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The QB Thread: Everything Carr, Stidham and beyond...


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2 minutes ago, SimonGruber said:

25-30 in theory with competent roster management the team can re-up the offense in particular

Yessir, it’s waaay to early to go off the deep end based on what vinny b is SPECULATING!! Key word there being SPECULATING! Lmfao! And then you got tools from “the spun” and “clutch points” running with clickbait articles saying Carr’s camp is demanding , wanting etc. whichever word creates the best  BUZZ!! it’s ridiculous and now the sky is AGAIN falling. Lmfao!!

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38 minutes ago, Devilshark69 said:

3 flippin years of Carr debate, and currently at least 3 threads taken by carr debate. SMH, sad and hilarious at the same time. Shouldn’t even be a debate this off-season due to lack of legitimate replacement. IMO. That being said I’m sure some will bring up Rogers or Wilson, yes they’re better options, that have FAT contract numbers are older and require stupid amounts of comp. I’ve already said it, if they don’t like Carr fine trade him and roll with MM this upcoming season and focus on next year or twos draft. And I’m not alone in this opinion.

Winning cures all and we were a potent offense when we had the necessary pieces last year. Hopefully w/ a rejuvenated offensive minded coach and getting back those pieces we lost, we can recreate that success. Trading Carr and rolling w/ Mariota basically just means you're giving up on the season and we were in the playoffs last year. Why take all those steps backwards? That doesn't make sense to me.

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52 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Winning cures all and we were a potent offense when we had the necessary pieces last year. Hopefully w/ a rejuvenated offensive minded coach and getting back those pieces we lost, we can recreate that success. Trading Carr and rolling w/ Mariota basically just means you're giving up on the season and we were in the playoffs last year. Why take all those steps backwards? That doesn't make sense to me.

I understand fans not wanting to go through another rebuild witness 3-14 or 2-15 type years. If it’s done right can setup some long term success. However  It’s just a matter of how much Carr is going to get seems pretty obvious he’s a huge reason Mcdaniels is here. 

Edited by SimonGruber
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Regardless of your thoughts on Carr, the market is the market and he'd slot in around that 40 mil per year range. Easy for us to say "take a team friendly deal" sitting at home not putting our body on the line every year. 

Second, the salary cap is a myth. The best players get paid if the owner has deep enough pockets. It's all about cash. Wasn't the point of moving to Vegas to increase cash flow? I don't think Davis is strapped as he was in Oakland with Mack needing extended.


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2 hours ago, Devilshark69 said:

3 flippin years of Carr debate, and currently at least 3 threads taken by carr debate. SMH, sad and hilarious at the same time. Shouldn’t even be a debate this off-season due to lack of legitimate replacement. IMO. That being said I’m sure some will bring up Rogers or Wilson, yes they’re better options, that have FAT contract numbers are older and require stupid amounts of comp. I’ve already said it, if they don’t like Carr fine trade him and roll with MM this upcoming season and focus on next year or twos draft. And I’m not alone in this opinion.

If we were not looking to extend him right now there wold not be as much talk.  Currently this is the only thing going on with the team.

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1 hour ago, drfrey13 said:

If we were not looking to extend him right now there wold not be as much talk.  Currently this is the only thing going on with the team.

I agree, that post was more about the endless debate. The Marriott part was strictly if they wanted to trade Carr. I like him better than any other stopgap out there as a FA.

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2 hours ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Winning cures all and we were a potent offense when we had the necessary pieces last year. Hopefully w/ a rejuvenated offensive minded coach and getting back those pieces we lost, we can recreate that success. Trading Carr and rolling w/ Mariota basically just means you're giving up on the season and we were in the playoffs last year. Why take all those steps backwards? That doesn't make sense to me.

