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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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Night 5:

All is quiet as Counselor retires for the evening.  Just another long day of the grind for the Bureau.  As he approaches his home he drops his keys, as he bends down to pick them up, he receives the odd sensation of being watched.  He turns and peers into the darkness.

Must have been the wind.

Counselor proceeds to his porch, unlocks his door, and pushes it forward.  Then he is no more, as he is engulfed in a massive explosion.

Counselor is dead.  He was Agent Lane, The Cop, Government-Aligned.

Nicely done, nicely done.

The man holding the detonator turned to walk away and noticed some strange man peering questioningly at him.

Nope, you cannot be doing that.

The man looked presentable and approached the strange man as he motioned for one of his followers (NPC) to advance.

Hello, there.  Can I help you?

Bcb began to respond, but before much of anything could escape his mouth, he was shot pointblank and his brains splattered around the scene.

Bcb is dead.  He was Bill Reese, Concerned Father, Westen-Aligned.


Yes, yes.  I heard that is the case!  Pwny is Westen-Aligned!

It is now Day 6.  You have until tomorrow like this time?  Let's say 11.

Edited by SwAg
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