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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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On 4/5/2020 at 5:05 PM, SwAg said:

Game Start:



The sun beat down upon the dense concrete jungle known as Miami.  It is a place of paradise.  There are scantily-clad women, properly made beverages, delicious cultural foods, party drugs -- you name it!  But with paradise comes trouble, and you can make that double!  Because with this vast intersection of cultures and people from all walks of life, there will always be certain individuals who seek to capitalize on the vulnerable for their own gain.

These individuals once ran this city.  Even now, they still maintain power but they've certainly suffered a loss of influence.  Until now?

He's a damn ghost.  We are never going to be able to get back to business as usual with him around.

Hmph.  Hardly.  I see him as more of a you problem than a me problem.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?  You think just because he hasn't come for you directly yet that will stop him?

We all need to settle down.  We called this meeting to get ahead of this problem.  Our endeavors have been hampered, and banding together is the only wa--

Yeah, yeah, teamwork.  Yada yada feel-good bull****.  How about you all just stay out of my way, or you'll catch a bullet as quick as this guy.

The group observed their fragile but necessary alliance with less than enthusiasm... but after a tense discussion, the group decided that a common enemy is enough to unite them.

We need more on this guy.  We cannot keep playing this game at a disadvantage.

I got some boats we can rock, we'll get something on this guy.


A few days later, the body of SwAg washed up on Miami beach.  There were clear signs of torture... I don't think anyone could hold out information under those circumstances... poor bastard, whoever he was.  He is unidentifiable, but he was certainly not a bad guy.  He was Westen-Aligned... or at least Unlikely Allies-Aligned.


It is now Day 1.  Deadline:  9 P.M. EST, Monday April 6, 2020.

@MWil23, @Counselor, @daboyle250, @rackcs, @bcb1213, @11sanchez11, @pwny, @Glen, @Dome, @Forge, @Pickle Rick, @Heimdallr, @Matts4313, @JoshstraDaymus, @The Orca, @MookieMonstah, @mission27, @TLO, @squire12, @theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @Ragnarok, @Slappy Mc, @wolfeyestrk, @swoosh

Someone make it apparent that there is a ghost-weston. @MWil23

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13 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Just kidding, you  babies. 


13 hours ago, squire12 said:

I know you are wrong.  Burden is on you to prove your statement or admit that it is just a made up line of crap.  I feel you won't do the latter and can't do the former.   Feels like a scum pickle just tossing crap at the wall to look active.


13 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:


13 hours ago, The Orca said:

You all are missing the big picture here...

Mwil IS scum!!!

12 hours ago, Matts4313 said:


12 hours ago, Counselor said:


11 hours ago, swoosh said:



5 hours ago, MWil23 said:


Your campaign against me aside, that vote switch at the deadline, followed by your refusal to acknowledge what Matts asked you about using the same logic about Pickle and saying "I know him" isn't good enough. You're either scum or antitown Town.

4 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I voted ORCA and so did at least one other person

3 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Hey josh. @JoshstraDaymus

Have your feelings or daboyle or wolf (or slappy) changed at all since the mission flip?

Do you feel better, worse, or the same about them.

I think you may have towns best interest in mind, but im just checking


3 hours ago, Malfatron said:

if you have a red letter, @The Orca, just tell us

otherwise, it gives scum an excuse to do this


2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Swoosh has been inactive, didn’t vote D1, threw down a mindless vote on me to lazily follow a BS Orca push to avoid being modkilled, and we likely won’t see him again today.

2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Mwil good job @The Orca

2 hours ago, Malfatron said:

What about players who only voted for themselves? I searched back through your posts and you didnt mention my name once. why not? why am i absolved of your suspicion?



@pwny Were you able to get a good read on anyone yet. If you thought glem was scum, would you vote him?

1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

I just realized something ironic based off of a favorite Dr. Seuss book growing up. TLO

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:


You havent escaped my list.

1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

So someone role comps someone they get back not aligned lol.  


30 minutes ago, Counselor said:


Because I am alignment compare 

27 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


26 minutes ago, daboyle250 said:

Oh damn


12 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Lets go for undeniable proof.

Orca @SwAg



Vote Count

Mwil, Mookie, Malf, Orca - Matts
Pickle - Squire
Pwny, Mwil - Pickle
Mwil - Orca
Orca, Matts - Counselor
Mwil - Swoosh
Orca, Swoosh, TLO, Matts - Mwil
Josh, Swoosh, Pwny - Malf
Mwil - Touch
Matts - Daboyle


Real Vote Count
(4) Mwil - Pickle, Orca, Swoosh, Touch
(3) Matts - Counselor, Mwil, Daboyle
(1) Orca - Matts
(1) Pwny - Malf
(1) Pickle - Squire


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OFFICIAL(!!!) Vote Count:

MWil - 4 - Orca, Swoosh, Touch, Rick

Matts - 3 - Counselor, MWil, Daboyle

Malfatron - 1 - Matts

Pwny - 1 - Malfatron

Rick - 1 - squire

Daboyle - 1 - Slappy

Edited by SwAg
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6 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

So do we think people with violent pasts are bad guys? 

Thats a strong no from me dawg.

3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You think I put forth any effort to get to know bcb or anyone else?!

No, but I assumed your guesses would be relevant. As far as I know, @bcb1213 loves Rebecca Black and no one else.

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