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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

The crazy thing is, I had a bomb on you.  The wording I got from swag I interpreted that I could detonate it.   That was inaccurate, I had to die via lynch or hit for it to detonate.  

I submitted to swag to disarm the bomb at the deadline for the day





.......I am not sure how I was not able to do so.   The response I got from swag was that it was detonated before I could disarm it.   

Only answer I have for that is @rackcs submitted his move before I did.  


yep, michael basically sacrificed himself to kill me

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

There were a few roles that evolved based on other events.  

Counselor and Daboyle

Orca....though still not sure what his actual role/character/wincon was


Matts had some randomness to his


Oh I know but with the way people were reacting I felt like they would just look at it like an attempt to paint racks in a bad light. 

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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

There were a few roles that evolved based on other events.  

Counselor and Daboyle

Orca....though still not sure what his actual role/character/wincon was


Matts had some randomness to his



On 4/5/2020 at 5:36 PM, SwAg said:

You are Evelyn, Hired Assassin, Independent-Aligned 

Ability:  You are a ghost and cannot be targeted in any capacity until you accept a contract.  You will be offered a non-descript contract each Day Phase with a Difficulty and Resource Rating.  The Resource Rating is reflective of the powers or abilities (resources) you would receive for accepting the contract.  These ratings are assessed in a vacuum, exclusive of one another.

You win by surviving to see your contract to completion.

Fake Claim:  Jenna Reese


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Game Wrap-Up:

Local Miami Baddies

MWil as:



You are Glenn Harrick, The Godfather, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned

Ability:  You may make yourself either Lynch or Night Kill immune each Night.  You may not use each ability more than twice in a row.

You win when you control the vote.

You have safe fake claims of Lucy Chen (Westen-Aligned), Akhom Thabet (Westen-Aligned), Phillip Cowan (Unlikely Allies-Aligned), Doug Baker (Westen-Aligned), and Cara Stagner (Westen-Aligned).


Forge as:



You are Bruce Gellman, Esq., Lawyer, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned

Ability:  You may target one person each night for a full protection.  No night action will succeed against them.  Additionally, you have a 1-shot death reveal delay and frame.  You can choose any character and role for that person to flip.

You win when you control the vote.

You have safe fake claims of Lucy Chen (Westen-Aligned), Akhom Thabet (Westen-Aligned), Phillip Cowan (Unlikely Allies-Aligned), Doug Baker (Westen-Aligned), and Cara Stagner (Westen-Aligned).


Mookie as:



You are Consuela “Concha” Ramirez, Street Cop, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned

Ability:  You will be informed of one night-result taken from a Town Power Role each night.

You win when you control the vote.

You have safe fake claims of Lucy Chen (Westen-Aligned), Akhom Thabet (Westen-Aligned), Phillip Cowan (Unlikely Allies-Aligned), Doug Baker (Westen-Aligned), and Cara Stagner (Westen-Aligned).


Malfatron as:



You are Reyes, Kidnapper, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned

Ability:  You may target individuals to be kidnapped at any time.  You are highly unlikely to be observed performing this action, unless there are an abundance of witnesses.  You may perform this action two (2) times.

You win when you control the vote.

You have safe fake claims of Lucy Chen (Westen-Aligned), Akhom Thabet (Westen-Aligned), Phillip Cowan (Unlikely Allies-Aligned), Doug Baker (Westen-Aligned), and Cara Stagner (Westen-Aligned).


- Kidnap had 100% success rate on everyone except Michael, Sam, and Fiona.
- Kidnap victims could communicate via discord if kidnapped at overlapping times.
- Overlapping kidnaps increased success rate of kidnap victim efforts to frustrate the kidnappers.


Rick as:



You are Quentin King, Roleblocker, Local Miami Baddies-Aligned

Ability:  You may target one person each night to be roleblocked.

You win when you control the vote.

You have safe fake claims of Lucy Chen (Westen-Aligned), Akhom Thabet (Westen-Aligned), Phillip Cowan (Unlikely Allies-Aligned), Doug Baker (Westen-Aligned), and Cara Stagner (Westen-Aligned).



Factional Hidden:  

- Kill has a 50% chance to convert Unlikely Allies (Diego Cruz and Carmelo Dante).
- Escalating Kill Enhancement if non-Town : Town ratio falls below X.  The enhancements included: (1) strongman, (2) ninja, (3) motivation variant, (4) traveling PGO, and (5) Janitor at tier 3.  The preceding two tiers only had (1) lesser motivation variant, (2) roleblock in addition to kill, (3) choose write-up flavor.
- Each member of the faction had a kill style from the show that imitates another present character.
- Could gain additional factional ability if ransom were paid.  These additional factional abilities included: (1) mass roleblock except your kill ($350,000); (2) +2 Kills ($700,000); +2 guilty frames ($600,000); incorporate a deceased player's role into one of your roles ($1,000,000).



