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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Night 6:

rack approached his target's house from the southwest corner of the property -- the blindspot in the security.  rack vaulted the perimeter fence and approached stealthily.  He entered through the side entrance and traced the sound of the inhabitant until he reached the last door.

rack took a deep breath, and then breached the door.  He saw Malfatron and shot twice, landing one shot squarely in the torso and the other in the neck.  He approached to verify.

Malfatron is dead.  He wa-- wait, what's that?

rack recognized the danger a moment too late as he saw the amalgamation of wire and lights glisten on the body.  rack turned to run, but the explosion emanated from Malfatron's lifeless body and engulfed him, as everything burned around them.

rack is dead.

Both seem to have been incinerated in the blast as there is no trace of either person.

@Malfatron, @rackcs


Slappy was putting around his home.  He was super excited to get to the poker game to catch up on all the hot gossip and see his friends.  He was halfway down the front walkway when he realized he forgot his party favor, his famous taco dip, on the counter.  He snapped his fingers and doubled back.  He located the dip and was on his way out when his hearing aid began to malfunction... no, that wasn't it.  What is that beeping?

A moment passed, and then Slappy was no more, as the unknown beeping turned to a massive explosion.

Slappy is dead.  He was Laura, Gossiper, Westen-Aligned.

@Slappy Mc


Pwny was on his way home after house sitting for the evening.  He was content with his night's work, as nothing disturbed the house or its occupants that he was charged with.  He made his way home to affectionally coo over his surfboard collection and update his LinkedIn profile to show his successful house-sitting portfolio.

He unlocked his front door and pulled.  As he did, he heard a faint beeping.  That was the last thing he ever did and heard., as the explosion tore him to pieces.

Pwny is dead.  He was Nick Lam, House Sitter, Westen-Aligned.


It is now Day 6.  You have until, I don't know, 11 p.m. EST?  Sure?  


2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

My role evolved on day 6.  I still needed to be lynched.   

Wow, everyone died via bombs


Wanna talk about it?

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