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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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@Matts4313, @wolfeyestrk, @Forge - are we all in agreement to lynch squire? 

I'm going to put my hit in on Orca.

I can't hit Matts. Wolf is cleared. Squire is an easy lynch. 

I'd rather just roll the dice that a day hit can kill Orca than hit Forge right now.

I could hit squire and have a 50% chance that racks comes back, but the benefit of possibly getting rid of Orca outweighs that possibility


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22 hours ago, The Orca said:

2nd try lol


I am Redacted


My moves are:

1. Day Invest (Ninja style lol). Invest type is unknown to me. If I use a day invest I am immune from any action including voting until the next night. So invest D1 makes me immune at night N1 and day D2. Can not use the move immediately (same Day) as move below. Can use it each day though 

2. Protection (night move)- at night I can make someone protected from kills until the next night. This includes during the day. I cannot use it if preceded immediately by the day invest. If used, can not use the day invest until the day after the following night. So I use it N1, I can not use a day invest until D3

I am Indy. I win when the Government is dead, Michael is alive and I survive to the end

D1: Invest Mwil cause he was my biggest read by far. Results were he was not town

D2: Invest TLO cause he was my 2nd biggest read and I thought tied to Mwil cause of the shotgun voting of him. Results were he was not town

D3: Invest Touch cause he was not actively trying to game solve imo in thread, was lazy, disinterested, scummy. Results were he was not town

D4: Invested Counselor to see what is up his sleeve. Results came. Back back he used a night move

D5: I invested Mookie because I didnt trust the Mojito invests at all given the invests that had been claimed. All seem to be red herring style so I wanted to see. Was between him and Squire and went him. Results came back he was not town

D6: Redacted for game purposes 


I did this quickly and the other version had a lot more of thoughts and insight on the moves and when and and how I claimed the info

My wincon and moves counter Government. I can not die if i so choose, so I am antiscum in a big way. There is no way the government is town with my role in the game. NONE


@Heimdallr  Can you wait until swag gives a VC

Based on what orca posted on his role, he might have used his protection to prevent from being killed day or night.....though he might have recanted that part

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11 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

@Matts4313, @wolfeyestrk, @Forge - are we all in agreement to lynch squire? 

I'm going to put my hit in on Orca.

I can't hit Matts. Wolf is cleared. Squire is an easy lynch. 

I'd rather just roll the dice that a day hit can kill Orca than hit Forge right now.

I could hit squire and have a 50% chance that racks comes back, but the benefit of possibly getting rid of Orca outweighs that possibility


its a sound plan but i dont like it squires not talking like scum and orca is too relaxed about the whole thing he feels resisgned

11 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Any thoughts could be of some help, even if you cant support it 

i dont like the way forge is playing and i dont like his claim it feels wrong

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3 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

its a sound plan but i dont like it squires not talking like scum and orca is too relaxed about the whole thing he feels resisgned

i dont like the way forge is playing and i dont like his claim it feels wrong

What would you recommend? 

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3 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

its a sound plan but i dont like it squires not talking like scum and orca is too relaxed about the whole thing he feels resisgned

i dont like the way forge is playing and i dont like his claim it feels wrong

Agreed on Forge, which, if Touch was right on Malf, he could have been covering for Forge and the commuter is fake 

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19 hours ago, Forge said:

I don't know that it's the truth. It doesn't fit in with the rest of the game and what knowledge we have  at all. 

Westen aligned characters are family + teammates + friends who help. 

The rest of the Westen aligned characters are specifically clients of Michael from the first season

  • BcB, Bill Reese - Client in 4th episode
  • Dome, Sophie Stagner - Client in the 3rd episode 
  • Mission, Virgil Watkins - Client in the 6th episode
  • Pwny, Nick Lam - Client in the 9th episode 
  • Forge, Doug Baker - Client in the 10th episode 
  • Slappy, Laura - client in the 2nd episode 

Your claim is not a family member, teammate, or friend. And isn't a client. In fact, he's listed as a bad guy: 


Am I missing someone that would debunk what I am saying here? I don't think I am, but someone please feel free to correct me. Your claim doesn't make sense to me, and I'm having a hard time with that. 


19 hours ago, Forge said:

How dare I have qualms with something I quite clearly should have qualms with. 

You can't debunk it. Sucks. Maybe you are telling it true and got dealt a crappy hand, but your claim doesn't fit. You probably should have rolled that way. But you can't have someone making you look bad. Nope. But because you can't show the flaw in what I am saying, you have to cast aspersions by throwing out what appears to ostensibly be the OMGUS. Anyone who has an issue with you must be scum with a list that is apparently ever expanding. Kind of sad, but I get it. When you don't have anything to work with, have to scrape the bottom of that barrel for ideas to try and make the idea look bad. Makes the voting easy with that kind of response though. 


Did you fail to recall I was happy with being the lynch yesterday?  


All I have to work with is the truth of my character, my alignment, my role and effort put forth for town.