Glen as:



You are Jan Haseck, Serial Killer, Independent-Aligned

 Ability:  You are able to kill one person on every Even Night (2, 4, 6, etc.). 

You win by killing at least three people and outlasting Michael Westen.

Fake Claim:  Jake Miller


- Lynch would only be successful if Michael or Government were on the lynch line.
- Removed from play when Win Condition is met.


Orca as:



You are Evelyn, Hired Assassin, Independent-Aligned 

Ability:  You are a ghost and cannot be targeted in any capacity until you accept a contract.  You will be offered a non-descript contract each Day Phase with a Difficulty and Resource Rating.  The Resource Rating is reflective of the powers or abilities (resources) you would receive for accepting the contract.  These ratings are assessed in a vacuum, exclusive of one another.

You win by surviving to see your contract to completion.

Fake Claim:  Jenna Reese


- There were eight total contracts that could occur.  They were spread equally between pro-Town and pro-Scum conditions, with a few exceptions.  For example, eliminate X scum characters, but also eliminate Sam Axe.
- The Difficulty and Resource ratings were done on a scale of 5.
- For Difficulty, the roll determined the amount of components to the contract, however, these components could include portions that were already completed in the regular course of the game (up to a maximum of two already completed components).
- For Resource, a the roll determined the type of JOAT the role would become, as the roll would be the amount of moves the role receives.  Every move in the game was submitted into the pool of available abilities for the role determination.


TLO as:



You are Sugar, Drug Dealer, Independent-Aligned 

Ability:  You may offer one person drugs each night.  The drug given to the person is random, and can have various consequences.

You when you have successfully given drugs to four people.


- Drugs had various effects, ranging from hallucination on night results, role enhancement, motivation, framing, and death.
- Main Characters would never accept drugs.
- Carmelo Dante would kill Sugar regardless of the Random PGO.
- "Innocent" people had a higher chance of death (See Town section for "Innocent" score)
- Scum had a higher chance of positive effects from the drugs.



Daboyle as:



You are Agent Harris, Alignment Comparison Cop, Government-Aligned

Ability:  You may target one person each night.  This person will have their alignment compared with Agent Lane’s target.

You are considered Town for the purpose of the ratio. 

You win by eliminating all threats to the Town, but cannot win with Michael Westen remaining in the game.

You have safe fake claims of Javier (Westen-Aligned), David (Westen-Aligned), and Anwar (Unlikely Allies-Aligned).


Counselor as:



You are Agent Lane, Alignment Comparison Cop, Government-Aligned

Ability:  You may target one person each night.  This person will have their alignment compared with Agent Harris’s target.

You are considered Town for the purpose of the ratio. 

You win by eliminating all threats to the Town, but cannot win with Michael Westen remaining in the game.

You have safe fake claims of Javier (Westen-Aligned), David (Westen-Aligned), and Anwar (Unlikely Allies-Aligned)


- When 1/2 of Harris and Lane is eliminated, the other becomes a simple Alignment Cop.
- The first deceased will not flip as the Comparison Cop, and the second deceased (if applicable) will flip as the new role.


Touch as:



You are Special Agent Jason Bly, Special Investigator, Government-Aligned

Ability:  You may have one individual arrested and removed from the game at any time.  You cannot be eliminated by a Night Kill.

You are considered Town for the purpose of the ratio. 

You win by eliminating all threats to the Town, but cannot win with Michael Westen remaining in the game.

You have safe fake claims of Javier (Westen-Aligned), David (Westen-Aligned), and Anwar (Unlikely Allies-Aligned).


- Can be eliminated via Night Kill by Strongman Kill, or if two or more kills are submitted against him.
- Receives one additional arrest if the ability is (1) already used and (2) Michael Westen kills a Town member.


Westen / Unlikely Allies

Rack as:



You are Michael Westen, Overpowered JOAT, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may use each of the abilities as many times as you want, but you cannot use the same ability on consecutive nights: (1) Strongman Roleblock, (2) Strongman Alignment Investigation, (3) Bus Driver (switch all targets between two players), (4) Strongman Kill.  Also, you may find Sam and Fi.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Forms temporary mason chat with Sam or Fi upon finding them.
- Targeting Sam stops him from passing information (involuntarily) to Government.


bcb as:



You are Bill Reese, Concerned Father, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may target one person each night to determine if they are a person you would want around your daughter, Jenna.  You will discover if they have violent tendencies or the capacity to kill.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Returns guilty on all Local Miami Baddies except Gellman and all Independents.
- Returns guilty on Bly, Sam, Fiona, Michael, Nate, Virgil, and Diego.
- Innocent Score:  6/10


Sanchez as:



You are Ernie Paseo, Watcher, Westen-Aligned.

