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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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On 4/11/2020 at 1:16 AM, squire12 said:

I am westen aligned.  I think scum killed rags because he was an investigator.   I am willing to trust the mookie invest for today.


On 4/11/2020 at 7:14 PM, squire12 said:

The incompetent joat gives me some reservations.

Rags invest in me was true, so I have a hard time not trusting it on mookie as well.

Heim was kidnapped.  I think swoosh might have had the means to pay the ransom and he was town.


18 hours ago, squire12 said:

You mean the town protector that failed to protect either of Rags, swoosh, bcb?

Here are three posts showing Squire in relation to rags and his info. Like I said, it wasnt coincidence that he died when his info showed 2 people to be town. He also wants to blindly accpet it on Mookie, when though all of towns other invests had red herrings built in 

9 hours ago, The Orca said:


So your move is to plant Bombs and you can blow them up at once. You took Racks out with the bomb on Malf


Squire avoids this questions and answers all others, why? Cause he knows I could have got role cop results with my invest and it's over for him

9 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

maybe not.


9 hours ago, The Orca said:

How so?


9 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

not telling until you do.

Did you ever tell?

1 hour ago, squire12 said:


You think I was able to plant 3 bombs in 1 night?

I told you my bomb was on malfatron. 

I dont think Matt's could unless he was a pgo plus mobile to put bombs on people.

Forge was tracked by malfatron n5 and could not be found, and said he commuted n4 as well.  So it is a nightly move that has not been able to be verified.  He has had 0 pressure for 6 days.

Orca could be lying about a few things.  He is on his 3rd character claim.....Jenna Reese, Carla, now Evelyn.  He most certainly is lying about me being scum.  

@The Orca what night did you get your fake results on me?

You didnt do it in 1 night. As I said in the quote above, you can plant them over days and explode them at once or separately. At least that's what my info says. That's why the explosions didnt start until you wanted to off Rags and then we had multiple explosions 

1 hour ago, Heimdallr said:

No, I just am trying to understand how we ended up with 3 bombs in one night with so few players left.

I have to assume one is the nightly scum faction hit, but that means someone else still had a hit.

Considering it didn't go to Orca (why wouldn't people hit the unlynchable person??), I'm guessing it was Orca.

Read above and below 

53 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

How is a double lynch possible, wouldn't someone just flip their vote at the last minute to avoid a tie?

Me, Forge and Matts vote Squire while Squire, Wolf, and you vote Matts. If anyone deviates from this, we lynch them next


Also I think this is key

On 4/11/2020 at 12:45 AM, SwAg said:

Night 4:

Ragnarok was at Carlito's downing his usual 40 mojitos, as he does every night.  Weakened by potential alcohol poisoning and fatigue from thoroughly enjoying enjoying the rich-divorcee scene, he was a prime target for cowards that couldn't handle these guns of steel at full stamina.  When he returned with a fresh drink, he sat down and began to happily glug.


Ragnarok paused.  He was sure he had heard a beep.  He looked under the table, and was then engulfed in an explosion.

Ragnarok is dead.  He was Sam Axe, Mojito and Recon Specialist, Westen-Aligned.


Swoosh's body was found with fatal injuries.  The injuries are reflective of the skillset of a highly-trained operative and marksman.

Swoosh was Barry Burkowski, The Money Man, Westen-Aligned.


The autopsy report on Sanchez revealed that he was Mr. Pyne, Watcher, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned.


Quite mad!  I don't know how, but eight of us did nothing last night!  What are y'all doing?!


It is now Day 5.  You have until 10 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, 2020.  


On 4/11/2020 at 11:44 PM, SwAg said:

Night 5:

All is quiet as Counselor retires for the evening.  Just another long day of the grind for the Bureau.  As he approaches his home he drops his keys, as he bends down to pick them up, he receives the odd sensation of being watched.  He turns and peers into the darkness.

Must have been the wind.

Counselor proceeds to his porch, unlocks his door, and pushes it forward.  Then he is no more, as he is engulfed in a massive explosion.

Counselor is dead.  He was Agent Lane, The Cop, Government-Aligned.

Nicely done, nicely done.

The man holding the detonator turned to walk away and noticed some strange man peering questioningly at him.

Nope, you cannot be doing that.

The man looked presentable and approached the strange man as he motioned for one of his followers (NPC) to advance.

Hello, there.  Can I help you?

Bcb began to respond, but before much of anything could escape his mouth, he was shot pointblank and his brains splattered around the scene.

Bcb is dead.  He was Bill Reese, Concerned Father, Westen-Aligned.


Yes, yes.  I heard that is the case!  Pwny is Westen-Aligned!

It is now Day 6.  You have until tomorrow like this time?  Let's say 11.


9 hours ago, SwAg said:

Night 6:

rack approached his target's house from the southwest corner of the property -- the blindspot in the security.  rack vaulted the perimeter fence and approached stealthily.  He entered through the side entrance and traced the sound of the inhabitant until he reached the last door.

rack took a deep breath, and then breached the door.  He saw Malfatron and shot twice, landing one shot squarely in the torso and the other in the neck.  He approached to verify.

Malfatron is dead.  He wa-- wait, what's that?

rack recognized the danger a moment too late as he saw the amalgamation of wire and lights glisten on the body.  rack turned to run, but the explosion emanated from Malfatron's lifeless body and engulfed him, as everything burned around them.

rack is dead.

Both seem to have been incinerated in the blast as there is no trace of either person.