Diego Cruz, westen aligned


active and asked questions, probed and pushed players.  voted every day for who I felt was scum or made it clear I was trying to see if someone was still unvoteable.  

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:


Did you fail to recall I was happy with being the lynch yesterday?  


All I have to work with is the truth of my character, my alignment, my role and effort put forth for town.

Diego Cruz, westen aligned


active and asked questions, probed and pushed players.  voted every day for who I felt was scum or made it clear I was trying to see if someone was still unvoteable.  

Who should we lynch today, I'd say you have avoided that 

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Just now, The Orca said:

Who should we lynch today, I'd say you have avoided that 

I can answer for fun

You dont want to alienate and misfire getting a return vote

You cant push Heim

You cant push Wolf

You cant push Matts 

You cant vote me

Forge may be your only choice but he is already on you so...no push from you today lol

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38 minutes ago, The Orca said:


Think about who is left alive and who got killed

Matts- checked out by his own admission and not reading and PGO cant be bombed possibly

Wolf- clear town and only voting until today basically

Forge- not reading, coasting, by his own admission

You- similar to Forge mi us some really intent days and times

Me- cant die

Squire- the bomb/bomber

This isnt entirely true. I missed like 50 pages, but I am reading now.

30 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

@Matts4313, @wolfeyestrk, @Forge - are we all in agreement to lynch squire? 

I'm going to put my hit in on Orca.

I can't hit Matts. Wolf is cleared. Squire is an easy lynch. 

I'd rather just roll the dice that a day hit can kill Orca than hit Forge right now.

I could hit squire and have a 50% chance that racks comes back, but the benefit of possibly getting rid of Orca outweighs that possibility


Yes, but in the event that squire is telling the truth, I dont think your vote should be on him. 

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On 4/5/2020 at 5:16 PM, Forge said:

It's about a guy who eats a lot of yogurt


On 4/5/2020 at 5:26 PM, Forge said:

To have fun! 


On 4/5/2020 at 8:03 PM, Forge said:



On 4/5/2020 at 8:03 PM, Forge said:

So PGO vig? That sounds like kind of an awesome role. 


On 4/5/2020 at 9:56 PM, Forge said:

Lol yeah, that's not an accurate image in your head. I'm not effeminate exactly, but I sure as hell am not a man's man. 


On 4/7/2020 at 12:47 PM, Forge said:

Someone give me an update


On 4/7/2020 at 12:52 PM, Forge said:

I already posted my response to the 10 round draft thing. I'm in. Especially if I don't have to listen to obnoxious fans and people announcing picks. 

Good to see Italy is on the road to recovery. 



On 4/7/2020 at 7:35 PM, Forge said:

I am less caught up than sanchez....

Hell has frozen over. 



On 4/8/2020 at 3:09 PM, Forge said:

Im not going to lie... I'm kind of insulted, Slappy


On 4/8/2020 at 4:09 PM, Forge said:

No, I'm insulted because it seems like Malf would be your priority over me. I get that you'd be concerned about both. 

@Malfatronis like the generic knock off version of me in mafia. If you're going to go after one of us, you go after the original, great mafia talent...and spoiler alert, that's not Malf (it's me....)


On 4/8/2020 at 4:10 PM, Forge said:



On 4/8/2020 at 4:14 PM, Forge said:

The amount of work that entails compared to interest in it is actually grossly out of whack, to be honest. 


On 4/8/2020 at 4:21 PM, Forge said:

I have read somewhere in the area of 19-33 total posts in this thread. So probably not a lot. 

I'm worth everyone's attention. I'm Forge. I don't understand the question. 

I'm not going to lie...I thought this was the Amazing race game. 




On 4/8/2020 at 4:24 PM, Forge said:

You've convinced me. Malf



On 4/8/2020 at 6:39 PM, Forge said:

he's a loose cannon!!!



On 4/9/2020 at 6:03 PM, Forge said:



On 4/9/2020 at 6:07 PM, Forge said:

Nothing much. Working and trading. Creating big boards. 

I could easily be a GM of a team, I've decided. 


On 4/9/2020 at 7:39 PM, Forge said:

 Should I be changing my vote? Who am I voting for?


On 4/9/2020 at 7:40 PM, Forge said:

You convinced be yesterday to vote malf. Is that no longer a thing for you?


On 4/9/2020 at 7:41 PM, Forge said:



On 4/10/2020 at 10:19 AM, Forge said:

Why Heim? 


On 4/10/2020 at 2:09 PM, Forge said:

That's not how I take what Orca said. I felt like he was saying that he basically scum hunts (IE, "is town friendly") regardless of his alignment. meaning if he's scum, he still scum hunts.  But I could be taking that wrong. 


On 4/10/2020 at 4:03 PM, Forge said:

I was mostly just being a ******. If you read the rest of the exchange, I was mostly giving slappy crap for suggesting Malf was a bigger threat than myself

I don't have an investigative role or a role that generates results at all. 


