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FF Interviews - Next up: mission27!! (P10)

Shady Slim

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Full transcript of Shady:

1.      ASL, what do you do for a living, and tell us a little bit about Mrs Shady?

20, male, and I'm from the Blue Mountains about one and a half hours west of Sydney. Studying law at Sydney University and working at two law firms part time; one of them's super fulfilling and challenging but is unpaid and the other is paid but really is not the area I want to get in to, and isn't that fulfilling; the people are great though. Mrs S and I met at Uni in First Year (we are now Third Year, here we just denote the year by the year) and by the end of that year we were together, her degree is in business info systems and she works part time at a fintech. Together we are just the right mix of love and crazy to have the time of our lives, you've got to have that right amount of crazy to take on this world and we do

2.      How did you come up with your name, ShadySlim?  Are you a big Eminem supporter?

When I got in to online forums first it was as a ten year old playing Disney's Toontown Online and finding the forum for that, and I went by the name of my guy on that game Sir Skids Nickelton, which was an autogenerated name from the name bank in that game. Eventually that was a name that I felt was a bit silly (great game though, big part of my childhood) and so I went to this... tbh I'm not all that huge in to Eminem, he's got a couple good songs, Without Me a standout, no doubt, but it just sort of came to me. I'm shady, I'm slim (tho in a fit way), it just sort of works - kind of a **** origin story tbh but still better than a lot of marvel movies

3.      How did an Aussie end up a big football fan anyway?

In Australia we don't have jocks and nerds but I was pretty much the closest thing to a jock you'll find in an Australian high school; but we don't have high school and college sports the way you do there. We have them, they're just not as lionized. So you only here really follow the major sports leagues, you don't have that stake in your college and high school sport; as such we've got a much more open sporting calendar here, very conducive to picking up sports from other countries. American football, when I would have only been like, five, I rented out Madden from Blockbuster and played as the Steelers because of their colours, but forgot about it after I returned it. I'm someone very in to politics and I followed the 2016 Primaries from when they weren't even voting yet in 2015, and somewhere along the line following the primaries I started looking in to the NFL again, and when it came to picking a team I went back to my roots and went with the Steelers, just like i did way back when.

I wish that the high school and college sports were as big as they were there tbh, because then I would have a track scholarship to uni (tho we have government subsidized uni anyway so it's not a life or death thing, it would just be nice to have the scholarship); but here you only really get sports scholarships if you're national level.

4.      Now that mission’s Patriots are no more, do you think your Steelers have a shot to finally win something, or is Ben done?

Tbh yes, I think that Lamar isn't great (while he is a great player he's not a great passer see vs the Steelers last year and what we did to him, and to me you need to have that passing ability for the clutch) and Baltimore doesn't have a vise grip on winning the division as much as some people think imo... we were an 8-5 team before we dropped the final three games, and that was after pissing away the Baltimore game in OT and with the worst signal callers in the league... Ben's throwing it with no pain for the first time in five years, something's got to give in the Burgh now with this elite D. Pitt, Cle, then Bal and Cin. Then we take the Bowl against NO, book it! Steelers Saints has been my Bowl pick for the past three years running and tbh I do think they were the best two teams in the comp in 2017 (when we got Jags'd and they got Diggs'd), but it's this year it'll come true, believe me, believe me. If not us then the Chiefs, you've got to go the Chiefs again.

5.      Can you give us a little color on how you came up with this interview idea and why you picked mission to host?  Who would your second choice have been if mission had had to turn down this great opportunity due to his other commitments?

I ripped it from another forum, shameless, because it's a top idea, and like all of us I'm going mad just living in quarantown. I went with you because I know that you'd do a good job hosting, and you wouldn't be afraid to ask the bold probing questions that the forum needs to hear (eg q20). If I had to get a second choice it would be @FinneasGage, and it would probably be very Joe Rogan Experience, different, but still very insightful.

6.      When you first joined the forum mission thought you were TLO posting on a false name to **** with him, based on your George Costanza avy and smug attitude.  Have you ever been confused for someone or told you look like someone in real life (or on FF)?