Ability:  You may target one person each night to discover who targets them.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Innocent Score:  6/10


Pwny as:



You are Nick Lam, House Sitter, Westen-Aligned 

Ability:  You may house sit for one person each night.  You will absorb all night actions that occur after the target’s move is used.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Does not protect from roleblock or redirect.
- Protects from kill (non-strongman), investigation, watch, and track.
- Innocent Score:  3/10


Heimdallr as:



You are Fiona Glenanne, Vengeful Lover Protector, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may protect one person each night from being killed.  If Michael Westen is killed, you receive a one-shot (1) kill.  If you kill the person responsible for Michael’s “death,” there is a 50% chance he will be revived (revealed to have survived).

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- 33% chance of killing anyone who targets the person you choose to protect.
- This 33% chance increases by 10% for each successive time you target one player (does not have to be consecutive).
- This 33% chance increases by 10% for each person who visits the player on the night of the protection, excluding yourself (and the player, if applicable).
- The maximum chance of this hidden ability occurring is 60%.
- Ability to pay ransom.


Matts as:



You are Carmelo Dante, Random PGO, Unlikely Allies-Aligned

Ability:  Each person who targets you will receive some type of consequence.  The consequence will vary, and can be anything from receiving a gift to being killed.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Repertoire of abilities available for the randomized effect: Kill, Reflect, Involuntary Lightning Rod (Mass Redirect to 1 random target), Gift, and 2-phase frame (Night + Day).
- Ability to pay ransom.


Josh as:



You are Nate Westen, [Incompetent] JOAT, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may use each of these abilities once: (1) Track, (2) Watch, (3) Kill, (4) Roleblock, (5) Alignment Investigation.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Incompetent is hidden.
- Track and Watch have a 25% chance of being seen by the target.
- Kill has a 100% chance to fail and provide the target with a gun, making them a temporary PGO (1-kill max).
- Alignment Investigation and Roleblock have 100% effectiveness.
- Innocent Score:  1/10

Mission as:



You are Virgil Watkins, Jailor, Westen-Aligned 

Ability:  You may protect one person each night, but the person is also roleblocked due to your protection.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Ability would not work during Lightning Rod.  Instead, would be drawn there and suffer in Madeline's place.
- Innocent Score:  2/10


squire as:



You are Diego Cruz, The BOMB, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You will blow up upon your death, killing one of the people who voted for you, or the person who killed you.  If you survive to Day 6, you may plant the Bomb on another person. 

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Actually Unlikely Allies-Aligned.
- Bomb has a Janitor effect.
- Innocent Score:  1/10
- Ability to pay ransom


Ragnarok as:



You are Sam Axe, Mojito and Recon Specialist, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may select one person to perform recon or surveillance on each night.  The type of surveillance will be randomized.  Also, you may choose to consume mojitos during the day phase, which will grant you a random daytime benefit, but you must post as though you are drinking. 

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Chance to pass information to Government related to his results and/or Westen's identity.  (Unknown to player).
- Every investigation ability is available to be randomized.  A maximum of three abilities will be performed with each target.  Consuming a Mojito reduces this maximum to two.
- Mojitos produce one of the following daytime effects:  (1) grants player double vote, (2) requires votes for you be your full username, and (3) decreases the base level of votes you have by X.


Slappy as:



You are Laura, Gossiper, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You will reveal random nighttime information in the write-up by being overhead gossiping.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Gossip's accuracy reduces over time.  Each night after Night 2 has an escalating 10% chance to be faulty.  However, the faulty information cannot result in a definitive Guilty result.
- Innocent Score: 7


Wolf as:



You are Madeline Westen, Lightning Rod, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may prompt every active ability used on a particular night to target you instead of the user’s intended target.   You may use this ability one (1) time.

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Michael will not kill Madeline even if Lightning Rod would normally cause it.
- Innocent Score:  8/10


Swoosh as:



You are Barry Burkowski, The Money Man, Westen-Aligned

Ability:  You may conduct a financial analysis of one person’s accounts each night to reveal if they’re connected to any shady or nefarious activity. 

You win when all threats to Westen-Aligned / Unlikely Allies-Aligned (Town) are eliminated.


- Chance to accidentally give Local Baddies money upon investigating them.
- Ability to pay ransom.
- Returns "guilty" results for all main characters and scum.
- Innocent Score:  3/10

Edited by SwAg
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So, a little preliminary commentary: it may look like Scum had a plethora of power.  And, to be fair, they did.  But a decent amount of it was tied to other variables, or contingent upon the development of the game in areas beyond their control or influence.

They probably don't get the escalators if the Independents showed up to play besides Orca.

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

@Malfatron we suspected this when we found out that Heim was Fiona that meant bad news for us.


Just now, Malfatron said:

yep lol

all the more reason to kidnap myself.

dude was breaking out anyway

Just the way the game breaks sometimes.  I went to pretty considerable lengths to ensure you all had a fair shake, but basically no Independent help beyond eating an early lynch kneecapped you.  Then you were basically reliant upon Orca taking a contract and unleaching mass death upon the game.

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