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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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Good night all.   Hopefully I can get more sleep and not wake up thinking of what one of you jackwagons said on D4 that I need to find to make a case or defend myself.  

how some of you do it is beyond me.


To the mods, can we try to get a game up so it would wrap up before the NFL draft starts?   maybe allow something to start on Thursday and it would be done in about a week?   

We will all be on good behavior

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1 minute ago, daboyle250 said:

I claimed vanilla because if I claimed cop in a previously unknown faction, I’d either get lynched or hit immediately.

Me and Counselor were two parts of the alignment compare cop. I chose a target and he chose another. When I died, he became sole compare cop. He’s not exactly wrong about being in a mason group.

And Swag’s PM to all 3 of us outright said we counted as town. Not ifs, ands, or buts about it. You were wrong.

Did you win?

No one is disputing you counted to the numbers now. I get it.

You weren't town though, that's why you all had fake claims, lied, didnt win from what I know etc. Its all good. You all did great imo 

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2 minutes ago, daboyle250 said:

I claimed vanilla because if I claimed cop in a previously unknown faction, I’d either get lynched or hit immediately.

Me and Counselor were two parts of the alignment compare cop. I chose a target and he chose another. When I died, he became sole compare cop. He’s not exactly wrong about being in a mason group.

And Swag’s PM to all 3 of us outright said we counted as town. Not ifs, ands, or buts about it. You were wrong.

I swear Swag did this to feed into our paranoia and general distrust that we have in eachother. These roles are bizarre. 

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Except when you were having naughty girl pillow fights with malf in the kidnapped playgirl mansion.  

Lol, ah the good times

while mafia was doing so, so well.

We talked about so many things in the chat

I found out the exact town wincon from Heim and then pretended that i had the same one.




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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Well this was a doozy of a game. At least I was there to save town.

nice job drawing the leading role and posting like 30 times the entire game.  

I guess you tried to shake the rackcs scum game as town by mirroring that playstyle.   Smart!!!!!!!!

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Just now, squire12 said:

nice job drawing the leading role and posting like 30 times the entire game.  

I guess you tried to shake the rackcs scum game as town by mirroring that playstyle.   Smart!!!!!!!!

No, I just genuinely couldn't keep up. I kept up the first 2 or 3 days, and then fell behind and by the time I was ready to get going again, I died. Still killed Malf though so I was only mostly a detriment to town.

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3 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Go back and read what I said.  Town lean for mookie(because he targeted no one and went nowhere) compared to essentially a town lock for squire(bomb and communication with no one).

I didn't phrase it that way for no reason.  And based on the info I had, I made the right call.  Mookie happened to go against the odds.  Still made the right call.  

Agreed. You never truly said mookie was town just that you had higher priority targets or something similar.  

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Just now, The Orca said:

Did you win?

No one is disputing you counted to the numbers now. I get it.

You weren't town though, that's why you all had fake claims, lied, didnt win from what I know etc. Its all good. You all did great imo 

Our wincon was ultimately achieved, although I'm sure Swag will try to act like we didn't win because we all died. I genuinely like you Orca, you and Pickle seem like good people, so don't take this personally, but you were flat-out wrong about me not being town. 

My role PM is below, just for awareness. See italics for the fact that I am town. 

On 4/5/2020 at 5:23 PM, SwAg said:

You are Agent Harris, Alignment Comparison Cop, Government-Aligned


Ability:  You may target one person each night.  This person will have their alignment compared with Agent Lane’s target.


You are considered Town for the purpose of the ratio. 


You win by eliminating all threats to the Town, but cannot win with Michael Westen remaining in the game.


You have safe fake claims of Javier (Westen-Aligned), David (Westen-Aligned), and Anwar (Unlikely Allies-Aligned).

Discord:  [link]


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3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I literally don’t give a **** if you’re gonna label as good fun and 100% joke. It’s not. 

you are 100% wrong on us being non-town. We counted as town for the ratio. We were not non-town or a threat to town at all. Our wincon was directly tied to town winning. We would never win if town didn’t. Your read was dead wrong. 

yes, daboyle used the fake claim and nearly everyone in the thread proved exactly why he was right to want to do that. 

mason might be a stretch but for all intents and purposes we were literally a 3 man mason cop group with a funky wincon. 

you can say all you want about Swag but we literally just got back from being barred from mafia because of outlandish behavior with no sense and severely lacking maturity. 

you say I was disrespectful to you? You need to read it again. You repeatedly lied (and were 100% wrong) to (by your own admission) wreck everyone’s wincon and make them lose. 

let me guess, that was a joke too? 


don’t respond. Don’t invite me to anything you do. I will not in any capacity speak to you. I don’t need your drama and bull****. I’m dead *** done. 

What the heck

So Swag can intentionally blow a game as town but he is a superstar according to you 

I got outed D2 and instead of accepting the contract and dying cause Mwil was voting me every day to see and everyone would have pounced I did the next best thing. Own scum up until you were lynched. Then switched to trying to make everyone lose cause i was losing. What is wrong with that?

I had to get it to 1-1-1 with the two voting each other and me not voting. It wasnt going to happen

You are a hypocrite. It's in black and white

We got mafia back you must tell the truth about all moves, alignments, reads etc.. do you hear yourself. You all lied. Period

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