I've been told that I look like Baker Mayfield and I only kind of see it tbh, think a more smug baker with more spiky hair, but I only sort of see it... Without going in to too much detail I can do a really convincing Russian accent I've used to do things that could very liberally be construed as fraud on multiple occasions but I can't divulge in to those hehe - don't want to be disbarred before I even go get my practicing certificate

7.      What is the biggest misconception about Australia out there?  What’s your most and least Australian quality?

The misconception is that it's dangerous here! Sure it is in the outback, the middle of nowhere where like five people live, but in the cities it's a great place and no danger, no spiders or snakes etc, like any other city! Sydney is just so sublime! I'd say that my most Australian quality is that dumb bravado to rush in to things head first, and that my least Aussie quality is that i'm not massively racist - everyone here is, it's tiresome. Tbh. what gets most tourists is rips at the beach - dangerous areas of surf that non Australians generally aren't too great at spotting from the shore, and then they swim in to them and get stuck. Read up on them before you come.

8.      What’s the first thing you’re going to do when this pandemic starts to fizzle out?

Mrs S and I aren't all that well off but we're going to go to Tetsuya, which is a hatted restaurant in the city, and get the absurdly expensive and gastronomic degustation there as a treat - something we haven't ever done before, treating ourselves in such an excessive way on account of the being stuck indoors. Both of us are big Masterchef fans and Tetsuya's been on there a couple of times and it just looks divine. Was stuck on a train coming back from a date in the city with Mrs S once and we got stuck behind a coal train that broke down, and spent a solid hour chatting with the couple next to us who'd just come back from Tetsuya - they told me it's a definite must-do, but save it for a special occasion on account of the dollars. Breaking out of Quarantown is one such occasion, definitely!

9.      What’s your take on the MoL model controversy, are you pro or anti MoL model?

The numbers in any model are totally subjective - the weightings, the variables, and such are all decided by the guy creating the model, so criticisms that are being levelled at the MoL model could to me be levelled at any model given we don't have perfect information as of yet. But even if you think the numbers are all bunk, the directionality and the trend as well as the relativity of the numbers are all more objective metrics you can pay attention to even if you don't believe in the metric - I believe in it though. In seriousness, not as a real model with ironclad power, but it does the job as an easy-to-digest summary for football fans on the football forum, as long as you don't read too much in to it tbf.

10.   Have you ever met anyone from FF?  If not, who would you be most interested to meet (outside of the MoL of course)?

Looking forward to the MoL australia vacation or the shady slim americarnival tbh, but it's a tossup between finn and @TedLavie... finn and i are closer in age than most people here and I, and get along well, and Ted is just an all round cool dude who I quite like.

11.   What’s your dream vacation?

Probably one that takes me to a Super Bowl and a Stanley Cup Final, as well as a Steelers Game at Heinz and a Penguins game at the PPG Paints Arena... i'd love to see Evgeni Malkin and Sidney Crosby play before they retire but it's probably too late for me to see Big Ben before he calls time on his career. Everywhere, everywhere in the world and I take Pittsburgh

12.   If mission were to visit Australia what should be on his agenda?

King's Cross is where all the hedonists go so I'd direct you there for sure, it's got the right balance of clubs, organised crime and women for you definitely. So that's where you'd be hanging around most nights - but there's so much more in terms of natural beauty, you'd be well served to come see the Blue Mountains, and see some of our more obscure beaches in the city and the lookouts in the Mountains that only a local can know about. Just whatever you do avoid Penrith.

I think you could get behind Nimbin too, think of it like hippy burning man 24/7 and there’s no cops. The beaches, you've got to see the beaches in an Australian summer, sort of the "must do", Opera House and Harbour Bridge are our Grand Canyon style landmarks that all who come see, but having an Australian tour guide (me) would help to set the more obscure parts of the agenda.

