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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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6 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You are confirmed nontown and admitted nontown, posts show you are scum. Plain and simple, it's all there. You said you need Westen dead to win. Why leave that out now. Oh cause that's not town lmao

Wrong, wrong and wrong again. 

I haven’t left anything out, I’ve simply explained to you how we are town for ratio purposes. 

keep on spinning orca. 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Oh I absolutely would hit malf. I’m dead set that he is scum. 

the only one lying here, is you. 

Again, you’re lying as for ratio purposes we are town. 

another spin job.

another spin job. 

again, you getting dizzy yet? 

But you DO NOT count as a ratio for town.  Otherwise you would be Westen aligned or Unlikely Ally aligned 

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3 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Daboyle didnt make it to matts to get info bc he died trying.  He died there before he could.  Thus absolutely no info to be gained and certainly not compared to mwil.  

You are flat out lying about that info as well as me.  

He was compared to mwil 100% and is not aligned with him. It’s not a lie. 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Oh I absolutely would hit malf. I’m dead set that he is scum. 

the only one lying here, is you. 

Again, you’re lying as for ratio purposes we are town. 

another spin job.

another spin job. 

again, you getting dizzy yet? 

You already hit the floor and I buried you with everything I have posted

You dont have a leg to stand on. It's over for you all

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I'm not lying and your caught.

If they are each one half of an alignment compare, that night you wont get results. Also, Counselor is a rolecop

I know for a fact Mookie is scum. So I guess we are at an impasse so to speak 

Except you are lying. I can’t be “caught” because we are town for ratio purposes. We are not scum no matter how hard you try to spin it. 

counseor is not role cop, stop lying. 

So now you also have information that mookie is scum? So you have like 10 pieces of “info” at this point? 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Wrong, wrong and wrong again. 

I haven’t left anything out, I’ve simply explained to you how we are town for ratio purposes. 

keep on spinning orca. 

That's a lie. You are a scum faction. I've proved it 100 times not to mention the freaking night info hasnt been wrong yet. 4/4 Boom!!!

You are acting like when I caught Mwil xD

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

You already hit the floor and I buried you with everything I have posted

You dont have a leg to stand on. It's over for you all

LMAO I haven’t hit any floor nor have you “buried” me with anything. I have refuted 100% of your lies and spin jobs. You are Evelyn and scum. I guarantee it. 

at first I thought you were pro town, but no town player is going to lie and spin as hard as you are right now. 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Except you are lying. I can’t be “caught” because we are town for ratio purposes. We are not scum no matter how hard you try to spin it. 

counseor is not role cop, stop lying. 

So now you also have information that mookie is scum? So you have like 10 pieces of “info” at this point? 

Dont worry about it. Gopher would be proud. Bcb as well xD


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@The Orca




@Slappy Mc



Touch has slipped big time.  He claims to have invest results from daboyle when he visited matts (the pgo that killed daboyle).  

If you visit a PGO you die.  You do not get your invest results and then relay it to your faction.  

Roles do not work like that.  Touch is 100% lying about that and me.  I beg him to kill me to prove that I am Carla and not a local baddy but he is balking. 

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