On 4/10/2020 at 5:15 PM, Forge said:

I've been busy and haven't been game solving even the 6 times I've shown up...so you're doing better than me. Well done. 


On 4/10/2020 at 5:16 PM, Forge said:

so Heim or Malf? 


On 4/11/2020 at 12:21 AM, Forge said:

My role wasn't known, but I used a move. I'm hopeful someone can confirm it at some point from one of the nights. 

I'm a commuter. 


On 4/11/2020 at 12:22 AM, Forge said:

I didn't miss my move, see above.


On 4/11/2020 at 12:26 AM, Forge said:

He means that they were both clearly town, so a town vigilante wouldn't Target them. They were targeted by people with an anti town agenda


On 4/11/2020 at 5:32 PM, Forge said:



On 4/11/2020 at 5:40 PM, Forge said:

I get it. But Mookie  seems to be the guy that everyone from all these disparate corners of the game seem to agree on being scum, and yet nobody will vote him. That seems....kinda weird? 


On 4/11/2020 at 7:03 PM, Forge said:

Mookie, bcb, malf, touch/ counselor, orca, forge.

I'm an over achiever


On 4/11/2020 at 7:03 PM, Forge said:

Good call. I'm with you



On 4/11/2020 at 7:07 PM, Forge said:


I welcome any and all investigations tonight. Let's see how everyone does with the results


On 4/11/2020 at 7:11 PM, Forge said:

I thought someone cleared pwnys character? 

This is town squire as far as I can tell.

Heim id clear on the basis of the kidnapping. He's fairly new to mafia so far as I know, I don't think he's getting froggy 



On 4/11/2020 at 7:49 PM, Forge said:



On 4/11/2020 at 8:57 PM, Forge said:

Survivor doesn't seem logical if he can't be voted or targeted. Any chance his win con is the elimination of the government?


On 4/11/2020 at 9:00 PM, Forge said:

Could make sense since government apparently needs him dead. If his role is anti government it could fit


On 4/12/2020 at 12:03 PM, Forge said:

I'm Doug Baker, Westen Aligned. Commuter. 


On 4/12/2020 at 12:22 PM, Forge said:

Not particularly. Will be reading the last few pages on my walk I'm about to go on


20 hours ago, Forge said:

But everybody wasn't role blocked. All of their moves were simply directed at Wolfie. That's how I took the write up. I'm confused. Am I understanding that incorrectly? 


20 hours ago, Forge said:

I basically just "hide" and can't be targeted at night. 


20 hours ago, Forge said:

Not going to lie, Squire...I have a major issue with your claim. 


19 hours ago, Forge said:

I don't know that it's the truth. It doesn't fit in with the rest of the game and what knowledge we have  at all. 

Westen aligned characters are family + teammates + friends who help. 

The rest of the Westen aligned characters are specifically clients of Michael from the first season

  • BcB, Bill Reese - Client in 4th episode
  • Dome, Sophie Stagner - Client in the 3rd episode 
  • Mission, Virgil Watkins - Client in the 6th episode
  • Pwny, Nick Lam - Client in the 9th episode 
  • Forge, Doug Baker - Client in the 10th episode 
  • Slappy, Laura - client in the 2nd episode 

Your claim is not a family member, teammate, or friend. And isn't a client. In fact, he's listed as a bad guy: 


Am I missing someone that would debunk what I am saying here? I don't think I am, but someone please feel free to correct me. Your claim doesn't make sense to me, and I'm having a hard time with that. 


19 hours ago, Forge said:

How dare I have qualms with something I quite clearly should have qualms with. 

You can't debunk it. Sucks. Maybe you are telling it true and got dealt a crappy hand, but your claim doesn't fit. You probably should have rolled that way. But you can't have someone making you look bad. Nope. But because you can't show the flaw in what I am saying, you have to cast aspersions by throwing out what appears to ostensibly be the OMGUS. Anyone who has an issue with you must be scum with a list that is apparently ever expanding. Kind of sad, but I get it. When you don't have anything to work with, have to scrape the bottom of that barrel for ideas to try and make the idea look bad. Makes the voting easy with that kind of response though. 



12 hours ago, Forge said:

I commuted 


11 hours ago, Forge said:

Ah. I basically hide and can't be targeted 


11 hours ago, Forge said:

I will leave that unanswered for now to leave the wifom.


1 hour ago, Forge said:

I'll be at my desk working, so here but not here. Just tag me when you need me. 


1 hour ago, Forge said:

I doubt that he's just straight unkillable. I can't remember playing a game like that, even in Swag's White House Mafia. There may be qualifiers that need to be met  in order to achieve it, but I have never heard of anyone that is just straight unkillable thoughout the entire game. 


1 hour ago, Forge said:

Is your obsession with me because I put out the most point blank, irrefutable argument against your claim? 



That is your near full contribution from Forge.    I will let the rest of you discuss what you see.

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