13.   You once taught mission how hockey works and it led to maybe the most significant relationship of his life (outside of his relationship with TLO of course).  Could you give us a 30 second high level explanation of cricket, in case someone out there is trying to get with a cricket girl or boy?

Very proud of that, first of all hehe. 

Cricket's not even that hard! You have got a bowler, who bowls an over - six balls in a row. He bowls to the batsman, who tries to get runs by hitting the ball. Unlike baseball it is not hit and run, and so if the batsman hits it and stands his ground he can not get grounded out as in baseball ("run out" in cricket). The bowler has to get the batsman out by knocking over the stumps, which are a set of wooden poles behind the batsman, by getting the batsman to play a shot in the air that gets caught on the full, or by getting the batsman Leg Before Wicket, hitting him on the legs where the umpire thinks the ball would've gone on to hit the stumps, had he not got his leg in the way.

The batsman can get a run by running to the other end of the pitch, four runs by hitting it over the boundary rope and six by hitting it on the full over the boundary rope. Unlike baseball, you are still out there when you get a run - and so the value is on not getting out, not getting the big dinger. Which is why a cricket game lasts so long - because batsmen have their first priority of not getting out! Once he has done his six ball over, the bowler takes a break and a new bowler bowls an over, but from the other end of the pitch (the pitch is a rectangle), and to the batsman standing at the other end; repeat!

14.   If you were Webby for the day, what changes would you make to FF?

I would put in a politics subforum but strictly enforce that political talk must stay there. I post on another sports forum and it works there, and they are very strict having no political talk outside of that subforum - and it doesn't seep in, nor does every one all of a sudden hate people from different sides of the political compass. I understand why there's no political forum, it is a very divisive topic and it would get messy, but I'm just such a politically minded guy and live for that controversy and that argument so I would be all for it! Tbf, maybe it can work on other forums because many would argue other nation's politics aren't as polarised as they are there, however I would say that that's bs and they definitely are. But I do get the reasons behind no politics forum.

15.   Would you ever want to be a mod?  Why or why not?

Nah no way I don't think, I just could not commit to it - plus I am always on the verge of breaching a lot of forum rules like the one about politics myself... but then again every good historical leader is a flagrant hypocrite so I can be next in line! Shady 2020 get on it ffs

16.   Who is your ideal celebrity girlfriend or boyfriend, if Mrs Shady didn’t exist?

I'll go with my childhood crush here, that being the graceful pre-doping controversy Maria Sharapova. As someone who is himself very very physically fit that's always been something that I've been super in to and as such Sharapova was young Shady's crush, so that's who I'd default to - and i couldn't take Tay, i'd have to leave her for you to answer this question if you know who didn't exist

17.   You are stuck in quarantine for the next 6 months, you can choose one of the following:

a.      Person

b.      Book

c.      TV Show

d.      Movie

e.      Food

I'll go with

Mrs S

Photo Album with photos of loved ones (or if that's cheating Moneyball)


come on don't say face off don't say face off don't say face off Face Off

Mum's ragu... it is so, so good, and it's not because of the flavours only, because there's no ingredient as good as love tbh, and then some mule to wash it down hehe

18.   What is your greatest dream in life?

As cliche as it sounds it's federal politics, to run this damn country. Growing up where I did below the poverty line I became aware of such concepts of institutional socioeconomic inequality, disadvantage, etc, and how so many people struggle every day through no fault of their own but because of their place in a grossly unfair system - anyone that has been around me for more than four seconds knows that I'm outspoken and a big lefty (that is as political as i will get), and though I am as of now studying law, i want to parlay a career in law helping the disadvantaged in a field such as employment law in to a career in the political game. I'm cynical and I don't trust the political system to deliver the best outcomes for society, and given that i'm someone who's very assertive and likes to take the bull by the horns the logical conclusion is to be the big man myself; and i don't want to get in to politics to be a politician, for anyone who wants to do that is a social climbing sycophant. Naive as it is you have to go in wanting to help as many people and achieve change.