@Malfatron, @rackcs


Slappy was putting around his home.  He was super excited to get to the poker game to catch up on all the hot gossip and see his friends.  He was halfway down the front walkway when he realized he forgot his party favor, his famous taco dip, on the counter.  He snapped his fingers and doubled back.  He located the dip and was on his way out when his hearing aid began to malfunction... no, that wasn't it.  What is that beeping?

A moment passed, and then Slappy was no more, as the unknown beeping turned to a massive explosion.

Slappy is dead.  He was Laura, Gossiper, Westen-Aligned.

@Slappy Mc


Pwny was on his way home after house sitting for the evening.  He was content with his night's work, as nothing disturbed the house or its occupants that he was charged with.  He made his way home to affectionally coo over his surfboard collection and update his LinkedIn profile to show his successful house-sitting portfolio.

He unlocked his front door and pulled.  As he did, he heard a faint beeping.  That was the last thing he ever did and heard., as the explosion tore him to pieces.

Pwny is dead.  He was Nick Lam, House Sitter, Westen-Aligned.


It is now Day 6.  You have until, I don't know, 11 p.m. EST?  Sure?  

These are the bomb kills

Rags- had info saying Squire was town but we never knew what it was. Like inhale been saying his results were wrong and someone wanted to show him as town to appear as town. First explosion death in the game was Josh N2. N1 Dome got shot, N2- PGO shot 2. N4 Rags bomb, N5 Counselor bomb. So why Counselor. Unless it was Malf and Red, why kill him. Matts was already invested by them and someone died, so why would they try him again. It had to be someone else. Then Bcb invested said person and died as a result. He isnt going to invest Matts, but he totally should have invested Squire. Then we come to last night, where Malf, Pwny, Slappybgo boom. At least we know Malf was Squire imo. Too much of a coincidence. Now add them up

N2- Josh

N4- Rags

N5- Counselor

N6- Malf, Pwny, Slappy

6 direct bomb kills and 6 days

Squire is planting the bombs during the day and blowing them up at night. At his discretion at night, he cant die via target. Must be lynched 

Also remember where he tried to blame you for not protecting Rags, might be because he knew you couldnt stop the bomb cause he plants during the day 

Sorry for ths rambling, just woke up and this maybe way off in some parts lol

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13 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Squire is planting the bombs during the day and blowing them up at night. At his discretion at night, he cant die via target. Must be lynched 

Why wouldn't he be able to be targeted? That seems OP. 

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On 4/8/2020 at 9:18 AM, SwAg said:

Night 2:

Everyone had dispersed for the evening and was off to handle their various responsibilities for the night.  There was evil afoot, and everyone was intent upon finding it, but none more-so than JoshJosh decided to take a break from his role as a catalyst in our inability to be happy friends because he's a bully, and decided he would do a good, old fashion stakeout.  He was 100 meters away from any danger with binoculars, facing the wrong way, of course.  But, hey, this type of work beats lying in a crumpled heap after blocking punches with your face.

Josh observed his target all night, and his patience was rewarded as he saw two shadowy figures looming around outside the house he was surveying.  The two figures approached from opposite ends of the way, but were both revealed when they passed through the lighting.  It was Glen and Daboyle.  Neither were aware of each other, but the house's occupant was seemingly aware of them.  As both crept toward the home, massive lights suddenly revealed their precise location, and then the night was filled with gunfire.

Glen is dead.  He was Jan Haseck, Serial Killer (Even), Independent-Aligned. @Glen

Daboyle is dead.  He was Agent Harris, Alignment Cop, Government-Aligned. @daboyle250

Josh was panicking.  He just saw two guys get mowed down with guns.  He was not sticking around, he had to get out of here.  He ran fifty meters back to his truck and got inside.  He went to start his car, but upon twisting the key in the ignition the car promptly blew up.

Josh is dead.  He was Nate Westen, Incompetent JOAT, Westen-Aligned. @JoshstraDaymus

So Glen and Daboyle visited someone and died (presumably PGO - Matts?). And Josh was also observing the same target, but was killed by something else? I'm not sure how that works. 

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4 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Why wouldn't he be able to be targeted? That seems OP. 

Not sure, but he said if someone targets him or something they die (basically PGO) as well. So it kind of fits


explain your move, top to bottom and everything in between please

12 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

You didn't think protecting was Fiona's only power, did you? xD

There is a chance I can bring Michael back.

Unlikley, also what was he doing at Malfs? Couple that with killing Swoosh and investing Mmil N2 for a redundant reason, along with when Touch started killing and Racks wanting to vote him but voting Matts instead last night, I think Michael may have been seriously recruited by the government 

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Unlikley, also what was he doing at Malfs? Couple that with killing Swoosh and investing Mmil N2 for a redundant reason, along with when Touch started killing and Racks wanting to vote him but voting Matts instead last night, I think Michael may have been seriously recruited by the government 

Yeah I don't know what racks has been doing. I was thinking he thought malf was mafia and tried to hit him last night, and just got unlucky that malf had squire's bomb on him.

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4 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

So Glen and Daboyle visited someone and died (presumably PGO - Matts?). And Josh was also observing the same target, but was killed by something else? I'm not sure how that works. 

Josh could have used a watch/track on Matts but Matt's can only kill nontown, or people there to do him harm and then someone else bombed Josh 

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Just now, Heimdallr said:

Yeah I don't know what racks has been doing. I was thinking he thought malf was mafia and tried to hit him last night, and just got unlucky that malf had squire's bomb on him.

So did I, so he has a bus driver, invest, cant remember, kill, then kill. He could have lied and got the moves in a second round and wasnt out

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