Again , I agree. The post was mainly in regard to the endless debate. And I was saying “IF” they wanted to trade Carr, I’d roll with Mariota as a stopgap preference over any other FA’s to clarify. And just out of curiosity, why would that mean we’re giving up on the season? Maybe mariota plays well? Ya never know. I would rather roll with him than other free agents is all I was saying. And no, I don’t believe they’ll trade Carr. Fwiw. 

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1 hour ago, Devilshark69 said:

I agree, that post was more about the endless debate. The Marriott part was strictly if they wanted to trade Carr. I like him better than any other stopgap out there as a FA.

As soon as he signs the debate will switch back to where he ranks relative to his salary.  This debate will not end until he is on IR, off the team, or wins some playoff games.  He is warm water which is why he creates so much debate.  He is frustrating because he does not prove either side correct with any certainty.  I am in the camp of of taking a risk unless he gives us enough of a discount to build more around him to cover up his issues.  I am also of the opinion that he has the talent to be elite.  That is why I say he is like having a hot wife that does not put out.

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1 hour ago, Devilshark69 said:

Again , I agree. The post was mainly in regard to the endless debate. And I was saying “IF” they wanted to trade Carr, I’d roll with Mariota as a stopgap preference over any other FA’s to clarify. And just out of curiosity, why would that mean we’re giving up on the season? Maybe mariota plays well? Ya never know. I would rather roll with him than other free agents is all I was saying. And no, I don’t believe they’ll trade Carr. Fwiw. 

I agree with this for last year but I do not know how MM would fair in McDaniels system.  

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16 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Apologies if I sound like I’m over reacting, I’m still waiting for the contract to be done and the details. Low 30’s is ok. Still not ideal, but I’ll live with low 30’s as long as keep Crosby as well. 

I just get tired of the franchise making the same circle of mistakes, over and over and over, for 20 years, and feel like fans do not give this team anywhere close to the criticism it deserves. We have made more dumb decisions in the past 20 years and no franchise even comes close to it. I thought it would change when Al passed (god rest his soul) but it hasn’t changed at all. 

We deserve a championship caliber football team. 

Edit: Like would anyone really be shocked if we let Crosby walk to pay Carr? I wouldn’t. And while fans would be angry at first, over half this forum would try to justify it after a 48-72 hour cooling down period. It’s just super annoying. 

you mention the mistakes this organization has made over and over again, like burning through top 100 picks like they're going out of style. Yet, we've still been competitive the last couple years, due in large part to the QB. Look what a guy like Stafford, who before this season people had no problem putting in the same class as DC, did with some talent around him. i dont think we need to overpay DC, but the going rate for a top 10ish QB is what it is. I dont think he will be asking for top of market money, but i do think he will want to be paid like a top 10 QB, Which is 30+ per.  

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2 hours ago, big_palooka said:

Regardless of your thoughts on Carr, the market is the market and he'd slot in around that 40 mil per year range. Easy for us to say "take a team friendly deal" sitting at home not putting our body on the line every year. 

Second, the salary cap is a myth. The best players get paid if the owner has deep enough pockets. It's all about cash. Wasn't the point of moving to Vegas to increase cash flow? I don't think Davis is strapped as he was in Oakland with Mack needing extended.


Exactly all of this.  A huge segment of folks in here that obviously have no idea how salary caps work and how easy to circumvent they are.  The market is going to justify this price tag in the near future and the sheer assumption that signing a qb to a standard market deal is going to mean we have to get rid of our other players is straight up lunacy.

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4 hours ago, SimonGruber said:

I understand fans not wanting to go through another rebuild witness 3-14 or 2-15 type years. If it’s done right can setup some long term success. However  It’s just a matter of how much Carr is going to get seems pretty obvious he’s a huge reason Mcdaniels is here. 

I'm not particularly crazy about the McDaniels hire but his offenses did do well where our offenses have lacked which has really been our main problem. If he can remedy that, I'll start calling for his statue to be built b/c we're going to win a lot of games. I don't want Carr to get more than $40 and would prefer he get 3/4 of that but I'm not sure that will happen.

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