Why set it to being the prime minister? That's just the way I am - I'm not the sort of guy to be happy as just a politician, as one of the many forgettable backroom legislators in the crowd - I'm someone who has to be the guy.

19.   What is your greatest fear?

Getting cliche again it's got to be failure. I hold myself to an incredulously high standard in all that I do and I'm very tough on myself; I don't give a second care about criticism from many people, from coworkers or friends, but from me I am very very critical, and probably to a bad extent. That's part of why it's in my nature to want to be number one, and just a mild success isn't enough for me - that drive to win, win, always go for more, probably to an unhealthy level. I suppose when you mix in a huge self esteem with a decent brain, limitless ambition and a dash of moxie you get me, the guy who's always going to push himself to do more and be better even when it's not a great idea. Sometimes you should take time at base camp to regroup and take stock of where you are, and all that self reflection is something I don't do enough of - if i could change my mindset from "anything less than number one is a failure" in to the more pragmatic "it's great to have come this far, but better to go further" I reckon it would do me a lot of good.

Cynically you could say probably my desire to want to be the guy also stems from a fear of being forgotten; I believe that there is a life after we pass, I am a Christian, but we can live forever on earth if we leave a big enough legacy, and i would reluctantly admit that plays a small part in me wanting to be the highest of the high, and not just being satisfied with being just "good" - ffs that's way too philosophical for a Wednesday morning

20.   Favorite Taylor Swift song?

Blank space is a close second but the winner here is definitely 22, which is my lucky number and the date of Mrs S and I's anniversary! I do not at all believe in coincidence and there are some things that I put down to destiny and that's one of them tbh.

21. When will the Wuhan virus end?

That's up to the governments tbf, if we talk about it coming to an end to mean the virus is completely gone that could be over a year, but wrt getting things back to normal? I think that most countries will have their regulations peel beginning late May to early June, and depending on how that goes, they'll loosen them further or keep them around for longer - we're seeing a spike in cases in China, after they have loosened restrictions a bit, though i'm not sure if there's a reason for that beyond the restrictions - so it's not just the lifting of restrictions that's key but the immediate trends after that too that are of importance

22. Shady and mission have always been very tight in Big Brother games.  In your opinion, what's the biggest mistake we've made in past years?  And who is your favorite player to play with other than the MoL?

When we got to final four, it was us, @Whicker, @Ragnarok. Whicker gave me the chance to buddy up with him and my plan was to take it and bounce Rags, making it so F3 was us and whicker, and then we deuce Whick at F3 and so it's us at F2. Unfortunately, Whicker got me to show my hand and own up to the fact I wasn't serious about taking him up on his offer, and sniffed out that I was likely to go back on him - and so I got bounced at F4 instead and you went soon after.

Whick's probably the non MoL guy that I like playing with the most for that same reason, he got me in BB and I'm the sort of guy to respect a worthy adversary, and he was that in spades

23. What famous people are these people?

Well mission and TLO are both the same guy and that's American Psycho Christian Bale

Webby gives off the vibes of the guy from the West Wing, honourable, practical, and ready to stand proud for his people

I said before that interviews with finn would be like JRE so Joe Rogan

Tbh I still picture Tyty as being the mad magazine guy because of his avi when i came here, ditto bucsfan and bucco bruce

Malf is our Norm McDonald and is the leading satirist of our time

Pwny's cool as a cucumber and a very reasonable man, he's like what I thought Obama was before i became a bernie guy

ET's also quite the cool cat, he's like the group dad - think of a cooler Ed O'Neill in Married with Children - Tks.

24. Ask mission a question

I'd ask what put mission on the path he is today, what was the one tipping point time that turned young innocent mission in to present mission

25. Missions Answers:

That's a fantastic question 

I can truly tell you there is one moment in time above all others 

Back in 2008, on the old forums, when a certain someone (@TLO) drafted Ted Williams in the all-time baseball draft and it was love at first sight 

I'd also say the MoL summit in February of 2018 nearly 10 years later was a seminal moment in reinforcing that as much of a degenerate smug prick as I was, there was even further I could go

Anyway thank you very much Shady it was so nice having you

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On 4/14/2020 at 6:00 PM, Shady Slim said:

definitely 22, which is my lucky number and the date of Mrs S and I's anniversary! I do not at all believe in coincidence and there are some things that I put down to destiny and that's one of them tbh.

