @Counselor, @rackcs, @bcb1213, @11sanchez11, @pwny@Forge, @Pickle Rick, @Heimdallr, @Matts4313, @The Orca, @MookieMonstah@TLO, @squire12, @theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @Ragnarok, @Slappy Mc, @wolfeyestrk, @swoosh

If you think you should have received a PM and did not, message me.

Edited by SwAg
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