22 is my lucky number too (pun intended). I see it everywhere. As in, I'll be driving down some random street and look up at a electronic sign that shows it's 6:22pm, I'll buy some random items at the store and the total will end in 22 cents, some car will cut me off (I drive very fast) and the license plate have a 22, or I'll pause a TV show to go do something really fast and it will be 38:22 into the show... This happens an eerie amount of times 

I told this to an Uber driver one time in San Francisco and he told me that 22 is a 'master number' and is 'powerful'. I was kind of taken aback at first but then I googled it, and it's pretty remarkable the symbolism in the number possesses. It's also noteworthy how numbers can tie into the natural world. I think you should go read for yourself what a 'master number 22' search yields 


I also see a lot of 22s in movies and TV shows. Lots of addresses will have 22 in them or things of that nature. When they need a made-up meaninglessness number it's 22 more often than not. It makes me believe someone out there believes 22 is the most powerful number known to man 


The 49ers played in the Superbowl on 2/2/2020. That felt like destiny. We had such an amazing run. We always seemed to make plays when it mattered most. We lost 3 regular season games by a total of 7 points (not counting a meaningless td against the falcons with no TDs - was essentially an own goal). We beat down bad teams and out played basically everyone we faced all season. We won 2 playoff games that were both basically over at halftime. The NFC was supposed to be the most competitive conference and then we finally got healthy (week 4 bye was rough) and it was a wrap. It was the best team chemistry I've ever seen in football 

Still doesn't feel real. I had started to really move on, but then I read this article and it's kind of reopened the wound and then some 


First confirmed case of covid-19 in California was on 2/2/2020 in the same county that the 49ers stadium etc etc is located 

Just would have made it bittersweet. Win a Superbowl, have a parade, 2 weeks later tens of thousands of people all get sick at the same time? Really depends on how many people were already sick, but millions of people congregating in dirty downtown San Francisco probably would have been the 2nd best day of my life behind only 2/2/2020 (the actual day we would have won) but also could have us talking a lot differently about northern Californias numbers right now (LAs numbers drag down CA overall. The bay did the right thing hella fast)

It also paints this alternate reality in my head because it so vividly creates the image of a parade down market Street where I'm high fiving everyone and I lost my voice before I even get there 

Just imagining the feeling makes euphoric... And then hungry for a 2020 REVENGE TOUR. Hopefully I get a chance to see my squad by August 

So you want to talk about destiny/no coincidences with regards to 22? it might be true, but that's up to you 



Edited by N4L
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On 4/17/2020 at 12:50 AM, N4L said:

22 is my lucky number too (pun intended). I see it everywhere. As in, I'll be driving down some random street and look up at a electronic sign that shows it's 6:22pm, I'll buy some random items at the store and the total will end in 22 cents, some car will cut me off (I drive very fast) and the license plate have a 22, or I'll pause a TV show to go do something really fast and it will be 38:22 into the show... This happens an eerie amount of times 

I told this to an Uber driver one time in San Francisco and he told me that 22 is a 'master number' and is 'powerful'. I was kind of taken aback at first but then I googled it, and it's pretty remarkable the symbolism in the number possesses. It's also noteworthy how numbers can tie into the natural world. I think you should go read for yourself what a 'master number 22' search yields 


I also see a lot of 22s in movies and TV shows. Lots of addresses will have 22 in them or things of that nature. When they need a made-up meaninglessness number it's 22 more often than not. It makes me believe someone out there believes 22 is the most powerful number known to man 


The 49ers played in the Superbowl on 2/2/2020. That felt like destiny. We had such an amazing run. We always seemed to make plays when it mattered most. We lost 3 regular season games by a total of 7 points (not counting a meaningless td against the falcons with no TDs - was essentially an own goal). We beat down bad teams and out played basically everyone we faced all season. We won 2 playoff games that were both basically over at halftime. The NFC was supposed to be the most competitive conference and then we finally got healthy (week 4 bye was rough) and it was a wrap. It was the best team chemistry I've ever seen in football 

Still doesn't feel real. I had started to really move on, but then I read this article and it's kind of reopened the wound and then some 


First confirmed case of covid-19 in California was on 2/2/2020 in the same county that the 49ers stadium etc etc is located 

Just would have made it bittersweet. Win a Superbowl, have a parade, 2 weeks later tens of thousands of people all get sick at the same time? Really depends on how many people were already sick, but millions of people congregating in dirty downtown San Francisco probably would have been the 2nd best day of my life behind only 2/2/2020 (the actual day we would have won) but also could have us talking a lot differently about northern Californias numbers right now (LAs numbers drag down CA overall. The bay did the right thing hella fast)

It also paints this alternate reality in my head because it so vividly creates the image of a parade down market Street where I'm high fiving everyone and I lost my voice before I even get there 

Just imagining the feeling makes euphoric... And then hungry for a 2020 REVENGE TOUR. Hopefully I get a chance to see my squad by August 

So you want to talk about destiny/no coincidences with regards to 22? it might be true, but that's up to you 



I pasted your entire post into an online word counter

2547 characters

47 - 25 = 22

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On 4/17/2020 at 12:50 AM, N4L said:

22 is my lucky number too (pun intended). I see it everywhere. As in, I'll be driving down some random street and look up at a electronic sign that shows it's 6:22pm, I'll buy some random items at the store and the total will end in 22 cents, some car will cut me off (I drive very fast) and the license plate have a 22, or I'll pause a TV show to go do something really fast and it will be 38:22 into the show... This happens an eerie amount of times 

I told this to an Uber driver one time in San Francisco and he told me that 22 is a 'master number' and is 'powerful'. I was kind of taken aback at first but then I googled it, and it's pretty remarkable the symbolism in the number possesses. It's also noteworthy how numbers can tie into the natural world. I think you should go read for yourself what a 'master number 22' search yields 


I also see a lot of 22s in movies and TV shows. Lots of addresses will have 22 in them or things of that nature. When they need a made-up meaninglessness number it's 22 more often than not. It makes me believe someone out there believes 22 is the most powerful number known to man 


The 49ers played in the Superbowl on 2/2/2020. That felt like destiny. We had such an amazing run. We always seemed to make plays when it mattered most. We lost 3 regular season games by a total of 7 points (not counting a meaningless td against the falcons with no TDs - was essentially an own goal). We beat down bad teams and out played basically everyone we faced all season. We won 2 playoff games that were both basically over at halftime. The NFC was supposed to be the most competitive conference and then we finally got healthy (week 4 bye was rough) and it was a wrap. It was the best team chemistry I've ever seen in football 

Still doesn't feel real. I had started to really move on, but then I read this article and it's kind of reopened the wound and then some 


First confirmed case of covid-19 in California was on 2/2/2020 in the same county that the 49ers stadium etc etc is located 

Just would have made it bittersweet. Win a Superbowl, have a parade, 2 weeks later tens of thousands of people all get sick at the same time? Really depends on how many people were already sick, but millions of people congregating in dirty downtown San Francisco probably would have been the 2nd best day of my life behind only 2/2/2020 (the actual day we would have won) but also could have us talking a lot differently about northern Californias numbers right now (LAs numbers drag down CA overall. The bay did the right thing hella fast)

It also paints this alternate reality in my head because it so vividly creates the image of a parade down market Street where I'm high fiving everyone and I lost my voice before I even get there 

Just imagining the feeling makes euphoric... And then hungry for a 2020 REVENGE TOUR. Hopefully I get a chance to see my squad by August 

So you want to talk about destiny/no coincidences with regards to 22? it might be true, but that's up to you 



Okay, Jim Carrey. 

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